Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Hey guys! Sorry for the long break again. I'm just getting a little behind in everything. But don't worry. Im still here. Still in this story. :)

Chapter 17:

Kakashi avoided Sakura now. He didn't really have to try hard but he made a point to avoid certain bars and training grounds she frequented. Sakura didn't scare him; he was more scared of himself. His reaction in the inn and how much he wanted her scared him. Not to mention she had almost killed him. How could he trust her if she had an anger that could lead her to kill her teammates? He didn't know what Naruto and Sasuke had said her, they wouldn't tell him. Her anger was now a serious problem, now that she could back it up with amount of power she wielded.

Right now though he was leaning against a closed shop in the shadows of the brightly lite street. Lanterns were lighting the street at the moment and there were food vendors and games. The festival was in full swing and most of the women were dressed in tradition kimonos. Gai had dragged him out but Kakashi had given him the slip in the crowd. Kakashi thought about heading to one of the bars but they were overrun with festivalgoers. Now he was just people watching from the shadows.

A flash of blue in the crowd caught his attention. He saw Yamanaka Ino with her blonde hair down in a pink kimono and she looked lovely. Most men gave her a double take, if not a third. However, as she leaned over to look at something in a stall, Kakashi saw Sakura in an indigo blue kimono. When she went around Ino to move out of someone's way Kakashi had to blink a few times but he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Her hair was in a pony tail as usual but the contrast of the pink as it fell against the blue of the fabric made it that much more vibrant. Even her wraps around her eyes matched the color of the kimono.

She turned her head slightly and the she turned fully, facing directly at him. Kakashi didn't know whether or not to run. Ino seemed to look where Sakura was looking. She leaned into Sakura and whispered something to her before shoving her hard in his direction. She stumbled forward and Sakura was fine for the first couple of steps but Kakashi watched as she hit a stone on the third step and began to fall. Instinctually Kakashi rushed forward and caught her, righting her.

"You know, they really need to fix these damn roads, I trip over them way more that I should." She grumbled and then looked up at Kakashi. "Thanks."

His hands were still holding her shoulders and he was just taking her in. He was afraid if he let go she would disappear. As soon as he realized his thought, he let go of her shoulders as if they were on fire.

"You're welcome. You look beautiful." Kakashi shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks. Ino said I owed her. For every festival I missed. I don't think she understands that it's a little overwhelming to be with this many people. The sounds and the smells."

Kakashi chuckled. "I know a little about that."

"You told us that you had an incredible sense of smell." Sakura paused and clasped her hands behind her back, a small smile gracing her face. "But I wonder why you choose Watermelon shampoo to wash you hair in."

Kakashi coughed as he could feel the redness come over his face. He didn't realize her sense of smell had become that acute. Most people couldn't smell it, even if they stuck their nose in his hair. But for him it was a light scent. Sakura couldn't not only smell it but identity the smell as well.

"It gives you away."

"I can't believe you can smell that. You're nose might be better than mine now."

Sakura chuckled and tapped her bandages. "You're only missing one. I'm missing two. Get on my level."

Kakashi was surprised at her smile, laugh, and even lighthearted joking. He had only avoided her for about a week. Did what the boys tell her, bother her that much or was she just faking it for the festival?

"Kakashi! I found you! Come!" Gai came bounding over to Kakashi. "We must play this wonderful game of shooting the bottles!" His energetic step slightly fumbled when he saw Sakura and his voice turned much more formal. "Sakura-chan, you look lovely this evening."

"Gai, you look lovely tonight as well. That green suits you wonderfully." Sakura tilted her head and gave Kakashi a smirk.

He laughed and the seriousness of his tone seemed to disappear. "Come! Sakura! You must see the wonderful display of friendship and rivalry!"

"Wouldn't miss it. You know, if I could see it in the first place" Her tone was so light and her smirk so real that Kakashi smiled under his mask.

Kakashi took her arm and started to lead her. "In case you trip again."

He could tell she wanted to say something but her lips were kept pursed. They followed Gai down the street to one of the strands. Kakashi sighed as Gai started to stretch and roll his shoulders. Kakashi looked around the stand and then turned to Sakura.

"Looks like air guns, shooting small light balls. There are three milk bottles stacked, two on the bottom and one on the top. Those milk bottles that Naruto used to chug to blow the milk out of his nose." Kakashi felt her shiver and he chuckled. "Looks like they put on alternating fans on each side so that ninja's have a disadvantage."

"What are the prizes?"

"Well, there are key chains if you hit the bottles. Two different sizes of stuffed animals depending on how many you knock over. The grand prize is…" Kakashi looked above the bottles and there was a box with a beautiful knife. It was engraved with a design Kakashi couldn't place but it was set in black with the blade itself was very shiny polished silver. "It's a beautiful knife, if a ninja manages to beat it."

Gai paid and took three shots but he didn't hit a single bottle. He huffed but Kakashi allowed him to pay the woman again and take another three shots. His second shot was the only one that managed to hit the top bottle and knock it off.

"He got a small penguin stuffed animal."

Sakura chuckled. "Your turn."

Kakahsi sighed and paid the lady hosting the stall. He missed the first two times but the third time he hit the top bottle but not enough to knock it down. The woman pointed to the array of key chains. He picked out one that was also a stuffed penguin. Gai patted him on the back.

"Nice try my eternal rival but it looks like I won this time!"

Kakashi felt a jab into his arm and he looked as Sakura was pressing a small purse into his arm.

"Can you get out what I need? I don't know how much it is."

"Well now! The competitive spirit has moved our young Sakura-chan's heart! She shall not be denied a try! Go Sakura!"

Kakashi paid the lady with the money out of the little purse, noticing there wasn't very much inside to begin with. He picked up the gun and set it in the hands of Sakura. The fans were turned on and Sakura asked the woman if she could tap the bottles she was supposed to hit. The woman looked confused for a moment but Kakashi pointed to the blindfold. She obliged and after hitting each one once, letting it ring out, she stepped to the side. Sakura let off one shot but didn't hit anything. Kakashi smirked but his smirk fell away as he watched Sakura spread out her feet a little more and go completely still. Her hair was the only thing that swayed back and forth with the fans and she shot off the second. It hit the top bottle, shifting it back a little but not enough to knock it off. Again she went still, setting up the third shot. It was about a minute and she finally let off the third. It hit the bottom left bottle, knocking it over. The bottle on top toppled over as well but as it fell, it brought the right bottle down with it. They tumbled to the ground and Gai let out a whoop.

The lady stood stunned for a moment before shuffling over to the shelf where the grand prize was. She took the box and shoved the box into Sakura's now empty hands.

"Way to go Sakura! Your youthful beauty has beaten out both Kakashi and I! It reminds me I must train twice as hard to make sure I keep up with my own students! Excuse me while I go find Lee and some milk containers. Some training is needed!" Gai took off full speed down the street through the crowd.

"Well, that's one way to get rid of Gai." Kakashi chuckled.

"Trade you." Sakura held out the box to him.

Kakashi looked the knife, far more intricate detail than he first thought, as he looked at it closer. He brought up the little keychain he won.

"Hardly seems like a fair trade."

"How can I appreciate this?" She looked down at the box in her hand. "I know I'm holding it but I don't even know what it looks like, so having it out is useless. I also am not a fan of using knives in combat." She smiled sadly. "It would only go to waste if I were to take it. Plus, I would like a cute keychain."

"Okay." Kakashi placed the little penguin in her hand and took the box in her hands. He didn't want to say, but he actually had been trying for the knife. They started to wander down the streets in silence for a little while before Sakura took his arm.

"I'm sorry. I lost my temper. Sasuke and Naruto tried to assume things about me and asked something unreasonable of me. I was already perturbed at you for most of the day." Sakura shuffled her feet. "My…etiquette…is still a little rusty. I'm not used to dealing with…" She chewed on her lip, thinking.

"Friends?" Kakashi offered.

She nodded.

"It's okay Sakura. I know this transition isn't the easiest. That's part of the reason why Tsunade had me look out for you."

Sakura didn't have a chance to reply when Naruto, Sasuke, and Ino interrupted them.

"Wow! Kakashi! Wasn't that the grand prize from one of the stalls? If anyone could beat that dumb game it would be you! And Sakura, you got a cute little penguin keychain!" Naruto bounced around them, showing off his own prizes.

"Forehead! You ditched me!"

"Sorry Ino, I think I'm going to go home. It's getting to be a little much." Sakura, without another word from anyone, disappeared in a shower of cherry blossoms.

"Damn. I actually got her dressed and out of that house too."

Ino stormed off after saying goodbye to the three of them. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kakashi made their way to one of the less crowded bars and proceeded to drink away the rest of the festival. Naruto, hiccupping, was lead away by a very buzzed Sasuke and Kakashi watched as they stumbled out of the bar. He then proceeded to drink himself into a stupor as well.

Kakashi didn't remember the walk from the bar to his door but now he found himself fumbling for his keys. He finally got the key inside, unlocked it, and turned on the light. He placed the box and keys on the table when he realized the door didn't slam shut behind him. It clicked quietly behind him a minute or so later. Kakashi turned around to see Sakura, still in her blue kimono, leaning against the door.

"I hope I'm not intruding."