Hi friends! I am so sorry for the long long wait on this. I was really stuck on this chapter, because I wanted to go into some background for Tarryn but I didn't want anyone to think I forgot about our two love birds. I think we got a good balance here though!

The next few weeks passed without event. Hook was relegated to just navigating the ship while his ribs healed, and all other duties had been left to his first mate. Tarryn had returned to her own ship, and hadn't been back since the day her and Killian had fought. Whenever they needed to speak to her, she sent her first mate, James Randall in her stead.

Emma and Killian had yet to discuss their shared kiss, nor their mounting feelings for each other, though they continued to sleep in the same bed at night. Emma's nightmares hadn't returned, a fact to which she was very grateful. Both were frustrated with the other's hesitance to start a conversation, but they had become good friends the past few weeks.

Today, Killian had returned to tending some of the lighter deck work as his ribs were almost fully healed, and Emma was practicing her swordsmanship, lightly sparing with one of the deck hands.

"Captain! Mr. Randall is asking to come aboard!" the first mate called from the helm.

"Slow down and allow him aboard then! Same procedure as usual!" Killian called back. He finished coiling the rope he had been handling and walked over to Emma, who was sheathing her cutlass. "Do you think my sister will ever speak to us again?" he asked, thoroughly annoyed that Tarryn was still being stubborn and childish.

"I don't know," Emma responded, looking out towards the other vessel as Mr. Randall made his way across. "I haven't seen her out on deck in a few days, maybe a week. Perhaps she's not feeling well?"

Killian didn't get a chance to respond, as Mr. Randall was upon them. "Captain, Princess," he said, his head tipped in greeting. He was a tall man, with a wiry build, shaggy red hair and a matching full beard. His eyes were blue, not as striking as Killian or Tarryn's, more grey in them, but they seemed to dance with a childlike mischief that was often absent from a pirate's gaze. He spoke with a deep voice, slightly affected with an accent that reminded Emma of Belle, a princess from a small kingdom that her father had rescued from ogres and in turn, converted to a vassal land.

"What can we do for you today mate?" Killian asked, subtly moving slightly in front of Emma. She rolled her eyes – he had become a tad protective as of late, and she added that to the list of things they should talk about. If she could ever find a way to approach him about it that is.

"We are under a day's journey from Battlemore Bay, and the Queen's Revenge is low on supplies. And the princess was correct, my captain hasn't been well. We were hoping you'd be willing to stop, just for a night so we could restock and gain some information that could help you on your quest,"

Killian nodded. "That port isn't often run by the likes of us, but that could provide us anonymity. If Tarryn is ill we should procure her some medicine while we are there,"

Mr. Randall nodded. "I'll allow you to lead the way, sir," he said, then turned and went back to his own ship.

Tarryn woke to a cold and empty bed, and she was very confused. He didn't usually leave without saying good morning, but from the position of the sun, it seemed to be early afternoon. He must have let me rest, she thought, remembering how fitful her sleep had been the past week. She guessed he was telling her brother that they needed supplies, and she hoped they weren't that far from a port.

It was true, she hadn't wanted to contact either Killian or Emma after the fight they had had, but she only held that grudge for about a week. Very suddenly, she had started to feel ill, with dizzy spells and fits of nausea daily. She hadn't known how to approach Killian in that state – he had a flare for the dramatic and she feared he would over react. She thought she would improve, but the past few days had left her unable to leave her quarters. With a deep breath that made her wince when her chest began to ache, she sat up. Throwing her feet over the side of the bed, she figured she should change out of the night dress she had been wearing for the past two days, and perhaps get a drink of water while she was at it.

It seemed her body had other ideas though, because she stood shakily and didn't make it more than two steps before she collapsed on the hard wood floor. Before she could figure out what to do, two strong arms came around her waist and lifted her off the ground.

"Tarryn! What happened?" he asked worriedly, eyes scanning her up and down as if he could read her with just a look.

"I don't know. I went to get up for some water and my legs just gave out beneath me,"

"I just talked to Kilian, and we're stopping at Battlemore Bay tomorrow," he said, brushing her hair from her eyes after he laid her on the bed.

"Thank you James. Did you tell them?"

"Aye, and if you are going to yell at me, I don't wish to hear it. You're getting worse, and he's your brother. He'd want to know,"

Tarryn looked at the man who had unfailing confidence in her, stood by her as her first mate, her best friend, and her conscience. The man she was hopelessly in love with.

"No, you were right to,"

He kissed her lightly on her forehead. "It's been known to happen now and again. Now, why don't we get changed and I'll get you that water,"

"Excuse me? What do you mean I'm not coming?" Emma yelled. They had arrived in Battlemore Bay not more than an hour ago, just as the sun was setting. Emma was rummaging through the hold for a cloak so she could shield her face, not knowing this port's loyalty. Killian had found her there and proceeded to tell her she wasn't going to leave the ship. Just that small demand had caused all of the pent up frustration and tension between them to erupt out of Emma.

"I'm not sure if you remember, but I gave my word that I would keep you safe,"

"And you can do that on land! I need boots and to walk on solid ground! And food that hasn't been salted or jarred would be nice too," she said with a huff. "Besides, you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do,"

"Bloody hell I don't, this is my ship!"

"But you are not my keeper! And since you've given me no reason to believe you think of me as anything other than just another person on this ship, then you should have no reason to try and keep me here!"

"Just another – bloody hell lass, I'm risking my life helping you! I wouldn't do that for just anybody!"

"And yet you've yet to say one word about it, or the kiss we shared,"

Killian groaned and ran his hand over his face. "You are entirely impossible. I have no issue discussing us but last time I checked you were the one with trust issues, so I backed off. I assumed you wanted to pretend it never happened since you never said anything!"

"That makes no sense! I've been in your bed every night for weeks!" Killian raised an eyebrow and Emma blushed at the implication of her phrasing. "Stop looking at me like that, you know what I mean,"

"Fine. I'll let you come, but only if you stay beside me the whole time and you take your cutlass," Emma rolled her eyes, because it was already on her belt and she put it on every morning anyway. "And if you would like, we can discuss whatever you wish at dinner,"

Emma nodded, moving beside him so they could depart the ship together.

Killian was able to successfully procure boots in Emma's size, and after a stroll about the market place (during which he saw his sister being practically carried to the local healer by Randall), he and Emma stopped in a small, secluded tavern for a hot meal.

They ate quietly at first, neither knowing how to broach the subject both were dying to discuss. Finally, after a hearty sip of wine, it was Emma who spoke.

"Why did you kiss me?"

Killian chuckled. "Love, I believe it was you who kissed me,"

Emma's cheeks flushed pink. "Okay, but why didn't you stop me?"

His brow furrowed in confusion. "Because I didn't want to? Believe it or not Emma I quite fancy you. Well, at least when you're not yelling at me,"

"Well you've not been as forward as your lewd remarks have led me to believe,"

Killian scratched behind his ear, almost nervously. "Yes, well… I did say I was a gentleman, didn't I?"

She rolled her eyes. "Just because you said it, doesn't mean it's true,"

He sighed. "Perhaps this is just as new to me as it is to you lass,"

"What do you mean by that?" she said with a quirk of her brow.

"I mean that although I do have experience with woman, it has been a long while since I've entertained the affections of a lady. And if you are truly interested in me, Emma, I want to do right by you,"

"Killian…" Emma took a deep breathe, and looked him in the eye. "I don't to be courted. I don't want care about any of that ritual, that ceremony. I resigned myself to that course because I thought I didn't have a choice. But with you – well, it seems like maybe I can be more than just a princess, just the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Like I can be me,"

"You will never be just anything Swan,"

"So how about we just… be. Together," she said softly.

Killian chuckled. "Well, it certainly won't be easy,"

"But it will be an adventure,"

He raised his glass. "Aye. An adventure,"


James Randall was looking at anything and everything other than his captain. She was sitting on the table in the healer's shop, pleading with her eyes for him to turn around.

"James, please look at me,"

He sighed, looking down at her. "What are we supposed to do Tarryn? How can we manage this?"

Her eyes filled with tears, and James Randall realized something. In this moment, she wasn't a fearsome pirate, and she wasn't his captain. She was the young woman he fell in love with, and she was a scared, teenage girl who just found out the scariest news she had heard in her life.

"We need to tell Killian. And Emma. This has to do with them too,"