Steve and Bucky stumble back into their apartment already half naked, a trail of clothing left in the hallway leading up to their door.

"Do we have any oil?" Bucky asks between stolen kisses.

"Ah…um…olive oil?" Steve asks.

"I think that will work. Steve I want to go first. I want you to take me." Bucky wants to feel what Thor felt. Whatever it is, it looked amazing. Steve nods and pulls Bucky in for another needful kiss before dashing off to the kitchen. He returns to find Bucky on all fours and looking back at him with flushed cheeks and vulnerable eyes. He climbs onto the bed behind him. His heart is pounding in his chest with the excitement and newness of it all.

"I love you. I don't want to hurt you. You tell me if I hurt you." Steve places a shaky hand on Bucky's rump, gently kneading the flesh. His hand ghosts upward over his ribcage and back down until he is looking at Bucky's entrance. Steve puts the bottle of oil down for a moment and massages the cheeks apart to get a better view. He runs a finger down that line, eliciting a shiver from Bucky.

"I've wanted you for so long Buck. Even back then, I just didn't know myself well enough to admit it."

"I wasn't as brave as you. I should have told you all those years ago."

"We would've ended up just like Pete." Steve says. Steve picks the oil back up and pours a small amount into his palm. He ghosts a slicked finger over Bucky's entrance and rubs, feeling the muscle twitch and clench in anticipation of being breached. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, do it." Bucky begs. Steve slips his first finger inside. It goes in easily and Bucky moans from the new sensation. Steve rubs Bucky's passage, searching out that spot that drove Thor mad with ecstasy.

"SSS…AH! Right there Steve! Do that again." Bucky's voice is roughened with need and Steve repeats the action. Bucky pushes back on Steve's finger looking for more length, more volume, just more. Steve adds a second finger then and scissors Bucky open and massages his prostate.

"Steve…You feel so good. I need you inside me. Please Steve. I don't want to wait anymore." Bucky is sweating and trembling. His hard cock is leaking.

"Okay. Okay. We're going to do this." Steve pours more olive oil on his cock and in Bucky's entrance to really lubricate things. He tosses the bottle aside and lines himself up with Bucky. He presses slowly, but Bucky's entrance does not give way at first. Steve uses his thumb to stretch the ring of muscle a little and the tightness opens up for him.

"Oh god!" Steve cries out. Bucky is so tight. The pressure on his cock is tremendous. He won't last five minutes. He stops, barely in two inches, when much to Steve's shock, Bucky thrusts his hips back. Steve slides the rest of the way in and both men groan.

"Fuck me! Please god Steve fuck me!" Bucky screams. Steve gives a gentle tentative thrust and then another. It doesn't take long before he is riding his lover at full speed and power. The sound of Steve's hips slapping against Bucky vibrates off the walls. Bucky is moaning so loud he is sure anyone on the floor above can hear him but he doesn't care.

Steve comes suddenly, far sooner than he wanted to and he quickly reaches around to finish Bucky off. It doesn't take much. Bucky comes after only a few strokes of Steve's hand. Steve pulls out and both men collapse on the bed panting and blissed out.

"I love you so much." Bucky turns over to plant a sweet kiss on Steve's lips.

"Was I any good?" Steve asks.

"You were wonderful. How was it for you?"

"Amazing. I've never felt so right and complete Bucky. I've been lonely for so long. You're everything I ever wanted. I thought I wanted Peggy, because I was supposed to, but it was you. It was always you." They kiss again, lazy and tender.

"Your turn." Bucky says. Steve starts to get on all fours but Bucky stops him. "I want to see your eyes." Steve understands and lies back on his back. He blushes again as he spreads his legs obscenely wide.

"God Stevie, I don't deserve you." Bucky admires every inch of Steve's glorious form. He picks up the olive oil and begins the same process Steve did for him. The look in Steve's eyes is that of a frightened doe. "Shh, it's wonderful. You'll see." Bucky dips down to kiss Steve as an oiled finger circles his opening. Steve clings to Bucky as his nerves get the best of him. When the first finger slips inside, Steve clings to Bucky, feeling overwhelmed and lost. Bucky explores his insides, finding that wonderful spot that will make Steve scream his name.

"Ah!" Steve keens. A tear falls from his eyes and Bucky kisses it away. "I love you Bucky." Bucky takes his time to prepare his lover and the moment finally comes when Steve is breached. In the missionary position, the two men make love gazing deeply into the other's eyes, kissing and holding one another. They make love all night exploring, tasting, memorizing each other's forms. They fall asleep around dawn and do not rise again until noon.


Loki shifts to get more comfortable, which is impossible really at this stage. He is six months pregnant now. His belly is beautifully round and his bladder is horribly crushed. He has to pee every five minutes. He doesn't leave the tower much these days. Casting an illusion over his appearance requires energy he doesn't really have. He sleeps a lot, confining himself to his and Thor's apartment, though he still makes a fort on their bed occasionally with the couch cushions. He feels sad. Though the time of the birth is still many weeks away it will happen faster than he is prepared for. He misses Frigga. He wants his mother during this delicate time but she is worlds away.

His stomach rumbles and he gets up to raid the kitchen of some salmon and potato chips. A turn of the nob and a sound of the door opening tells Loki that Thor has returned home from whatever mission SHIELD sent him out for. When did he start thinking of this place as home? Loki smiles. He can't call this normal but in light of where he's from, what he is, and all that has transpired this set up is as normal as any he could hope to find.

"Loki?" Thor calls out.

"In the kitchen." Loki answers. Thor finds him, a big warm goofy smile is plastered across his face.

"What?" Loki says around a mouth full of food.

"You." Thor's loving affectionate gaze rakes up and down Loki's form. "I have something for you." Thor reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black velvet box.

"Is that what I think it is?" Loki asks.

"Aye, and it is long overdue. I don't know how long we will be here on Midgard but I thought it appropriate to observe this local custom. I want them all to know you are mine." Thor opens the box to reveal a set of matching gold wedding bands. He takes the larger one and slips it onto his big meaty finger before taking the other to slip onto Loki's. Loki extends his hand as he looks at Thor with joyful eyes. The ring slides on and fits perfectly. It is a simple ring but it conveys much. It is now Loki's most prized possession.

"It is a lovely day outside. Would you join me on the balcony to finish your lunch?" Thor asks. Loki smiles and nods. They walk outside to their small private space above the city and lounge in the comfortable chairs there. They hold hands and look out on the skyline.

"I wonder what Frigga is doing right now." Loki says. There are many birds in the sky, rats with wings as many New Yorkers call them. But one in particular does not appear to be a pigeon and it is flying straight towards them. Then Loki sees the other one.

Hoguinn and Munnin land in front of Thor and Loki, their heads cocked to the side as if curious.

"Hello father. Come to check on us?" Thor queries. A band of golden light erupts in front of the couple and Odin and Frigga are there.

"Mother!" Loki jumps up and runs into her arms. The two cry tears of joy at holding one another after being separated for so long.

"You know I couldn't stay away, not with my grandchild on the way." She sniffles.

"The Bifrost is repaired. I have come to collect the Tesseract and put it back in Asgard's vault where it will be more secured." Odin says to Thor. Thor is on edge, however, fearing Odin has come for another reason.

"Is that the only reason you are here?" Thor asks. Odin offers a small smile.

"I am not here to seek retribution Thor. Do not worry yourself. Though technically I am supposed to punish you for going against my orders and reassess Loki's sentence since he has regained his memories." Odin walks up to Thor and gently places his hand on Thor's shoulder. It is a comforting motion and it sets Thor at ease.

"I suppose I could banish you both to Midgard for say…20 years? Loki could spend that time making reparations to the people of Midgard and you two could raise your child together in the peace and quiet of this realm."

"It will be a hardship, but I think we can manage it." Thor hugs his father, feeling much relieved that his and Loki's status has finally been addressed.

"You will not be permitted to visit Asgard, but that does not mean that Asgard cannot come to you. Your mother will be visiting a lot." Odin walks over to Frigga and Loki then. Loki looks at Odin and a swirl of old emotions bubbles to the surface.

"I am glad to see you are a member of my house again. I bless your union to my son." Odin says. Loki understands. Odin cannot reclaim Loki as his son again, not when he and Thor are now together as they are, but he is family again and that is all that matters.

"Thank you." Loki whispers as the tears fall. Loki hugs his not-father feeling acceptance he has yearned to have for so long.

"I cannot visit long, duty calls, but your mother will be staying for a few days. I trust you have quarters available to accommodate her?" Odin asks.

"Yes father." Thor says. Frigga smiles at her golden son.

"I have presents for the baby." Frigga pulls out a pink baby blanket out of a large satchel slung across her shoulders.

"Mother? Do you know that our child will be a girl?" Loki asks.

"Of course dear. And your second child will be a boy."

The End