Disclaimer: I don't own the vampire diaries or the originals

I dedicate this chapter to red-as-a-rose12335 for believing in me that I could do this

Thank you to my fabulous beta glitterkkay

Klaus and Caroline lay cuddling on the forest floor after numerous rounds of hot hybrid sex. "That was amazing."

Caroline gasps out of breath. "Yeah it was."

Klaus agrees, also out of breath. "I wish we could just stay here."

Caroline says a little sad. "Me too but we have responsibilities and lives we have to get back to."

"At least now maybe since you admitted your feelings for me you can consider my offer to show you the world." Klaus offers, trying to cheer Caroline up.

"Not now but soon. How about this I will come visit you at the end of every month in New Orleans." Caroline replies, trying not to show that she's sad he's leaving so soon.

"That sounds wonderful love, but I have something to tell you about New Orleans." Klaus knows if Caroline comes to New Orleans she's going to find out about Hayley and the baby. He knows he has to tell her but he doesn't want her to hate him.

Caroline stands up to get dressed and Klaus follows in suit. Caroline picks up her ruffle hem cami. "You ripped my shirt. This was brand new I just bought it and now I have nothing to wear." Caroline complains.

Klaus reaches down and picks up his black Henley from the ground. "You ripped my shirt too, and my favorite one at that. Now we're even. "

He laughs. Caroline slips on the torn shirt anyways and zips the jacket up around her. Maybe no one will notice. While Caroline is putting on her black boots, she gets back to the subject. "Now what was it you were going to tell me about New Orleans."

Klaus takes a deep breath and reassures himself that he can do this. "Do you remember Hayley."

Caroline, a little shocked replies, "Yes, I remember the wereslut. Why?"

Klaus takes another deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Well before we left for New Orleans, Hayley and I had sex."

Caroline's face immediately turns red with anger as she answers him. "WHAT you had sex with the wereslut while you were flirting with me."

"It didn't mean anything, we were both drunk." Klaus says, trying to calm Caroline down.

"That doesn't make it any better." She hisses.

"There's more." Klaus continues.

"Hayley is pregnant." Klaus says, his voice filled with dread.


Klaus stays calm, knowing what Twilight is as Rebekah made him watch it. "Apparently it is because Hayley is pregnant with my daughter."

Caroline tries to stay calm but brutally fails. "I can't believe you! First you say you fancy me, that you'll be my last love however long it takes, but you tell me your having a baby with that wereslut! All this after you finally get me to admit that I love you."

Klaus desperately tries to calm Caroline down. "Caroline, Caroline, love, listen to me."

Caroline tries to contain her anger. "What are you going to tell me now? That you never really cared for me at all and that this was just a game to pass time."

Klaus flinches at the insult. "Love, my feelings for you haven't changed since I first met you. I do fancy you. I do intend to be your last love, there are just complications now."

Caroline doesn't want to listen, she just wants to go home. Her emotions are on a rampage and she wants to just cry. "I have one question." Caroline asks.

"What is it?" Klaus asks, willing to answer any question she may have.

"Why her? Why impregnate the wereslut out of all the other girls in the world?" Klaus is left breathless by the question.

This is not what he expected. "I didn't know I could get anyone pregnant, much less her. If the possibility would have even jumped in my mind I wouldn't have slept with her. I dreaded telling you all this because I didn't want you to hate me but I knew if you came to New Orleans you would find out. I want you to know I don't have any feelings for Hayley at all. I think Elijah does, but I don't. Your all I think about Caroline. If I could choose the mother of my child it would be you."

Caroline doesn't know what to say as she is overwhelmed by emotions. Anger is the one that emerges. "Wow that is so considerate of you. Giving me the honor of your word. I want to be mad at you, but I was very loosely with Tyler too so I can't say much more." She tells Klaus fighting to keep her voice even.

"Meaning?" Klaus asks slightly confused.

"Meaning me and Tyler were friends with benefits. We never dated."

"Ok so where does that leave us." Caroline shakes her head, wishing to go back to when they were silently cuddling.

"I don't know. I need time to sort everything out. Give me two days to figure it out and I'll give you an answer about us."

Klaus knows she needs time and decides to give it to her. "Of course love. Walk you back to the boarding house?"

Caroline smiles and takes his hand. The walk back to the boarding house is quiet. Klaus is sad about leaving.

Arriving at the boarding house door, Caroline turns and gives Klaus a hug. "Goodbye."

He says softly, planting a kiss on her smooth cheek, sadness in his eyes.

"Goodbye Klaus. I'll text you in two days with my answer."