It was a stormy day in the little town of Tranquility. The wind was blowing the trees back and forth, dogs whined at the occasional booming sound of thunder. The golden lightning light up the dark clouded sky.

You could ever so often hear a wolf call out in distress, howling painfully that would always end in a pathetic whine.

I stood outside in the down pour my clothes soaked too my skin, almost like the fabric, and my skin were conjoined. I looked up to the clouds as I saw a flash of lightning strike a nearby tree.

The branches on the tree were now a glowing red with a yellow and orange flare going through it. It did not last long the rain putting it out faster than it came. The electricity going through my body from the lightning strike made me shudder away.

I slowly walked over to the crisped tree the bark was black with ashed like branches. The leaves had turned to ash and were now nothing but sut on the ground.

I picked it up and let the sut fall through the space between my fingers like an hourglass. I heard the loud boom of the thunder I knew the next flash was coming soon I had the sinking feeling this one wasn't going to end well.

I was right too my displeasure the bolt flashed through the sky, and hit that same tree. Lightning never strikes in the same place well this bolt thought otherwise. I had still had my hand on the tree when it hit.

The electricity was so intense my body felt like it was on fire I shook violently as I tried to bite back my cry of pain.

Nothing more than a quivering mess I tried to hold back, but I couldn't the pain was horrendous I screamed to the sky.

I screamed tell my throat was raw and I had the metallic taste in my mouth. My cry died down to nothing more than a whimper every few minutes. My body and mind was engulfed with black, the last thing I say were flashing red and blue lights coming my way.

I felt something furry and shivering curl up besides me, whatever it was I wrapped my arm around it until I fell deep into the never ending abyss.

Finally started the rewrite whoa, changed the name if you haven't notice honestly I like this name better.


tell me how it is or any ideas you have for this story.