I'm so sorry it's been so long. My grandfather had some medical issues arise and I took a little break from writing, I'm terribly sorry, hopefully this won't happen again. Again, I'm sorry.

sfm-babygirl - I don't remember if I private messaged you or not, but I realize now you smell his name as Derek. Sorry for the spelling mishap.

Tbookworm - I've thought over your suggestion and I'll probably, very soon, pull them out of school and have them work. Spencer will go to the office and do his regular thing and Garcia will work from home. Though Morgan's too little to do what he does, so... He'll probably just complain a lot. Lol. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and review.

Anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy.

"Hotch! I had the worst day ever!" Spencer snapped angrily as he pushed himself into the passenger seat of Hotch's truck and crossing his arms.

"Uncle Aaron," Hotch corrected him, reminding him that he had already picked up Jack, "And join the club."

Spencer raised an eyebrow and turned around to face Morgan and Garcia, but his eyes landed on Garcia's black eye, "Whoa, what happened to you?" He asked, poking at her eye.

"Three jackasses at recess today beat me up," Garcia snapped, swatting Spencer's hand away.

"Watch your mouth, young lady!" Hotch scolded, glaring at her through the rearview mirror, "Now, I'm going to drop Jack off with his babysitter and then we're going to stop by JJ's house."

"Why can't I come, Daddy?" Jack asked his father sadly, "I haven't seen Uncle Morgan in a long time."

"It's important things for this side of the family to handle," Hotch said, "I'll take you to see Uncle Morgan some other time, okay?"

"Okay," Jack huffed a sigh of defeat and crossed his arms, slumping into his seat as he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

After driving for a few minutes down the road, Hotch dropped off his son at his babysitter's house. After he conversed with her for a few minutes, he told her he was in a rush and had to be somewhere and they were off again.

"So, what exactly happened at school today, Spencer?" Hotch asked.

"I'm supposed to go detention," Spencer explained, "But I'm not going to. It all started because some kid was picking on me at lunch today and then he attacked me! For no reason!"

Hotch gave him a look that said 'really?' Spencer huffed and crossed his arms, "Well, I was being sarcastic, but… I didn't want to start the same thing I had to deal with in high school the first go around. I wanted to stand up for myself and that's exactly what I did. Is that such a crime?"

"Well, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, but you still should've gone to detention," Hotch said.

"What? Why?" Spencer spat angrily, turning in his seat to face Hotch.

"Because, now the principals and teachers are going to think you're rebellious for not following the rules, and then there will be MORE trouble," Hotch explained, "Next time you get detention, which I hope you don't, just go without any complaints."

"I can't make any promises on not complaining," Spencer huffed quietly as he looked out his window, crossing his arms once more.

"What was that?" Hotch said, raising his eyebrows.


"You were all such pains as kids," Hotch snapped as he continued to drive to JJ's house.

When they finally got there, Morgan was falling asleep and had to be carried up to the front porch. He was getting grumpy, which was making Hotch grumpy. Morgan complained the entire way to the front porch, telling Hotch he could walk himself, but he made no attempt to get out of Hotch's arms. Secretly, he liked being carried around. I mean, when would he get the opportunity to be carried again like this in his life? Never. Because hopefully, they would find the cure for this and he would be back to normal soon.

Hotch knocked on the front door of JJ and Will's house and waited. He turned to the two older kids, "Now, when we get in here, let me do the talking."

"Why?" Spencer asked.

"Because, if you do the talking, you'll confuse them," Hotch said, then turned to Garcia, "And if you explain it, you'll go on a rambling fit."

"What if Morgan talks?" Garcia asked.

"He won't," Hotch said.

"How do you know?" Garcia kept the questions coming.

"Because he's asleep."

Garcia and Spencer peered into Hotch's arms and saw the sleeping bundle that was Morgan. He was fast asleep and had his thumb sticking out of his mouth. Spencer and Garcia both tilted their heads and went into a chorus of 'awes.'

JJ then answered the door.

"Hey Hotch," She smiled, then looked the three children with him, seeing something familiar in all their faces, but nothing to give her a clue as to who they really were, "Who are these guys?"

"Um, that's what we need to discuss, so if you could just gather everyone up…" Hotch said, "And another thing. Is Henry napping?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because he doesn't need to know any of this," Hotch explained.

JJ gave him a questioning look, but shrugged and let him and the unidentified children in. She led them all to the kitchen and everyone took a seat.

"I couldn't contact Morgan, Spence, or Garcia. Do you know where they are?" JJ asked.

Hotch couldn't believe she wasn't getting this. Although, it was very difficult to believe and anyone in their right mind wouldn't believe it. Hotch sighed and adjusted Morgan in his arms.

"Alright, those three had a little mishap last week at the movie theater," Hotch explained, trying to make Morgan comfortable, but he was getting a little heavy.

"What? Are they alright?" JJ asked.

"Yes, they're fine," Hotch said, "They were attacked by a man in the parking lot of said theater and… Something unbelievable happened."

"What?" Rossi questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in a curiously worried way.

"I'm just going to come out and say it…" Hotch mumbled to himself, "These three kids that I have with me tonight. They're Spencer, Morgan, and Garcia."

Sorry for the shitty chapter, I just wanted to get something up. Hopefully it won't take me as long to upload again. Till next time. :)