Bloodroses and Daggers.

I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING. Suing me won't get you anything but a headache.

A silent figure crept out of the base; he didn't stop to look around for guards because he knew he had disposed of them earlier. The information he had come to steal was tucked safely in the pocket of his shorts, a small series of explosions rocked the ground as he jumped into the cockpit of his gundam. As he flew off the bomb planted by one of the OZ soldiers blew, tearing his body to shreds.

Heero woke up with a start. "It was just another dream." He tried to reassure himself, but he knew that it wasn't. He looked down at his hands and saw them coated with blood, and then the pain hit. He gritted his teeth as his muscles seized up; he had been the perfect soldier but no longer. Now he was a man fighting for his own survival, fighting against himself, against his own dreams. And he was losing. It was as if the past came back to haunt him; taunt him with all the times he had disobeyed the call of death. His reason to live was a man who had left his life for another, believing that Heero was in love with Relena. Heero never told the braided baka of his emotions, instead he pretended to ignore him, to care about nothing but the mission. It made him forget for a few moments but then it always came back, he loved Duo and there was nothing he could do about it. While these thoughts, these memories crossed his mind he fainted dead away. Never feeling the wounds on his body close and heal. Never knowing that far away someone was thinking of him.

Anaiya. Want more then leave reviews. Otherwise nothing.