Chapter 1

Danny shut the door of his locker, just another normal day of school - meaning he had hunt ghosts the entire night before and was dead tired (oh haha, another ghost pun). He blearily made to his English class, on time for once, and slumped into his seat. 'God, I'm tired...'

The bell rang as the last few stragglers filtered in, and Lancer finished writing his instructions on the board, before going back to the book he was reading;

"Write a 3 paragraph essay on what it feels like to look in a mirror"

Students grudgingly took out their materials, and started to write. Danny glanced over the room and noticed that a few *coughpaulinacough* were writing with enthusiasm. Sam and Tuck weren't even passing notes.

He turned his attention, as much as he could muster, back to the prompt and sighed. He often would see his ghost form in the mirror, human or not - he even saw Vlad's ghost form reflected instead of the silver haired, human one, back in Colorado. He freaked at first, but later found out that he was the only one to see it.

Knowing this, Danny wrote his longest string of lies to date, forcing himself to stay awake. Something about freckles - it could have even been in Ghost Speak, he didn't have a clue. He struggled to lift his head up, and saw students slowly trickling up to turn in their assignments, about half the class done. So he did the logical thing, and pushed himself to his feet, starting towards the front to turn his assignment in (it will probably get a D), totally missing the concerned looks of his friends.

About halfway across the room - he did sit in the back corner, after all - everything started to get more and more blurry, and the room seemed to tilt to his left.

And Danny collapsed, face-first in the aisle.

Sam and Tucker raced towards him, discretely checking for wounds as they rolled him over onto his back, fully aware of the whole class's eyes on them. Sam placed her hand on his forehead, and flinched back in shock,

"Someone go get a ice pack from the nurse, NOW!" Danny was normally cool to her touch, due to his ice powers, but now he felt like a normal human, with a fever.

Tucker pried Danny's eyes open with two fingers, probably to check for a concussion, while Sam raced back to Danny's seat and practically tore apart his backpack looking for his journal.

You see, after Jazz joined the team, she insisted Danny start keeping a journal - just a pocket book - of when he ate and slept, which ghosts attacked, things like that, Danny agreed with one condition, a promise from the others on Team Phantom that it would remain private, except in emergencies. Well, this definitely qualified.

Tucker declared that Danny did not have a concussion, and placed the newly arrived ice pack on his forehead. Sam finished leafing through the most recent entries and cussed,

"That stupid idiot!" She said a bit louder, to which Tucker replied with a worried "What?", everyone's eyes on Sam,

"He hasn't slept in 5 days or eaten in 2!" Sam chastised, ever the mother, even if the guilty couldn't hear her, "No wonder this happened! He burned out!"

The nurse rushed into the room, out of breath, having been unable to keep up with the sprinting teen who rushed to get the cool pack back to the English room. She declared that Danny's parents would be called, and in the mean time - would someone please help her get him back to the nurse's office? A member of the football team volunteered, and carried the raven-haired teen on his back.

Sam and Tucker rushed after them, not even stopping to grab any of the trio's stuff. Tucker was so concerned, he hightailed it straight to the nurse's office, leaving all of his electronics without a second thought.

The class whispered to each other, discussing what just happened, while Lancer was shocked - Danny went 5 days without sleeping, and 2 days without eating! This had to be going on for some time now, if his friends had him keep a record of when he did eat and sleep, especially if it was one of the first things they checked when he collapsed! They handled it like they had done this dozens of times! He was so concerned about his student, he let the teens whisper for the remaining 20 minutes of class.