This is the first of many ideas from tonight's episode, all of which I hope to be able to write and have up before the next one, which hopefully will have as many Ethan and Cal moments as tonight's did.

Anyhow, here's the first with quite a lot of spoilers for Under Pressure.

Ethan could understand that Cal was struggling.

He felt sorry for him yes, because no matter how annoying the elder could be, his was his brother, he did love him and he was upset. Taylor had ripped his heart out and eaten it and as long as she had it, Cal wasn't going to get over her.

But when he turned up with a girl who essentially could be a 'Taylor' replacement, and then asked to borrow - well not really asked more like asked and took before waiting for an answer - after already having taken his life savings, he began to lose it.

Then there was the fact he was still considering waiting for Taylor to call him back, the fact he believed Ethan might go telling everyone about the whole thing (something he would never do) and the fact he was simply looking for someone to replace the con-woman to accompany him.

He undermined him. Alone, Ethan could deal with, yet professionally was another matter.

"Always the quiet ones," He'd said. Maybe so, but didn't that implicate Ethan himself? The muttered "finally," alas still loud enough to be heard, the insistent "I'll do it," which made it look like he was incapable of doing his job. The one he studied hard to be able to do, the one he never failed at compared to Cal's first year of medical school.

So he came to find him. Nice.

Something had to be said for that.

"We get a bottle of wine, some cheese, whatever you want. And watch those physics lectures you've been banging on about. Richard Funnyman." He tried to remember, Ethan supposed. Though he still couldn't remember everything. Ethan always did, that must be the 'Safety Net' in him.

"Some quality brother time." That was a thing of the past; a non-existent one of the present.

Maybe it was what they both needed: it was a rift too large, a void too hollow.

Cal showed a lack of remorse for what he'd done.

An apology could have been enough. Ethan was the forgiving type.

Calling the police would have been better still.

Getting his money back would have been amazing, yet unlikely.

He apologised when prompted.

He asked if he would "call the police on his big brother?"

He admitted he "got carried away."

It wasn't enough. Ethan had had enough.

Cal gave back the ring, wrote a note, "Sorry."

But how much was enough?

Did apologising after being asked to move out count as remorse?

Ethan didn't know. He wasn't sure what he knew.

Caleb was trying.

But remorse was remorse.

And Cal didn't show it.

I'm not sure about the ending of this one, but I hope you liked it.

I think we're going to see a desperate side to Cal soon, because he won't want to move out. Anyway let me know what you think and I hope everyone is ready for m