Galvane raced through the outer edge of the village and already he realized how too late he was. The sentry's and the sentinels were already retreating back towards the village as a huge surprise came to them, a surprise that came in the form of an invasion as a huge number of cultist be it robed or armored came deep from the forest and immediately. They knew about the cultist, they knew about them and thought that they weren't much of a threat yet, but they were all too wrong. Wrong enough that their whole village rest on their hands on how fast they can evacuate.

The villagers panicked and ran straight towards the bride on the other side of the river for safety as the remaining sentinels held off a bit on the outer layer of the village, waiting for the full brunt of the attack from the cultist. But it wasn't just cultist, also fiery elementals have started to emerge and the outside forest of the village started to blaze as large elementals, as twice as tall of a Night Elf were at the distance, hurling rocks that were covered of their fiery flames, breaking through the houses and collapsing them even.

As Galvane and the captain arrived much destruction had already been caused by the fiery elementals, but fortunately enough no lives has yet to been claimed, the cultist still have not yet arrived and storm the village to take lives. Galvane looked around to see a little night elven girl came running to him, tugging onto his straps of armor with pleading and teary eyes, as if wanting him to follow her as she pointed at a distance to see a collapsed house. And quickly running towards it with the captain to find a night elf boy that looked aged at 9 years old crying over to a trapped adult Night Elf woman. Her legs buried underneath the rubble and large wood.

"Ma! Mama!" The boy wailed over to his mother as he desperately tried to lift the rubble that trapped her. "Go! Just run! Just run! Leave me, take your sister and just save her and yourself!" She yelled back, before hearing the rapid footsteps of the two soldiers. She looked hopeful that someone would be able to save her children. "Please, just take them two! Leave me! I'm dead! My legs are crushed-"

The captain shakes his head form her words as he and Galvane looked on each other before starting to dig out the rubble. "There's already too many orphans in the world, and these two aren't going to be one." He said as he and Galvane finally finished removing the rubble on top of her and began to put effort on lifting the wood from her. With a strong heave slowly they lifted the very heavy debris from her, lifting just enough for her to crawl out.

"I can't walk, I cannot feel my legs." She says and indeed she is correct as her left leg was broken, even a bone slightly bulged inside the skin.

Galvane puts his hand on the captain's shoulder. "Go carry her, go to the other side of the bridge, I'll take care of the rest." He said. Seeing the doubt in his eyes, Galvane narrowed his brows. Of course even the reasonable captain can doubt with his human prowess"I can fight! You know I can fight! I know I'm human but I'm stronger than anyone in the village! I'm the most experienced in the battle, I'll handle this!" he shouted with finality in his words. The captain could only nod as he picked up the elven mother on his shoulders, while the two children followed on suite.

"Good luck Galvane..."

As he watched them go on he unsheathed his prized weapon, Shadowmourne. Closing his eyes and lightly tapping his head on the hilt of it. "Help me now Shadowmourne, I order you..." He whispered to himself as the weapon's gem began to glow bright once more. "And then I'll answer. Gather the men that are on the field and get them on the other side of the village from the bridge. The cultist have not yet emerged and the fire elementals are not going to attack, so you'll have some time to evacuate your men as the villagers have come a good start."

Galvane got his answer as he looked on the distance. There were a lot of dangers ahead, and possibly this could kill him if he's not careful. "I'm back in the trenches again..." He said to himself as he remembered his men that died in the cold north along with the few that escaped with him. He remembered their faces and he wouldn't want their fate shared by the men that he is with in the garrison, even if they are not that close with him. And with everything that had transpired right now, it all leads to them dying once more and he can't have that failure again, and he'll make sure that it wont.

As his mind lingered about his failures Galvane looked back, their he could see everyone running towards safety. His face filled with worry to where Nilsha is, he knew she's safe, with her mother specifically. And he wanted to run over back to her, but he can't just abandon the rest of his men to hold them themselves while he runs for safety. He just wish that she'll forgive him for what he will risk, and forgive him for what he had done to her.

Nilsha looked down on her stomach and despite being barely a two weeks since she realized she was pregnant, already she could "feel" the slightest bump in her stomach. Her morning episodes and her mood swings got even more intense, sometimes she'll be very irritated the other times, she doesn't know what her emotions are. All she could to is just hide herself for now, and even with her mothers help and understanding it starts to become harder and harder. Even hiding from common strangers around the village is hard, as a lot of women are around and one of them are bound to see through her behavior.

She sat up on the edge of her bed. Most of her time is stuck here inside the room, pondering. Sometimes getting out from the room to join with her family. Her father talks to her, talks to her about her future and decisions which annoys her greatly. Still she loves him, but yet her life is still in question, especially now that her relationship with the father of her children is in great stress to the point that she hadn't spoken to him since the incident. Now she wondered how he is faring, if he is safe or not.

A twist of the knob interrupted her thoughts as her mother comes inside. It brought a small smile on her knowing that her mother always came to check on her and to console her.

Alteria's hand softly caressed her daughter's cheeks as she asked. "How are you doing Nilsha?"

"I am fine...mostly worried for Galvane." She says, usually she hides her thoughts, even from her mother but she couldn't help herself but blurt it out as her chest aches in worry.

"Don't worry my daughter. You'll fix whatever tribulations you'll face. And I understand why you worry, why he despite being human and had hurt you fills your mind, because not only now is he important for you but also important for the daughters that you carry." The older Ka'ldorei says, her voice was soft, filling Nilsha good assurance to herself.

Nilsha sighed, as great as her words were she still holds herself to what her father thinks upon her decision. If ever would he accept her decision or disowns her for it. And the thought about still greatly scares her. "It's just that...I'm just afraid for the end of this." She says and left it to that. And still she had not yet tell her mother the truth and the reason for her separation of Galvane. Her mother smiled and gently offers her hand to her and with it they both stood up.

"Come on let's go outside and feel the warmth of the sun. Us Night Elves usually don't but-" All the peace in their village suddenly disrupted as a large crash was heard outside, and after a few moments the screams and wails from the villagers emerges. And immediately they rushed outside to see the panic in their faces as Nilsha's father arrived along with Sheandre. They were running towards them as a thousand questions were inside their heads.

"Father, what is going on?!" Nilsha stammered as she looked at the edge of the village. She could hear metal crashing with other metals, whatever it is, fear eclipsed her face.

"The village is under attack. We're ordered to get on over to the other side of the bridge and get out from the village." He say before looking over to his wife. "Alteria, go to the halls of the priestesses and get everyone out, the sentinels are holding them back, we got a few minutes. And leave everything, leave our house, we just need to get out from this place." He quickly added, his face covered in sweat from the fear that shook him.

Nilsha's eyes were rapidly blinking as everything just came crashing all of a sudden. From one moment her life is safe and then the next everything threatens to destroy everything that she holds dear. And now her thoughts come to Galvane, wondering if he is safe or not. She had not seen him since they're separation, and she had chosen to not see him out of spite. "Father where is Galvane?"

He just stood there, refusing to hear her daughter as the thought about it angers him. Even when their lives were in danger, all she could think is her human mate. "Nilsha just leave me be with that! He's out there safe I'm sure of it!" He yelled back as he looked back at the distance, seeing the soldiers quickly moving in to defend more and more of the villagers. He could see that they were retreating, and he doesn't want his family be caught in the cross fire. And he had seen the man personally at the distance in the battle field leading his men, he could see that despite being the only human in this village, he does his duty regardless. And somewhat he starts to creep up a bit of guilt that he had shown so much animosity towards him because of his race when he just barely knew the man.

Looking to his daughter just narrowed his brow. "Just leave him be now!"

Hearing the same thing all over again from him she just started to shake his head, she couldn't believe that even in such dangers like this he still had the audacity to try and take over her life. With everything happening, where everyone is in danger the possibility of death is so eerily close, her already short time with Galvane would be even shorter. And she would be damned if that happens. All her frustrations just bursts out with a deafening. roar in her voice"Enough! Just enough! I had enough hearing from you!" She yells. Her eyes started to sting now with the outburst of her emotions, and she'd be damn to cry now, not when Galvane needs her so much.

"I'll just find him myself if that is the case from you." She softly says to him, but before she could even react her father grabbed hold of his wrist. "Nilsha do you really want to endanger yourself or is this just something that you want me to spite me with?!"

Nilsha looked to him, she decided that it might be time. To stop being afraid and tell him the truth, even if its in the midst of their lives close to the dangers of a battle and a village being razed. She had been afraid so many times of her father to what he might think of her, that she can no longer contain it to herself, especially knowing its their lives at stake. "He's more than just my mate now father..."

He squinted his eyes in confusion, but then for a moment he observed his daughter, seeing her tenderly clutch the midsection of her body. His eyes immediately widened and that's when he knew.

Galvane swung with all his might as the blade of Shadowmourne sliced through the soft flesh of the cultist easily. It's blood splattering to the ground with a great howl before becoming quiet. It was one of the first wave of cultists coming out from the forest. He was expecting slightly more "tamed" opponents, with more of mages in their suites, but he didn't expect full fledged warriors in with armors with so much varieties. Ogres, orcs, trolls, humans and even some elves.

Looking at the surrounding area, all of the villagers somewhat were at the distance from this place now and with so much cultist coming in at any moment now and with fire elementals chucking fiery boulders at their way, and smashing houses there was no reason to stay but to retreat and help the villagers out from this place.

All in all there are ten of them, only ten to hold the entire assault as the rest of the garrison busied themselves to evacuate the villagers leaving only so little to actually fight the entire invading skirmish. But all ten of them survived the ordeal for now as Galvane ordered to never stray away from the group, and along with his experience in the front lines and Shadowmourne's insurmountable power, made quick work of the enemies. But soon enough they'll be overwhelmed. "Let's all retreat!" Ordered Galvane, and they did, they all abandoned battlefield for now and bolted for the bridge.

Galvane somewhat overestimated the villagers ability to evacuate and to his horror, still a good amount of villagers were has not yet crossed the bridge. He looked around in relief at least that there were no villagers that were still scattered in the area, but all are within his sights. "Everyone cross! Everyone!" He yelled as the villagers rushed in, he had just hoped everyone in this village knows the common language because in how many moments just now there would be overwhelming.

With the wave of his axe Shadowmourne come forth again as his jewel glows bright. "Master, from what I can gather in this moment, regardless of what happens, even if all the villagers cross, eventually all of you will be hunted down and slaughtered. There is no power here master that can save you, all the villagers here are just ordinary women, and ordinary night elven men."

Galvane breathed deeply, as he realized where he is now. It's going to happen again, like back in the cold North of Northrend where he was powerless to do anything but watch as his men die. His heart it tightened at the thought of it, where history is going to repeat his failure. Right now, what he does determines- "Galvane!" A concerned yell breaks him from his thoughts as he looked at the direction where the voice was. When he found out whose voice it was, he wasn't sure to feel relief and happiness or deep concern as Nilsha came rushing to him.

Another followed her, he had a more older aura unto him despite his ageless face, along with the same white hair that Nilsha adorned. It seems he would actually meet the man of their house. He had seen her father, months ago, and he would have wanted to prove to him as a good man for his daughter, but not under these circumstance where their lives are on the line. Ignoring his lover's plea, he went ahead to the elder night elf.

"Sir, I wish there was a different circumstance for us to meet, but take Nilsha far away from this place. Go to the other side of the river, since it's near to the coasts." He says as he nods to him. And with that, the older man could only nod, slightly biting his lip before turning to his own daughter.

"Nilsha, we've got to go. Listen to the man." He says, as he puts a hand on her shoulder, his eyes hovering in concern as it seems like the sound of battle ever approaches them. Predictably she ignored him as she forced her hand on his, pulling him close to her. "Galvane, let's go! We need you right now!" She yells, before adding. "We've got time to run away, and the rest of the men will escort us away from here."

"And eventually they'll catch up and slaughter us." He cuts her off, looking back at the distance, wondering how close the battle approached. "I've got to stay. I need to defend and buy all of you some time." Seeing her head shakes at his word, he looked at Nilsha's father. "Go, take her, and run away!" Hearing him said those words affected her greatly as she lunged up to him, holding his hand tightly to her.

"No! No! Not again Galvane!" She yells as she coils her hand on his. When she felt his hand tremble beneath hers, she expected him to relent, to coil his hand on hers also and to turn back to her for them run away together in safety, and once again be well, but yet all of it were unfulfilled the moment she felt his resistance, and when she felt his hand forcefully separated from hers she was in shock as sheput her eyes on him, his back turned to her, refusing to look back. Her emotions where in a swivel, she was confused for a moment till Galvane walked away. Her breath became a lot heavier than she anticipated as if her lungs where suffocating under its weight. She held out her hand, wanting, and waiting for him to answer by taking her hand and then holding her on.

Yet all of her expectations where for naught when Galvane sprinted on into the battle field ignoring her pleas. Everything went hazy for a moment as she felt like a deafening sound rang on to her ears as she watched Galvane leave into the midst of the danger.

"You should be glad that I am pregnant of your child, or else I would have already left you." She remembers what she had said to him, their last conversation, when he hung his head in shame before her, with tears dripping from his eyes. And likely from how it would go at this moment where so many enemies forced them to flee, she would never be able to answer his question on whether or not she still loves him, because he'll be staying along with whatever volunteers that he has with to hold them off for now.

"Galvane! NO! PLEASE!" Nilsha screams as her father forcefully took her away to the sanctuary of the other side of the river. Crossing on the bridge, leaving Galvane and the rest to do their duties. She looked at her father and tried to force herself away from his grasp in order to get back to him, back her lover that she desperately want to tell the answers to his question. "Father, please don't stop me!" She pleads, and her pleas were did not fall to deaf ears. "Just let me tell him, please, please."

Tharos narrows his eyes in concern, but shakes its off, he understands the plight of his daughter. Seeing the recent events that unfold, he can't blame her for acting like the human is the only thing that remained in her world after he disowned her when he had found out, but now that she is carrying her own family in her, it is a matter that he must forget and must protect her like a true father would. "I understand Nilsha, but also understand this!" He yells as he forced her to look at him. "This isn't just about you or just about him! You need to keep yourself safe! You're not the only one here, you are carrying innocent lives now, and they wouldn't be able to see the world if you won't stop being selfish my daughter!" He bellowed to her as his words seemed to have an effect on her.

"Father, you wouldn't under-"

"I don't? You seem to forget I'm a father too Nilsha, he knows he's a father, your mate and I understand each other in this situation, I'm sorry that I have been very selfish to the point that I've turned you away and him because of my hateful views...but still." He softens. "He is there on the other side defending along with the rest and I pray for a miracle that all of would be able to join us once again, but if you do not relent, then his effort in risking his life to defend you would all be for naught!"

Nilsha listens, and she couldn't fight him anymore because indeed he was right. But yet she couldn't help knowing how she really wanted to answer Galvane, to let him know that she still loved him and she desperately wants to hold him again. With a soft nod, she let him lead her away from the bridge as they ran for the coast with the rest of the villagers. Nilsha looking back briefly at the bridge, her teeth grinding hard against each other as her emotions were like putting on weight that she can't shoulder on. My Goddess please...

Galvane breathes become deeper and deeper as he looked at the distance, the dusts dancing all around the area as the footsteps of the enemies were shaking the ground. Galvane looked around to see his fellow men, though considerably older than him in age because of their elven lives, are just children when it comes to the battle field. He looked at his sides, there are three women and seven men and them him alone. He looked at their faces, their eyes narrowed with fear etched on their faces.

'And soon enough they will just be a bloodstain beneath your feet.' Galvane heard Shadowmourne whisper. It is unfair that his men again would share the same fate that his previous men did. They were young, with long lives ahead of them, yet they were robbed of it because his decisions to stay at a place where death was coming for them. He still feels it, their deaths, his men on the cold north in a suicide mission that haunted him to this day, and he feels now also that his men currently, in a futile attempt to defend. He could probably survive the first wave, clean out the first of the cultist, but his men will die immediately and immediately it would just be him alone defending.

"Shadowmourne." Galvane again whispers under his breath, the weapon glowing again and its runes dancing in its lights. 'What do you need master?' The sentient weapon replies as he feels his master's grip tightening to its shaft. Softly Galvane says "Save my men, use whatever powers you have to save them, I command you."

'Then command your men to run away, let them save the villagers while you stay here alone. I will help you with all of my power.'

Galvane looked at his men's fearful faces. Both men and women of elven descent ready to protect. Despite their fear they are willing to give their lives, but he won't let them give their lives now. With a roar from his commanding voice he sounded. "Everyone retreat! Go to the other side, connect with the villagers!" He roars to his men, but instead of a resounding confirmation to his order, all he got where narrowed brows of confusion. "Can't you hear me you tree huggers?! Get the hell out of here and connect with the villagers! I'll hold them off!"

Now the night elves where definitely confirming to themselves that their human captain had went insane, thinking that he alone could hold off such a large wave of enemies. They were willing to give themselves to save their people and yet their captain is commanding them to leave their hold. "We will not do that captain!" One of them replied, he looked to be young of elven standards, probably near adulthood in their years, inexperienced in wars despite being substantially older than their own human captain. "We are going to stay and defend, we will not allow you to defend alone and die!"

Galvane heard that reply before, and it was a miracle that the man survived to get back to his only living family in his own sister. He remembered paying that young man heaps of gold to never take up a sword ever again. And they are the same with this young night elf, different race but still the same mind and naivety. "I am ordering you squire to get out of the battlefield and the rest of your men! You are weak yet! You all will die and would stood no chance against them. Don't underestimate me just because I'm human! I'm stronger than all of you!" Galvane yelled at them, his voice cracking as he tried to convince his men to leave.

"But captai-"

"I said leave!" Galvane cuts him off, looking at the fearful eyes his men, they themselves were not only fearing the enemy but their captain's own life as well. "Do not disobey my order squire!" he adds, finally seeing that the young night elf concedes. The night elf squire gives a reluctant and humanly salute to him before uttering. "Y-yes captain." He soon leaves along with the rest, looking back at their lone captain while they flee. They pray that their Goddess would guide him, regardless if he believes in her or not.

Galvane watches them disappear to the distance as a slight tear runs from the edge of his eyes. 'Please, don't disappoint me my men, protect them, don't let it repeat again.' he says to himself, looking down unto the ground where he stood alone at the end of the bridge to defend. This is where he dies it seems, in his last stand, how many seconds or minutes can he hold before he becomes overwhelmed? He has been fought since the faithful day of Stratholme, into Hyjal, into Northrend and into Icecrown where all the memories seem vague now to him because his deal with the Death Knights to erase his memory of the horrors that he encountered in the cold North.

For a moment Galvane noticed that he was breathing HEAVILY, as if his lungs had not take in air for a minute, sweat began to pour out from his skin, even blinking rapidly as he felt his body starting to shiver as if a winter just came about. Rapid footsteps snapped him out as in the distance he could finally see the cultists. Robed and armored figures of all races, Elves, humans, orcs, ogres, he never imagined that he would have to fight such people. But with a loud roar Galvane declared and taunted. "Come here! Bring it on!" he roars, even if he is just alone and no other men to hear it to inspire themselves. Shadowmourne's jewel glowing brightly as his wielder kept on banging the runed axe to the pavement.

Time seemed to slowdown for a moment as Galvane focused, focused everything of himself to his best abilities as a warrior of great experience. He looked at Shadowmourne, and then prayed to the Light, having to come back to his religion to guide him before roaring at the enemies once again as the first armored enemy came at him. Diving at him with menacing ferocity only to be struck and be split in half by his weapon, and when blood splattered on his boots Galvane looked at the pavement, now painted in crimson once again. He felt nauseous, despite having fought these cultists in small skirmishes to protect the village earlier, it really felt different when it is a gamble, when the lives of the villagers and the one he loved depends on his battle.

Galvane grit his teeth, the metallic smell of blood filled his nostrils, it felt like a bile would come out from his throat. Forgive me to intrude master, but anxiety in the midst of the battle forfeits the life of your own beloved. Shadowmourne suddenly blurts out. You must remember master, that you are the only one that stood between them slaughtering the entire village and the villagers seeing the next day. I would advise to remind yourself that your beloved and your unborn children is also in your hands.

I have said I would assist you master in this battlefield, and I intend to keep that. Galvane hears Shadowmourne say. And indeed the sentient weapon is right. Everyone depended on him right now to protect when he arrogantly dismissed his men, thinking that he could take the mall alone, he cant have any episodes that puts him on cold feet. He has to fight, not just for Nilsha but for himself also, and to his men. "Then HELP ME!" Galvane commands as an armored cultist charged at him, swiftly dodging the enemy's swing Galvane returned the favor decapitated the cultist. And when the blood splattered to his boots, it didn't made him feel nauseous, a crystal came from the body of the dead enemy and embedded itself to him, feeling the surge of strength inside of him.

Each dead cultist I will take its soul and use it to empower you master. Need not worry, you don't have to concern yourself on how it affects you, it is arcane in nature.

Indeed he felt that power, even slightly his physical dimensions grew as whatever Shadowmourne empowered him with, cause his body to grow slightly bigger. His muscles bulging in strength as cultists swarmed in. Even the mages from the cultist weren't safe as his new found strength as he lunged it and tore through them. Yet he wasn't without damage as each encounter left him with an injury, Galvane swung his mighty axe to kill more and more as the bodies started to surround him and when he noticed a cultist trying to cross the bridge, he ran with great speed and hacked, killing the cultist instantly, empowering him even more as his face was now covered in blood.

"Bring it on!" Galvane roared, Shadowmourne glowing intensely as its runic symbols began to glow also in bright blue. Wave after wave Galvane fought, when time passed just for a minute, for the human warrior it seemed like an hour of hacking and blood spurting battle as the ground beneath him was washed in blood, his body breaking down from the injuries that he sustained. A roar from an ogre made him look to his side only to be hit with the ogres weapon, a direct hit, causing him to fly away several feet from where he stood, spitting up blood in an alarming amount. Had Galvane not been empowered by Shadowmourne, he knew he would have had surely die from the blow, as he gets up and charged at the ogre ignoring the pleas of his body to rest and tend to his pain, and hacked through the large adversary.

Only minutes have passed master, eventually you will be overwhelmed, and eventually they would come to cross and reached the villagers.

Galvane's eyes widened when he heard Shadowmourne's assessment, nothing more is painful than knowing his sacrifice would have been futile in the end. He looked at the distance and still see countless amounts of Orcish and Human cultist alike charging through the battlefield as the fire elementals burned through the forest. Indeed, he will die here it seems. His injuries were taking its toll as he barely maintained his grip unto his weapon, occasionally squinting and gritting his teeth as he feels the sting of pain from his wounds.

"Then what do I have to do?! I must not fail here!" He replied as Galvane continues on to swing as the cultist kept pouring in from all around. He has no idea how many cultist he had killed, all he knew is that their bodies are piling in and that he needs to buy more time for the villagers, and with this overwhelming numbers, he is glad that he made the choice to make his men go with the villagers or else they are already dead from the first wave. Galvane kept on swinging and swinging, despite Shadowmourne empowering him with great strength, in the end he was still a mortal human that gets tired and impatient, when Shadowmourne was quiet to his question.

"Answer me damn it!" Galvane demanded, and still the weapon did not heed his questions, only empowering him more and more in each death of an enemy, creating a soul fragment. As seconds passed, Galvane started to fade, his arms were near gone as his grip was now hanging from his fingers. His breath was heavy as he was exhausted, even with the power of Shadowmourne it was not enough it seems. But he had to fight, even if it means lying dead on the ground, he has to fight.

He prayed that Nilsha is safe, that she is in a sanctuary, away from all the battles. You must destroy the bridge, master. Shadowmourne finally replied. Finally an answer, he thought as he looked back behind him, it was this bridge that stood between their safety on the other side. As strong as Galvane as a warrior, he's still a human with limitations, there were no chance for him to destroy a bridge that is fifty feet long and how many feet in width, it is simply impossible with the amount of time given to him. Destroy the each base on the ends of the bridge master, you need not to destroy it completely, just weaken it enough, the wood is made out of strong wood of Ashenvale but I am no ordinary blade master, I can cut anything as long as you see fit, do you not trust my powers master? Shadowmourne responded. It is ironic it is Shadowmourne now asking to trust him, after so many times Galvane asked other people to trust his judgement.

You must weaken each pillars of the bridge, cut through it with my blade and then you must destroy the bridge in the middle of it along with the weight of the piling corpses that you have slain master. What an herculean task that he would have go through, he must to his task while having to defend waves and waves of cultist. It already is a miracle how he is still survived as he used all his experience from the wars that he fought in this moment, from the plague of Lordaeron all the way in the battle atop Icecrown against the Lich King.

Galvane just ran, ran and immediately began hacking his way at the base of the bridge, despite the strength of his enchanted Axe, the bridge was strong and it took amount of time in order to weaken it, along with having to fight back against cultists as one charged at him. Galvane was albeit slow as he did not avoid the direct blow of the cults' mace directly to his chest, stunning him. It hit him hard, as Galvane could taste the tiny bit of blood in his mouth from that blow. Galvnae just retaliated immediately and landed a clean blow, killing the attacker.

He looked behind to see that for a moment it was void of enemies, bolting to the other side of the bridge he began hacking away at the base, weakening the once strong structure as his hands shook at the impact, as the force reverberated back at him. Focusing so much at the task at hand Galvane for the moment had forgotten that he was still in the battlefield, unaware as an orcish cultist rush at him with an axe, striking him unaware at his shoulder, had his armor been any weaker it would proven to be fatal. He grit his teeth as the feeling pain immediately rushed into him, flailing Shadowmourne to his surrounding, catching the orc within its edges killing it.

He looked back to his work, and indeed the base of the bridge is damaged, the hardened wood is now weakened, but yet it still stands strong. I have to stay. Galvane knows where this end for him, with the wound of his shoulder it would be soon enough that he'll go down. He has to kill as much cultists as he can in the middle of the bridge, make sure none would be able to cross and then if there is enough, use all of his might to weaken the center of the bridge, and then gravity will do its natural work. Galvane taunted and taunted, scraping his weapon to the ground and pounding on it to weaken the middle further as waves and waves of cultist arrived. His eyes were blood shot red, and he was at this point a one man army that stood between murderers and innocent lives. He had forgotten for a moment that he was a father, that he still has the obligation to return to Nilsha, he had forgotten about that for this moment alone.

An ogre charged head on with a large club and Galvane parried his blows, only for his fingers to be crushed between the metal and the large club, but he had forgotten the pain, as adrenaline and the sheer will to protect Nilsha is his only concern. Swinging his axe many times on the ogre, blood spattered unto the ground and on his face, heck, even his eyes were covered in blood as only by instinct does he move to strike.

Orcish women, human women or orcish men and human men, they all come in to overwhelm him as the last fight in him came to a close. Even the soul fragment that Shadowmourne had given that makes him stronger was still not enough to hold them off.

He looked at his surroundings, surrounded by the pile of corpses as blood drips from the bridge and unto the raging river below. I think this is has got to be. Galvane whispers to himself, he was so weak, any swing of his weapon will make him collapse to the ground and fall unconscious. "Shadowmourne, this is enough, you said you will help me." Galvane reminded as in the distance waves of cultist were charging once more, and it surely meant anyone of them reaching him would be the death of him and fleeing villagers.

It didn't take long for Shadowmourne to glow once more. When Galvane saw that Shadowmourne heeded his request, he was in debt to it. It didn't take long for Shadowmourne to use all the contained souls to infuse his wielder with greater strength than before. Whatever souls Shadowmourne infused his wielder with it wanted to get out and unleash its wrath upon its enemies.

Oh, the many months and the many thousands of pieces of gold that Galvane wasted in order to to get the items to forge Shadowmourne. When he had met Darion for the first time as a bodyguard of Jaina Proudmoore he wouldn't have imagined himself begging the same death knight for him to be the one to forge the axe in order to have the chance to slay the Lich King himself, to finally end the murderer, the murder his father, mother and sister and the many families and friends that he had known in Lordaeron. The many times where death almost kissed him fighting the abominations of Putricide for their Acidic Blood, the many undead souls that fell to him in order to strengthen the unfinished axe, and the many general and lieutenants of Arthas inside Icecrown Citadel in order to get the fragments of the Frozen throne.

Whatever it is that he was infused it wanted to get out from him as the weight in his chest began to expand. Galvane gritted his teeth as his grip to his weapon tightened to the point that he drew blood.

If Arthas, one of the most dedicated knights of his age, lost his humanity to the whispers of Frostmourne, might Shadowmourne bring the same doom and misery to the living and you as its sister blade? And are you bold enough to try to wield such a weapon? Make your choice Galvane...

At least Galvane knew that Darion was wrong, that his weapon was created only to serve its master and not to destroy his soul, though Shadowmourne used dark magic, at least Galvane knew he used to to serve and help him in the most dire of times. As that magic threatened to burst from his body, Galvane doesn't know whether to resist or to let go of the pain inside of his chest but it was becoming unbearable for the human warrior. As the waves of cultist come closer to him again, Shadowmourne's voice reached out from the inside.

Swung your weapon master at the bridge and let go, let my power let go from you.

Galvane wasn't far from doing it immediately as he slammed Shadowmourne to the ground, as its power burst forth from him. All that strength that had empowered him had been strip away from him immediately as a massive wave struck through the bridge with a deafening thud, for a moment an earthquake shook the land before the cobwebs of souls smoked from the ground, surrounding the human warrior, and a second hast past and everything went still.

Galvane fell to his knees, his right knee kissing the ground as he raised his left in a knightly position, observing the distance, where the waves of enemies were charging through, eager to cross and slaughter. Another second had past. Galvane picked up Shadwowmourne with the blade resting on the floor while its handle was raised, he clutched its shaft and rested his cheek, his eyes half lidded, his energy depleted. And an another second Galvane smiled. He smiled as the sound of the wooden cracks came to his ears like music.

He turned.

Whatever energy Galvane has, he had to use it. She's going to be safe. Galvane had thought to himself, at least she'll go on, she'll go on to live her life, and raise their children. He wanted to smile at the thought of it, her being safe to grow with their children, but tears eventually emerge from his eyes as the bridge roared its cracks, it's body of work caving in to the enormous weight that Galvane piled on, while the raging river below bellowed in want for its victims, Galvane's final sob came in as he realized he will die alone as everything collapsed around him.