Sorry it took a long time.

Hope you like it , I put more detail in it.

Also I know the storyline.

I don't own Fairy Tail.

And please review

Chapter 5 Training Part 1

While catching up , Romeo slipped up the topic of the grand magic games. The new master , well new to the returned, Macao though full out went against his son.

" But Dad we have a chance now. " All of the ones who had lived the seven years disagreed completely with the idea. Romeo though had mentioned the huge reward for the winner. Once that was said Makarov the 3rd master demanded that they would participate. He could only see all the jewels that were soon to be his , and becoming #1 guild again as well. But mainly the jewels.

All the others that had returned were pumped up about this news. They couldn't wait to win and make the guild #1 again. Especially Natsu. Later Natsu was going against Max outside and lost. Yep , L-O-S-T. Never thought they would see that happen. Ever.

Lucy decide to go against Max , saying how easy it would be. She won but it was not as easy was it should have been. With out much of having to think about it , they , Levy and Freed, came to an understanding that they are 7 years behind in magic. Master wanted to win so he ordered that those on Tenrou Island would have to train to catch up. They were then organized into training groups and set off.

Mira and her team plus Cana went training off in the mountains and the thunder god tribe went training somewhere far away. Natsu , Happy , Lucy , Wendy , Carla ,Grey , Levy , Juvia , and Erza were a group. You're probably wondering, What's with such a strange group, well. Juvia had went with them for her precious Gray-sama. Wendy and Carla had went with them because the others scared them and they were comfortable with them. Levy went because Lu-chan was with them and also because Gajeel and Pantherlilly went training somewhere secret. Natsu , Happy , Lucy , Gray, and Erza went together because their a team and teams stick together. And with out them noticing Mavis went with them because she was bored.

They decide to train at the beach. This beach was your normal average beach but the people on it were not. Jet and Droy had tagged along to help but they were really there for Levy. Once there they had decided for the first day they can have fun. But with Fairy Tail , anything fun leads to mass destruction. And as the narrator I'm always right. All the girls were getting starred at by guys with nosebleeds because of their swim suits , mainly Erza , Juvia , and Lucy. Levy and Wendy didn't get much attention because of their flat chest. Jet and Droy were stared at some only for the reason you don't want to get stared at for. Natsu and Gray had some girls looking at them , their abs, as well but this was the OK part. Then Natsu and Grey decided to compete with each other. That of course means destruction. A lot of DESTRUCTION.

Both of them scream ," Let's compete in swimming! " They both swam around real quick. Then, " Now let's compete in building a sand castle!" That happened in a blur. " Let's compete in eating!" Fast as possible " Here compete in tanning! " I don't know how they tanned real quick but they did. Juvia was next in looking at Gray saying " A tanned Gray-sama. So cool~" Jet and Droy were watching Levy , Lucy , and Erza , like the perverts they are inside. Natsu and Gray then ended up fighting on the water. Grey had ended up freezing the ocean then Natsu trying to heat it up back to water , but made ice fly around everywhere , making Erza slice the ice with her swords. Sad thing is even Wendy participated in destroying the ice. 'What happen to poor innocent Wendy' , Lucy thought. Lucy had decided to not destroy anything unlike the others. Plus if she did she would cause way more destruction than them. The beach was a wreck after that tiny , little accident.

After having some fun they got serious. Operation training time! Natsu was going all out. Lucy was meditation with the help of Capricorn. Capricorn then started to speak as Lucy sat criss cross with her eyes closed. " You need to enhance your spiritual control aswell as your dragon instinct and raise your magic volume along with your senses. Feel the Earth. . . the wind . . . the air. . . with your skin then synchronize your breath with nature. " Lucy could feel everything at once. She could even hear Fairy Tail and much more. If she opened her eyes she could see the land across the huge ocean. And she could smells everything stinky and sweet . " Your doing great Lucy-sama." After some more meditation, she decided ask Capricorn " Have you heard of the one magic?" Capricorn didn't exactly answer her question directly, " Its the source of magic for all magics." Lucy look at Capricorn then said," Hades was longing to get it. My mother told me about it and it's not so horrible like Zeref or the Grand Magic World. " He wasn't understanding were Lucy was going, " So your point is?" Lucy then started to talk again, " If what my mom said about the one magic is true , then it's never reachable for Hades at the time . . . completely beyond imagination. It seems quite easy to get, but actually pretty hard. It does have a dramatic power of beating everything , meanwhile its fragile. My mom said all magics originate from LOVE." Lucy put her hands over her heart. " You have a wonderful explanation for it." Capricorn commented. " If Hades could think in this way. He would never have lost himself in the darkness. " He nodded in agreement then they started training again.

Wendy was learning some new spells that were given to her by Porlyusica , with Levy's help. And the rest were doing their own training.

~ Later~

They were all staying at a fancy inn , curtsey of Loki. Natsu kept complaining though , he didn't think that it felt right. Lucy , being from a rich family , was not all that amazed by the the inn. They then went off to do whatever. The girls though decided to have some fun. They started to drink. This could only lead to something funny or romantic.

Later the boys entered the room and are shocked to see that all the girls are drunk. Wendy was passed out in the corner of the room but it would sound better if you said she was just sleeping. Even Carla was drunk. The boys walked over to each one of the girls. Natsu walked to Lucy who was seeing 3 of him.

Jet and Droy had walked near Erza who had mistaken them for Macao and Wakaba. Gray didn't walk to Juvia but instead she crawled over to him. Happy went over to Carla who wanted a piggy back ride. Levy was gigglingly about what was happening.

" Natsu~ " Lucy sang. " Luce?" He asked hesitantly. Lucy crawled over to him. " Nya~ Natsu pet me~" Lucy then rubbed herself against Natsu like a cat wanting attention. Natsu then started to pet her but the look on his face said that he really didn't want to deal with drunk Lucy. He wasn't the only one , all the other boys regretted coming back so soon. "Gray-sama! Juvia loves Gray-sama ~"

"Oh, boy."

Erza looked really scary and was hitting Droy and Jet upside their heads.

" Natsu~ give me a piggy back ride~" Lucy then started to climb Natsu without waiting for an answer. Natsu was annoyed by drunk Lucy but did as she ask well more like demanded.

Later after the drunk incident the boys and girls split up to take a bath in the hot springs. The boys being major pervs tried to spy on the girls. Natsu , Grey , and Jet stood on top of Droy trying to see the girls. Happy was with the girls. The girls talked about how relaxing the bath was then Lucy spoke up ," Look! Beautiful stars!" Everyone stared at the stars even the boys that were trying to peek. Levy then asked not really expecting an answer ," Are the others having tough training?" Then Wendy thought out loud, " Maybe they are watching the stars like us?!" True to Wendy's question the others were watching the same stars while thinking the same thing as Wendy.

" I have to make more effort." Lucy said and the others smiled at her. Thanks to Erza and her instinct she noticed something suspicious and through kunai at the wall. Now they all had kunai in the head and Droy had it in his back. That's what they get for trying to peek at the naked girls. Lucy had asked what's wrong and Erza told her about her suspension. Levy then comment about how dare the boys spy on them. Juvia then replied saying that Gray-sama would never do that. How shameless was said by Wendy.

Erza then decided to tease Lucy, " Was that Natsu? How bout calling them to join us?" Wendy and Lucy were both red but Lucy screamed a big NO!

The boys had bandages on their head but Droy had his on his ass. Natsu then said, " I was almost killed. " Gray then said to Natsu," I shouldn't have come with you." Jet then replied to Gray saying, " You were just as excited as him." Then their attention was focused on Droy let a noise of his pain. Then they all asked him , " How the HELL did your ass get hurt!"

Mavis was also with the girls, and she was feeling depressed as she looked at Lucy, Erza , and Juvia. Then she looked at Levy and Wendy , relief flooded through her. ' Fairy Tail, you've grown well.'