So the gates opened in Stormwind for the heroes to enter, the heroes have finally vanquished The Lich King. Among the heroes was Galvane Hilt, he was one of the heroes who have personally slain the Lich King. He looked at the gate, to be welcomed by the people with flower petals falling before him, but he was not content with the celebration,

'Why do we celebrate if the cost was the deaths of thousands of soldiers?' he asked himself. 'My vengeance was finally sated by his blood on my hands' he said to himself as he looked down at his hands rubbing his thumb with his index finger.

His thoughts were haunted by his past when the plague started, his family died at the hands of the Prince of Lordaeron when he ordered the culling to happen at Stratholme, he was lucky enough that he was away from his home when the culling happened or so unlucky enough that he was not part of it. When he found that his family is dead, rage dwelt in his heart for he is determined to avenge his family for the unjustified killing of his family, he trained and trained and trained till he finally slays the Lich King.

'I finally killed the Lich King, my family is avenged and my vengeance is sated, so now what?' he asked himself 'maybe I should just live my life like my father wanted, a farmer' he continued.

He look up again and glance back down at his feet, not really knowing what to do with his life at this state, as he was still young, still need a family to guide him. He unsheathe his axe, looking at the legendary weapon "Shadowmourne" he muttered, oh what an honour to wield such weapon, given by the Highlord of The Ebon Blade personally, saying the words of righteousness at him saying that he was destined for greatness of whoever wields this axe. Greatness of what? Greatness of doing nothing with his life? Having to lose his family at such a young age, he didn't even get the chance of burying his family as their bodies was burned like a pile of garbage.

He walks around Stormwind, trying to entertain himself at the wake of the celebration of the people, he walks around till he finds himself at a restaurant "Druidic Sanctuary" words escape from his lips as he read the name of the restaurant, when he entered the restaurant he was expecting for it to be filled but to his surprise he found it surprisingly empty, he looks around at sat in the table at the corner of the restaurant, the place was filled with flowers in each corner, a chandelier hanging on the ceiling at the middle of the restaurant and a counter on the left side and a door on what seems to be leading to the kitchen, and a staircase on the right leading to the other rooms.

"Sorry if there's not much here, the people were off to the bars celebrating" a voice spoke. He looked at the direction of the voice. A night elf with her light purple skin, silver white hair, an almost perfect womanly curves and as always like most elves a beautiful face, with her amber eyes, motionless as she is sitting at a window, looking at the celebrating crowd to then turn around facing the warrior. "So you're here to eat right?" She asked.

"Just give me anything that is available, and some wine." He requested softly, flicking his hand to his side without care.

The night elf observed the man. He was tall, massive even to her, standing more than the average male of her kind, and even she landed on the shorter ones. His eyes were un-wavered as it stroll through the distance without disturbance, locking his eyes through the shot of the window outside. She could easily see a warrior of veteran experience judging from the scars and somewhat rugged appearance of his face, but what else is to her is that it seemed that he, the man was still in the prime years of his youth by human standards. The thought about it that because he was still young with veteran experience, he must be so much younger when he had joined the ranks of the military, probably forced to. She sighed sadly through what she read in his features and decides to just push down the thoughts deep inside the back of her mind.

Her somewhat paused appearance caused the man to speak up, raising his concern to why she was just standing there. "Are you going to pick up your order or what?" He voiced out with slight annoyance, to which the night elf shyly responded.

"I'm sorry, I just...that thought that you are tall, tall even the standards of the male of my kind." She excused.

He just smiled briefly before shaking his head somewhat in disbelief. "Well you should not get surprised that there are humans like me that are taller than the male of your kind, and also I would suggest that your fascination should not deter you from doing your job, ma'am." He stated with a very obvious rude demeanor.

Though as rude as she was, the night elf quickly saw possible reasons on why he was not in the 'mood' to be polite. And just quickly prepared his requested meals. And just as she cooked whatever she wanted for him, she would occasionally glance back at the man and watch him observing the windows outside with a very noticeable frown on his lips.

The hush and shush of her cooking finally ended just as some sweat due to the steam from the pan trickled down to the lines of her neck. She moved over to the plates and prepared it out, bringing in a bottle of wine just as he requested.

The man looked over to see her coming towards him, bringing what he had requested. He watched her put down the bottle of whine as she brought the food in front of him. "Thank you." He commented as she puts it down, not even trying to look at what she had cook as he immediately tasted the first bite without care. Though civilized, he did not show a sheer sense of appreciation to what she had cooked.

She bowed and left, going back to the kitchen. He watched her trekked back to the kitchen, making sure she was out of sight. Just as he thought she was out from his sight, he immediately opened the bottle of wine and gulped it down, drowning himself in alcohol that would surely take toll on him in the near future,and even never bothering to finish his meals.

The night elf watched from the distance, looking over at the human who never bothered finishing what she cooked. She took no offense to why he didn't because she knew the man was bothered, and would not want to know why. The purple skinned night elf let it slide and went back to her business."Sometimes wars affect others deeply Nilsha." She told herself.

The time passed, as dusk began to settle in. It could clearly be seen that the clockworks ticked the arrow past six. The night elf Nilsha looked back at the window through her kitchen and was surprised to see the human still sitting down on the table with an empty bottle of wine with his unfinished meals, while his eyes was just looking down at the floor clearly dazed. With him being the only customer yet to have come for the day, it was easy for her to conclude that he would eventually leave, yet he did not. She sighed and went outside to confront him.

"You have to leave now please." She said at the human.

"Oh." He expressed without care in the world and slowly pull out small bag of gold among his many out from his pocket and quickly pours down twenty pieces of gold. "I'll give you twenty pieces of gold if you let me stay here for a bit." He offered, counting the golden coin bits.

Nilsha wanted to say no and let the man leave, but those twenty pieces of gold where three days worth of work to be earned. Too tempting to just let the opportunity pass by. She sighed and reluctantly accepted before leaving the man back alone in the table diners in peace to drink. But what else, she looked back to the man from the window of her kitchen, observing him like a curious animal, but it was not from fascination, but was from pity. The way his eyes hovered over the wine, the way his lips contorted to a frown. If he is a man that was just from a war, then it must be reasonable enough for him to drink himself to forget the memories deep behind his mind.

Time flowed like a river, the clockwork now ticked its arrow past ten. Now she knew that the man should leave by now. She stood up and walked towards the warrior. "Please, you have to leave now, the nights is looming and the people now are asleep and I would put my business to a close." She told him.

An incoherent mumble can only be his response with his tilted head who faced the wooden floor. Nilsha asked once more only to be responded with his same offer, this time more than double to what he offered last as he reached down to his pocket, with an evident drunken stupor. "I'll...give you fffffifty pieces of gold iffff you let me drink here for a while." He offered once again, but immediately the night elf already decided in her mind when he offered his entire bag of gold, more than the pieces of gold then he said he would offer, and that to her indicated that this man need to sleep the ale off, even if denying his offer that is worth more than she could earn in a week. It seemed the man would be adamant in wasting all of his money to be drunk in wine and eat unfinished meals.

She sighed. Nilsha cannot afford to have a complete stranger drinking wine inside her restaurant. She wanted to help him out from his stupor, at least help him sleep out his drunken stupor and let him leave in the morning. So she decided, and just help the man, a complete STRANGER that COULD endanger her life by letting him stay here to sleep, but somewhere deep down, she trusted her instincts on helping him out from this as she draped his trunks that could be called for an arm over her shoulders. Extremely heavy was the first thing she had thought in her mind, trying to lift a seven foot man clad with armor all by herself was foolish enough. "Please, help me out on this." She asked the drunk man, and as if like a miracle, he nodded and lifted up his unsteady legs as she guided him up from the dining table and towards the stairs where a room for him would be given for the night.

She used all of her strength for her to guide him up the stairs and finally put the drunk man into the bed. She watched in concern whether or not she made a mistake of helping the man stay. But nonetheless she pushed the thought down, if this man was a danger to her life then he should have done it when he was back at the dinner table, using the strange weapon against her to strike her down. The night elf sighed, 'I don't really need have these kinds of thoughts right now. If only I was like most of my people.' She told herself.

Yes that what she lacked from the trait of her race, she is far too trusting to the other races, believing that everyone is equal and none would be above than the others. A rare jewel among society. She smiled on that, a rare jewel yes indeed but a very dangerous trait to her life. And an example would be with her letting the man rest under her roof because of her 'trait' to help people. She shook her head and just proceeded to go down the stairs to clean up everything. Her eyes looked over beside the wall and saw his weapon resting against the smooth surface. She sighed and approaches it, looking at the serrated tip of the weapon and carefully trying to lift it herself so that at least the weapon should be moved to a better location to store it. And the first lift indicated the impossibility. She sighed and let the weapon rest against the wall, moving over to the door, closing the windows and locking the doors as the moon shared its light unto the inhabitants of the world.

He woke up, a headache had been immediately felt, the palm of his hand came to his forehead in an effort to ease the pain. He noticed that he was still clad in armor and especially noticing the soft cushion through the plated metals. He looked around to see he was in a medium sized room, laying on a bed surprisingly enough it fitted his seven foot frame which most beds are unable to do. He stood up and and shook his head before walking out the door to trek down stairs. He looked to see he was in the dining room as the tables were sprawled all over for preparation.

"You are awake, I would guess that you will not let alcohol get the better of you the next time." A soft voice said.

He turned to see the night elf from last night. She walked through the kitchen door meeting him. He could finally see clearly the features of her face. And like many elves before she was beautiful, but yet her beauty is different, it gives off a very radiating aura, but alas it did not deter him to just apologize on his behalf. Alcohol had taken him down to the shadows of freedom many times , so this moment would be just an another, but yet clearly an unusual one to wind up in the house hold of an elven woman. "Forgive me if I drank myself...I...alcohol is just my taste." He excused.

She smiled. "I do not judge the daily lives of common people, like ourselves, If alcohol is your taste then I do not control what you will intake." Nilsha said.

He chuckled. Which made the night elf raise her brow. "Did my words let you escape a laugh?" She asked.

The seven foot warrior then responded in clarification. "Forgive me to generalize ma'm, I was just surprised to see a night elf saying you are part of the common people, as if you are equalizing your race within humanity." He told.

Nilsha nodded. "Don't be, I'm...different from most of my people. I truly believe all things are equal be it a night elf or a human. This kind of mindset is usually shunned from where I originated but I held truly. " She told.

The warrior then let off and looks around, realizing that his weapon was no longer at his sights.

The night elf realized what he was looking for and just pointed at the corner behind the counter where she placed the heavy weapon. "It is just behind the counter, your weapon. I hid it when you placed it so openly in the dinner table. It is quite heavy." She said.

He walked over and saw it, picking the two handed serrated axe with one hand, much to the elf's surprise. "Thank you ma'am..." He formally thanked.

She brushed off his formality and walked over to him for a hand shake in to which the human gladly takes. "Just please, enough with the formality, just call me Nilsha. Nilsha Moonlit the full length of my name." She insisted.

"It is your decision...Nilsha." He said before going right back about the damages he had done in terms of paying out. "So anyhow miss Moonlit, I mean Nilsha. What would be the damages of my stay? How many pieces of Silver? Gold?" He asked, already reaching to his leather pocket to take out his pouches of gold.

She shook her head. "None, your stay is free, I was just trying to help a fellow citizen with his stupor. I will need not of your money, and even then you have already bribed me twenty pieces of gold which is more than the three day's of my work." She said.

He didn't consider her offer. "No, I insist. If you don't need my money, I will find other way's to pay. I will not leave unless I have paid my due to your services." He insisted adamantly.

The night elf sighed and conceded. "Fine, because you are so adamant on paying. I will let you work for a bit to pay...perhaps, going to the market and assisting me would suffice?" She told him.

"Oh truly, any work will do. And for my name, Nilsha. Galvane Hilt would be it, and I'm at your service." He introduced himself.

The night elf acknowledged his somewhat enthusiastic nature. Though confused to his sudden change of demeanor in comparison when he walked through the door yesterday to eat which he was quite rude. Perhaps it was just because of problems that probably had caught up with him. She just smiled to the revelation of his own name and offered water which the warrior gladly took it to re-hydrate themselves for the morning. "Well Galvane, accompany me to the market if you will. I need at least tens of kilos of fish, meat and vegetables to buy for the remaining week, and only five pieces of gold to budget it all in. Perhaps that would suffice as your payment for your stay here in the restaurant."

"Lead the way, I'll follow in a distance to lift up the needed items you will buy." He told as he watched her walk down towards door urging him to follow on.

He did what he was told, following behind suite behind the night elf with a little distance between him and her. He squinted his eyes as the sun rays hit him as he followed suite inside the market. It was a large market with all kinds in one place. Night Elves, Draenei's, Dwarves, Humans etc etc. was trekking about in the crowded market, buying the things that they need. The warrior wondered where they are buying because it took some time, a little over half an hour had passed. He looked over to the night elf, motioning to ask where they were headed, but just as he was about to raise a word, the night elf stopped in a stand.

"Oh hey Matilda." Nilsha said to a human female with black hair. She was average in height, just standing 5'4 compared to the elf's taller but ethnically shorter height of 5'10.

Galvane pulled back and watched from the distance to let the girls to their things on what to buy and when to buy one. He wasn't much of a marketing person, doing little bit less with his own mother back in the days, carrying heavy packages because he was a very big man. He stood exactly at 6'11, a height that most would either want to have or would not want to have and he was a heavyweight at 280 pounds of pure battle hardened muscles. Standing mostly shoulders taller than everyone else he had encountered other than tall humans like himself, Night elven males and draenei males who are closer to his height.

"Thanks Matilda, I'll see you later." The Night elf said to her. Picking up a few pounds of fish and vegetables and other garments she needed for her own restaurant.

The human seller suddenly narrowed her brow as she pointed. "Oh look, it's those three idiots again." She said , pointing to a Dwarf, a Night Elf, and a Human. It seems like a very a bad joke, a dwarf, a human and a night elf walking inside a tavern. But nonetheless the three crooks that the human woman pointed had their attention pointed to them, like as if they had known each other, but surely enough they had known them through harassment.

The gigantic human watched through the distance with a small hint of curiosity as he watched those three approached the women. He could immediately see that they were up to no good because it seems that the elf who owned a restaurant was not so welcoming even to her own kind as she warned them in.

"Alright, stop harassing us. Just leave us alone." Nilsha warned, but was met with a forceful grip by the hands of her own kind, cracking a small and perverted smile.

The dwarf then chimed in and started to harass the night elf's human friend. "Aye you two, what te accompany us to the tavern? Ye know getting all goody there in a big room with ye two-" The dwarf stopped when he heard a mumble from his compatriots.

The seven foot human towered over them, even the elven male. He put both on the head of the elf and the head of the human who was sexually harassing the elf. "You know when I was young I used to crush coconuts with my hand." He said as his grip tightened forcing a wince from both the harassers. "Now help me out alright?" He said s he felt them wiggle, a clear message that it was enough. He let go and pushed the harassers aside. "Back off, and stop harassing them or else you'll get it." He warned as he watched them run off.

"Thank you for that warrior, you really are something. All big and scary worked out for us." The girl named Matilda said. She tilt her head up due to the fact that her height was clearly not enough to met his eyes.

The night elf woman agreed. "Yes thank you to that. Because of you, you were able to run them off before we got...harassed. Thanks." She said to him.

The human girl look to her elven friend just as she handed out the needed items.. "Do you know him Nilsha?" She asked with curiosity.

The night elf nodded as she passed the items to the human tower. "Yes I know him. I met him at the restaurant. He is just here with me to help me out on buying some things because he thought he owed me something because I didn't accept his coins. I said it was enough because I helped him out when he was in a drunken stupor." She said.

"Wow, and in that case it helped us also. What a nice turn of events." Matilda said before starting to say her goodbye's. "Alright I guess I'll be seeing you Nilsha." She said as they started to walk off from the stand.

The pair went off with their items and clamor back to the restaurant without uttering a word in. The human put the items in the table.

"Well I guess that would be enough for your pay don't you think?" She asked with a smile as she scoured through the items. Expecting the man to leave.

The human nodded, but he did not leave. He didn't state his reasons why because he just stood there, un moving without wonder in his mind. His head was looking directly at the floor to which the Night elf finally noticed. She didn't found it annoying, she was in fact starting to grow a small concern for the human warrior. It was obvious by now. A warrior coming up to a random restaurant, without care just spending is gold while wasting his food for wine. He was a veteran warrior, though he was young, just in the prime years of his human life.

She just wondered if she could help him. To at least shelter him or something similar. He did show that he wasn't a crook who latch on against innocents. She turned to him and wonders through her question. "Hey human...I mean Galvane. Do you have a place that you need to go right now?" She asked, and in it she received a shake of his head. "Well...if you have nowhere else to go how about you'll stay here just for a while? I can trust you right?" She smiled, to which he found assurance when he looked up to her with a raised brow. "Well I have needed extra help in this old thing." She said gesturing at the restaurant. "So why not you'll fit that place? Go ahead and go to your room." She said offering a hand to him as an offer.

He smiled. "Thank you" And went up stairs. He didn't know why he had accepted what she offered. But nonetheless at least he won't be having the trouble of looking for a trusted tavern.