This is Yoru NightWitch and I am tired as heck.

It's been a long time.

I've been busy, have work, getting tired easily, but someone contact me in Wattpad and asked to continue this fanfic in the most worst tiring time.

I'm not even surprised anymore if this ends up as the worst chapter in this story since I barely look into this, but I have to reread it over and over again and thankfully I have left over noted for the last chapter and the extra chapter, but this one will be a lot longer than the others.

Note: There are some changes, but not too much, like how children addressed them with their name not 'I'.

Enjoy while you can.


Main focus : Kai/Misaki, Ren/Asaka, Kenji/Yuri

Tiny bit: Kamui/Emi and Aichi/Kourin

P.S I Definitely Do NOT own Vanguard. I just own an OC called Celino.

Last Chapter: Changes for Ourselves

- Kai's apartment, In the Morning -

Kai stares at the sleeping little figure right in front of him, breathing softly as the little one moves a little for comfort. He chuckled slightly as he patted her head, the sleeping little Misaki's head. They were on his soft bed, they were wrapped around with their soft and yet warm blankets while the morning sun slowly shines through the window. Kai was in a deep thought, remembering what Celino said during one of the guys' hang-outs after Misaki's nightmare problems.

'It seem that memories on the girl's ages can continue on in their dreams like a film. Watching through their life as a child to their present time. But it seems abit dangerous because once the girls comeback to normal, their memories will be messed up and forget of their weeks as a child and their time with you and the guys. No matter how good a person's memory is, the brain have it's limits.' Celino said in a concern voice as Kai, Ren and Kenji listen to him carefully since it's a serious topic. Ren and Kai also noticed Misaki and Asaka remembered something that doesn't happened before and often tell them their dreams. Kenji didn't know about this since Yuri didn't mention about dreams of her childhood, so this is a surprise for him. 'Wait, then why our memories weren't erased or did remember any memories of our life?' Kenji asked as Celino nodded.

'It because you guys are in different age to each other when you were turned into a child. You were all so cheerful and relaxed of the situation that time that you didn't think that anything can go wrong, you didn't freaked out to the girls when you first met them as a child. Unlike when you first met the littles girls, they freaked out, calling you stalkers and crying out how scared they are. The girls are the same age with each other. An age when they were still with their parents. Kourin and Yuri are okay since they were always with their family, their brother and sisters, so they are relaxed with their situation.' Celino explained further as the three guys continues to stare at him, absorbing information Celino have said. 'For the time being, Just take care of the girls, it's a heavy burden to remember almost everything in a day or two, so we'll turning them back to normal tomorrow at 12. Alright?" Celino said as the guys nodded.

Kai continues to stare at the sleepy young Misaki, because it's 7am, it's too early for her to get up on a Sunday and because this is his final day of the 'Little' Misaki. Kai carefully stroked Misaki's hair without waking her up, he have a lot of things in his mind now. He is concern of how to react to her once she turned back to normal. He's very much used to taking care of her as a child, but he almost forgotten that she's actually a teenage adult, the same age as Kai. Since they have plenty of time till the meet up, he's been thinking through of his relationship of both young and teen Misaki.

''s isn't surprising how far we become...' Kai thought as he continue to stroke her hair while Misaki mumbled in her sleep and scoot over to Kai. He smiled and continues to pat her hair, but when he realized his action, his expression changed from a smile to a frown annoyed look. 'She a teenage girl, I need to keep this in mind.' He thought as he felt Misaki moving a lot more, meaning that she's awake.

"Kitty...? Sweepy..." Misaki said tiredly, can't even say her words properly while she's slowly getting up and rubbed her eyes. Kai chuckled as he gets up too and patted her causing her to giggle. "Misaki, would like to go out this time? I found a good place to eat." Kai said while Misaki looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Yaaaah!" She said so cheerfully as she gets off the bed and went to dress up abit and Kai do the same, except he changed in the bathroom.

As the two were ready to go out, Misaki hold his hand with hers and smiled happily while Kai smiled back. "Let's have fun. Okay, Misaki?" Kai smiled as Misaki nodded. They both walked out of the door.

- Foo Fighters Headquarters, In the Morning -

"Re-chan! Re-chan! Did you see! Did you see! I won!" Asaka said happily as she ran up to him and stretched out her arms for him to pick her up. Ren look down at her and smiled as he carried her up and hug her. Little Asaka opened up to Ren, much more ever since the lake incident, she doesn't leave his side and when she's all alone, she panicked. Ren kinda remind him of the teen Asaka, who always loyal to him to the point that she never leave his side as well. He chuckled at how ironic it is for both teen Asaka and young Asaka. "Yaaay, A-chan won~! I'm so proud of you~!" Ren said happily as he rubbed his cheek on to her, causing her to laugh.

"I'm the Hero's wife! I wanna be strong as my hero!" Asaka cheered as Ren laughed. Ren's expression have soften and hugged Asaka gently, which confuses her. "Re-chan? What's wrong?" Asaka asked as she felt Ren shook his head, telling her nothing's wrong.

"No, no, it's nothing." Ren said softly as Asaka stared at him for a while, she then started playing his hair as he continues to hug her. Laughing cheerfully as Ren is in a deep thought. 'Last time together till noon, huh...' Ren thought while hugging her. "A-chan~! Let's have fun outside today~! Being inside is boooring!" He said in a whiny voice causing her to laugh. "Boring! Boring~!" Asaka copied what he said. Ren laughed.

"Yah! Boring~ Let's have fun outside, okay?" Ren asked as Asaka nodded. "Yap! Me and Re-chan have fun!" She said so happily as He smiled and carried her outside.

- Usui's Apartment, In the Morning -

Kenji stares at Yuri, who is scolding at Gai for complaining about the food that Kenji cooked. Kenji was have an emotional conflict whether if he confess or not, but the more he's trying to reasoning himself, the more he end up in a daydream.

"Hey! Why not you and Kenji go out and get icecream! Come on, it's going to be fun~!" Gai said as he behind Kenji and push him towards at the grumpy little Yuri, who immediately changed her expression when she heard icecream. "Icecream! Yay~!" She cheered as she walked off to get herself ready. Gai sighed in relief.

"Used me as a escape goat...?" Kenji laughed abit as he can feel Gai twitched of how correct Kenji is. Gai coughed and straighten up abit. "But this is your last day with little Yuri, I think it's better if you two spend time together. Besides, she have enough of me in her life. Scarily enough." Gai sighed, but when he heard Yuri walking back, Gai is nowhere to be seen.

"Where are we going?" Yuri asked as she went up to him. Kenji laughed as he take her hand and walked off towards the door. "Anywhere you wish, my Empress"

- Park, 12 o'clock -

"So, is everyone ready?" Celino asked as he saw everyone nodded. Kai was with Miwa who is playing with Misaki at the playground. Ren was watching Asaka colouring a picture, so the were sitting at the picnic table. Kenji was carrying a sleepy Yuri, so he choice to sit on the bench of the park for the two to rest. Aichi, Kamui and Emi where playing with Kourin, but this time, someone else is also with them, Suiko, who is always with her 'little' sister with Aichi. Celino chuckled. "Okay, to turned them back to normal, they need to be kiss on the back of the little girls' hand. Like a prince would do for their princess." Celino smiled as the guys nodded, but before doing so, they're going to they their goodbyes to the girls.

"Kitty, Mimi? Where am I going?" Misaki stared at them with frightening eyes while tugging onto Kai's pants. Miwa laughed as he kneed down on her level. "No, no, Misaki. Nothing is going to happen, you're just going away for a bit. Me and Kitty here will always be here." Miwa said with a huge grin on his face, showing that there's nothing wrong. Misaki is less scared, but still unsure. Kai noticed her expression and decided to carry her, so she can look at him.

"Is there anything you want me to do for you, when you come back?" Kai asked as Miwa chuckled, remembering the dare when they turned into kids. Kai obeys whatever Misaki wishes. Misaki looked at him then think for a moment.

"U-Umm...I wanna eat more of Kitty's cooking..." Misaki begins as Kai nodded. "Alright, anything else?" When Misaki noticed that she can say more, she's getting excited.

"Can I still call you Kitty?"

"Of course"

"Can we go to that cafe we went before with all the delicious cakes?"


"Can you still read me bedtime stories?"

"If that's what you like."

"Can you still pat my head?"


"Can I still visit your school?"

"Yes, just let me know first."

"Can I still nap with you?"


"Can I be...Kitty's wife...?" Misaki said softly as if she might get shouted by Kai. Kai froze from that statement while Miwa laughed his butts off from Kai's reaction. Misaki took the reaction from Miwa and Kai a bad sign, so she's started to cry, but Kai stopped her. "Of course, You'll be my wife." Kai said it gently and kissed her cheek causing her to giggle happily. Then he kissed the back of her hand.

"Hey, A-chan? Is there anything you like as well?" Ren said as he was staring at Kai from the distance. Ren noticed that he still didn't give Asaka everything that she deserve since she always risk so much for him, so he thought he should pay her back somehow. Asaka lifted her head from her colouring picture, looking him confused. "Anything Asaka want?" Asaka asked as Ren nodded and turned towards her with a gently smile. Asaka thought for a bit.

"Asaka want to be Re-chan's wife!" Asaka giggled happily as Ren blinked at her comment. He laughed and picked her up from her seat and put her on his lap. "No, no, you're already my wife, A-chan~ You need to pick something else~" Ren smiled as she pouted and think hard. Ren thought she was adorable.

"But...all Asaka wants is Re-chan to be happy though..." She said quietly as Ren blinked at her and put on a huge smile. He hug her tightly as Asaka looked up at him in confusion. "What are you talking about? I am happy~!" Ren smiled happily as Asaka have a relieved look on her face. He then kissed her hand.

"Yuri...Yuri, please wake up." Kenji said as gently shook her awake. She did woke up, but she's still half-asleep. Yuri rubbed her eyes and looked up at him, she saw a panicked expression on his face, which cause her to worry. "What's wrong, Kenken?" Yuri said as she reached her hand to pat his head. Kenji felt abit embarrassed by this.

"No, no, Nothing's wrong. I just have a lot of thing in my mind" Kenji laughed awkwardly as Yuri stares at him in confusion. He was right, he have too many things in his mind, which involve of meeting the normal teenage Yuri and how to react towards her. But, he have to wake her up since it's last day of little Yuri. "I'm just wondering if there's anything you like from me? Or like to say to me?" Kenji asked as Yuri taking in what he said. Since she's still drowsy, she only words pick up from him were 'anything' and 'to me'.

"Cook me more pancakes and waffles and all delicious food." She said as she rest her head back on his chest. He blinked at her request and started to laugh as she falls back to sleep. "Well, it is an Emperor's job to spoil my Empress, so as you wish." Kenji chuckled as he kissed her hand.

"Kourin-san is a little scary when she was a child..." Aichi said to Suiko as he watch Kourin plays with Emi and Kamui. Suiko giggled to what he said because Kourin is a little troublemaker, who love to play pranks. There is a cute side to Kourin, but that's only both Aichi and Suiko knows. "Of course, but you still like her, don't you~?" Suiko said in a teasily manner as she poke his cheek. Aichi blushed deeply, but he did nod.

"Well~ What are you waiting for~! Go and give you love goodbyes~" Suiko said as she pushed Aishi forward, causing him to stumbled in front of Kourin. She was surprise, certainly, but she is concerned about Aichi, so Kourin went up to him and asked. "Are you okay, Aichi?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." He said as he sits up from the ground. He didn't stand up since he's in the same eye level as Kourin, which makes him more or less nervous. "Kourin-san, I'll see you around, alright...?" Aichi said quietly as he gave Kourin a peck on her cheek, which blushes and confuses her much more. He then quickly kissed her hand, so she won't asked any further questions.

Celino walked up to Suiko and watches the guys say their goodbyes. "This past few weeks were fun." Celino chuckled as Suiko nodded. "Yes~ I'm so happily to take care my baby sister again~ Ahhh, the memories~" Suiko said softly while squealing at the memories. Celino chuckled and patted her head, caught in her off guard.

Once again, the sudden smoke explosion came again and turned the girls back to normal, but something about the girls seems odd. Both Misaki and Asaka was on the floor, as if they collapsed as soon as they turned back. Yuri and Kourin noticed this first. "Misaki! Asaka! What's wrong!?" Yuri cried out as she check Misaki's pulse and everything for any sign of injuries. Kourin did the same to Asaka.

The guys heard the distressed shout from Yuri. As soon as the smokes fade, they immediately run up to them and saw the scene. Both Kai and Ren seems surprised, but they were both panicked inside. The two walked up to the girls. "I'll take it from here." Kai said softly to Yuri's who seems to be crying as Kenji tries to comfort her. Ren walked up to Kourin who was holding the unconcious Asaka. He just took Asaka off her so suddenly that he left Kourin surprised, but she knows how Ren felt seeing the Asaka in a state like that. Ren still haven't said a single word.

"Calm down, everything is alright." Celino walked up to the two pairs and place his palms onto Misaki and Asaka's head and closed his eyes. It's been like that for a while, no one dare to say anything since the situation they are given were intense. But Celino opened his eyes and drop his arms, he look at Kai and Ren with a soft expression on his face. "Both Misaki and Asaka are fine. Their memories are all mixed up from turning back to their original form. It's going to take a while for them to recover their memories so they need plenty of sleep, but as I said before, they won't remember their time as a child with you two." Celino said careful since Ren and Kai seems to be trying to understand what happened.

Kai immediately carried Misaki and walked back to his apparentment, leaving the group and Miwa worried. As for Ren, he just quietly walked off with Asaka in his arms. The group were quiet for a while till Celino said something. "Yuri, Kourin, Welcome back."

- Aheading to Usui's Apartment, Evening -

"I hope they're okay..." Yuri said in concern as both Yuri and Kenji walked to Yuri's apartment. "I'm sure they'll be okay. Ren and Kai is with them" Kenji said as Yuri nod. They walk in silent. Kenji was planning to confess to her, but the situation of Misaki and Asaka made it harder for Kenji. He planning to lighten the mood, just for a little while. "What about you, Yuri? Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yah, I am." Yuri smiled as Kenji nodded. He was afraid to asked the next question, but he have to ask because of his curiousity. Kenji stopped on his trace and and gently grab her arm. Yuri turned her head and looked at him with a confused look on her face. "Kenji, what's wrong?"

"Do you remember... Everything that happened when you turned into a child?" Kenji said deeply with a serious expression on his face. Yuri blushed deeply at the question and try to look elsewhere other than Kenji. "W-When I was a c-c-child? Hahahaha, I-is this a new joke because y-you got me there. H-hahahah..." Yuri stuttering more than she thought, so she cover her mouth in embarrassment. Kenji noticed her reaction and smiled softly.

"I love you." Kenji said softly as he turned her head towards him. He wearing a confident expression on his face, knowing the result of his reply. Yuri looked at him with wide eyes, her face is flushed and her eyes is abit teary. She hold onto Kenji tight, hoping she won't fall on her knees. "I-I love you too, Kenji!" She shouted at him, thinking that is she don't reply back he'll changed his mind. Kenji smiled happily as he hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down.

"I know this isn't the best time to say this and I'm sorry for that. But I wanted you to know, Yuri. I don't want to hide anything from you" Kenji said softly as she looks at him happily. The continued to hug for a long while, not wanting to let go.

- Foo Fighters Headquarters, Evening -

It's been two day since the girls returned to normal.

Ren was sitting beside Asaka's bed for a while now. He slump over and rest his head on top of both his hand while the arms were supported by the bedside. He looks miserable and Tetsu understand that, but he can't leave him alone. So he went up to him with a worried expression on his face as he look over to the food on the bedside drawer. The food were meant to be for Ren, but he left it untouched and cold which mean Ren still haven't eaten anything.

"Ren, you need to eat. It wouldn't be good to weak yourself if you keep neglecting your foods." Tetsu said as he shook Ren for attention, but no response. Tetsu leaned over to look at him and all he can see from his face were loneliness. Tetsu sighed as he stand straight again. "You know that if you keep this up, Asaka will have a panick attack once she wakes up and saw you like this. Which means you already cause her trouble." Tetsu said normally as he noticed Ren twitched at the mention of Asaka. Ren's hands clenched as he shakily inhale for a moment.

"...I eat...just get me another one..." Ren whispered as Tetsu nodded. Tetsu left and Ren lifted his head to see Asaka. She seems to rest very peacefully as if she knows nothing can harm her. Ren leaned over to her and brushed her hair just to see her face much clearer. He continues to watch over her as he stroked the side of her hair. "Come on...please wake up... There's so much I want to tell you..." Ren said weakly as he continues to look at her for a while. Then Tetsu arrived with the food, Ren look away for a moment to talk to Tetsu, but what they didn't know is that Asaka is slowly opening her eyes.

"So...hungry..." Asaka whispered as she slowly getting up. Ren immediately look over to Asaka who seems like she have woken up by a long nap, he can tell by how drowsy she looks. Asaka turned to him and looked at him confused. "Ren-sama, why are you in my room? Did something happened?" Asaka asked as Ren leaned over towards her and hug her tight. She was confused at his sudden action, but she happily hugged him back.

"Nothing... Nothing at all... I'm just glad you're safe." Ren said happily as he continues to hug her. But later, he pulled back from the hug, but his gentle smile were still on his face. Then he asked a question, a question that was ask to Asaka when he turned into a child. "A-chan, have you ever reach your limit?"

- Kai's Apartment, Evening -

Kai haven't leave his aparentment for two days, which worried some people.

He's been taking care of the unconscious woman in his bedroom. Kai is getting used to taking care of Misaki, but the difference between young Misaki and the unconcious Misaki is too much, he can't help to feel hollow when he took care of the unconcious Misaki. Back when he took care of the little Misaki, he felt happy to see the girl smile. At first, he thought taking care of children is a pain, but he had fun with the young Misaki.

Now, Misaki is unable to smile in her state, he tried to care for her wellbeing, but the results were always no response. Kai wanted her to wake up, so he doesn't have to deal with his strong desires to make her smile, to make her laugh and to treat her as if she is a treasure. The more he's aware of his desires, the more he continues to laughed pithily at himself. He have been alone for so long especially in his own home, so he knew after taking care of someone in his home can effected him greatly. Kai continues to stare at her, hoping that she can opened her eyes.

"Misaki... I'm getting impatient... How can I fulfill your promise... if you continue to be like this..." Kai said as he brushed her hair for a bit, then there's a reaction from Misaki. Her face look as if she wanted to sleep more and mumbled something before she turned for a comfortable position. "5 minutes..."

Kai blinked and then he was trying to hold back his chuckles. But that didn't stop he giving a pure smile on his face. He was so happy to see not a coma, but an actually sleeping person of whom he deeply cared for. He leaned over her, placing both of his hands were at the sides of her head and he stared down at her. He thought for a moment, but the gentle smile turned into a smirk. He leaned closer towards her neck and kissed it. He felt Misaki twitched and moves slightly. She moaned for a bit as he tries to kissed her neck further. He made sure that his mark will be visible for Misaki, a Mark of his Annoyance and Impatience.

Kai pulled back and looked at her again. She was panting deeply as her face is flushed, her eyes slowly opening themselves to see her beautiful sky blue eyes. Her expression of confusion and embarrassment were amusing to him, but he tries to keep a straight face.

"You took your time, Misaki." He said as he pulled back and crossed his arms, acting as if everything was back to normal. Misaki immediately sits up and look around. "Where am I?" Misaki asked as Kai glanced at her.

"In my apartment, you have been unconcious for two days." He said as she look like she was trying to remember what had happened to her. All she remember were her goodbyes to the little Kai and Miwa, but after that was a blur. Misaki glanced at Kai, abit too shy to asked, but she have to know one way or the other. Even thought she is determined to know, she can't help to fiddle with the covers and wanting to hide herself. Kai noticed her reaction, as if she wanted to asked, so he do it for her. "Wondering what happened to you?" Kai asked as she nodded.

"But first, how far can you remember? What's the last thing you saw?" Kai asked as Misaki answered almost immediately. "When I said goodbyes to the little you and Miwa..." Misaki blushed of how she remember what Celino said about the guys remember their time when they turn into children. Kai nodded as he started to explain what happened for the past week.

- Meanwhile -

"I forgot to mention that I have videos of their younger selves..." Celino said as he look at his phone. Looking through videos of the little boys and girls. "I'll just send it to them." Celino sighed as he finished mailing the videos and walked off.

As usual, there's going to be an extra chapter.

May or may not be as long as this chapter