I do not own Naruto in any format, this is fanfiction only.

Both Kage showed up in the exact same condition, dressed for battle, on time and looking rather pissed that Naruto dared to challenge them both like this. It was so infuriating to think that a lower ranked punk could get under their skin like that. Iwa and Kumo both wanted his supposed eyeballs so the chance to get them was more than enough to accept.

"Naruto I will go first and be assured that intend to kill you in less time it takes for you to get dressed. " Naruto was not here for empty threats and boasting he was here to win. With his eyes active and the Rinnegan showing in both his eyes. He extended his hand towards the floating and boastful old man.

He felt an intense forceful pull him out of the air and he did not have a chance to even do a Jutsu. He was slammed hard enough to cough up some blood on the ground. "Why don't I make this interesting." He began to use the earth itself to make a cage around him tight enough to almost feel like a coffin.

On his right hand was a sinister charge of lighting and he suddenly appeared right next to the old man. He punched him hard on the chin, or he would have if the old man had not moved away out of pure reflex and luck " so do you give up now? Or do I roast you like a turkey in this cage?"

"Fine, I just want to know do you know what would happen if you hit my head with that much lightning? " Naruto smiled and the old man knew he did know." Did you want to kill me, not knock me out? Why should I do less Kage? " the other Kage smiled and saw that he indeed responded in the way his opponent would do to him.

" So do unto others what you would have them do unto you? A rather old fashion way of dealing with things. " The other Kage walked towards him smiling." As long as you do not start rapping about it, I have a tin ear I can't carry a tune to save my own life. "

The Kage laughed as he heard the young man," If you ever meet my brother he might help you develop an appreciation for good music, and a busted ear drum from hearing him sing. " He saw the man's body began to glow in a yellow color. " that Chakra armor looks great by the way, I hope it can stand dropping from high altitudes. "

Naruto ran his one hand he made 300 shadow clones and they all ran around the man at blinding speeds the air began to change form and a giant tornado caught the Kage and was thrown around like a rag doll. He was at the top of the twister when it stopped and he came crashing down.

"I might look young, and I might sometimes lose my patience more than I should. But let's get something straight, I am the Sage of the six paths, I am far older than both of you combined and if you value life at all you two will honor the deal you made, or so help me, the next time I see both of you I will not be as kind and gentle as I was with you both today."

Both Kage looked at each other like they been trampled by a herd of mad bulls. "This is what you call being kind and gentle. Care to give us an example of what is you not being so kind and gentle." Naruto looked at the man and smiled, "Why not, I am feeling generous today."

Naruto stopped at a distance and made an earth dummy that looked particularly hard and each Kage hit it once and saw it was sturdy. Naruto flexed his arms and entered into a stance they had never even heard of he then began to punch, kick, a jab at such a speed that he forgot to stop till the dummy was gone and in its place was just a pile of dust.

"I shall expect those jinchuuriki or would you prefer that I went to your villages and meet them there. It could actually be fun to see what kind of bobby traps and how many people you will set to ambush me. But I do have to warn you if you do just remember the dummy cause I will do the same to the fools you send to try and kill me, and then I will find you and we can have a not so friendly meeting. "

Both Kage looked rather nervous at his eyes as they saw the Rinnegan active in both eyes." I would actually prefer that you visit each of our villages, we will be sure to send some of our very best ninjas to give you a tour of it as a sign of respect and friendship. " The old man just nodded his head in complete agreement.

" Well you look at that, we have an agreement and we ended a discussion of something equally sensitive and difficult topic in a rather friendly atmosphere. Thank you so much for agreeing to this, so can we call this needless loss of life over, and can we go back to our normal peaceful lives? "

The old man began to laugh, " I guess you just proved it is never too late to learn something new. I guess this ends this war, and if we can resolve situations like this in the future it just might be our last war. " The other Kage nodded his head. " Now all we need is a good meal and a nice drink to celebrate the peace, say Naruto do you know of a nice restaurant in Konoha? "

Naruto stepped forward and said with a smile, " I know a wonderful place and has the best drinks in the entire village, I will happily introduce you to such delights, but first a guided tour. You are doing the same for me, why not do this for you first."

The three stepped into Konoha and they were extremely surprised to see that even though their villages were built differently than each other's focusing on their strongest elemental manipulation skill. The village deep down was all the same, ninja did work to make the village prosper and the people made the place feel like a place that was alive.

"The ninjas is the heart and muscles of this place, but the people are the lungs and soul of it. This is why we need to do things like this because losing such a treasure such be avoided and I know you two love your village as much as I love mine. "

The two men saw him in a different light as he said that. This was the way they saw their village too. It was a matter of wanting the very best living conditions for their people and up to this day they had felt if they wanted this to happen they would have to fight to get it. But the young man before them had a different way, a way that was much less bloody and it would let their people live in relative peace, cooperation seems like an easy thing to understand but it was not till now they finally saw the genius behind that idea.

They were, however, more surprised to find that Naruto Uchiha's favorite restaurant was a humble looking ramen stand. "You are kidding, aren't you? This is the place you said had the best food in Konoha?"

"Why don't you sit down, order something and find out for yourselves. Hey, I will have a miso ramen and hold the menma please." The chef smiled as he saw his favorite customer. "Come on guys, don't be shy and order whatever you like it's on me after all." That was when both Kage ordered something one had chicken ramen and the other had pork cutlet ramen.

At the end, the three-man finished their drinks and were smiling. "Now tell me this is not the best restaurant in Konoha, a well-balanced meal in a single bowl, completely healthy and satisfying." The small man smiled at him, "I would like to say it was just OK, but who am I kidding that chicken was delicious."

"The pork was cooked well and it was not greasy at all. I agree that was a good meal, but I do not agree that Naruto pays for our food. I will pay for mine, it was nice enough that he showed us around. I guess I will come and visit another time." Naruto escorted both men to the office of the Hokage and the peace treaty was signed and the war was over.

The very next day the people he wanted to meet came to the village and they did not look at all happy. Killer B was not happy that his close friend could be stolen from him, and neither was the jinchuuriki next to him. She came to think of the two tails almost like a sister. The were only two tail beast missing and they were in Kirigakure at the moment the three and seven tails.

"Nice of you all to come I know this must seem like a horrible idea, but trust me. This will save all your lives in the end, and I will not take your friends by force, I merely wish to speak with them and if they want to come with me it will be done willingly. I made a promise to treat each of them with the respect I would show my own bride. "

Yugito was the first to speak," What are your intentions towards our friends then? " Itachi could only watch as he asked them to sit down and have a cup of lemonade. He drank a cup from the same pitcher to show it was not poisoned.

" My predecessor made me promise one thing above all else, that I would find the 9 tailed beasts and bring them together to their original form as the ten tails, and that I would save her from her tragic life by spending the rest of my days making her the happiest lady I can. In short, I promised to love and protect her as her husband. "

Itachi could hardly believe what his master was saying."But what does that mean for our beast? Or friends and to some of us our sisters." Naruto smiled and said it simply, "I will love each and every one of them as my beloved wife. I will not be the one to cause them a single tear of sadness but be the one to cause them to live a happy life."

" I have within me at this time the one tail and the nine tails and I do not keep them with a seal. They could choose to abandon me and exit my body if they so desired and I would not do a thing to stop them, as their future husband I have to respect their decisions. "

The others seem to relax as they heard that the tail beasts for once in their lives would find someone who would treat them as people and not as mere weapons." So how will you do this? " Naruto looked at Killer B and smiled, " I need to touch your seals and enter your minds to speak with them individually and if they so chose they can enter me and come and live with me. If they choose not to I will respect her decision. "

Yugito was the first to volunteer and as he entered her mind she got the feeling that he was indeed being honest. Inside her mind, she saw the two tails sitting inside the seal and looked at Naruto with curiosity clearly shown on her face." So two of my sisters are within you. Do you honestly mean what you said? Will you treat us as your bride and not just a tool or a weapon? "

Naruto walked up to her and sat down near her as touched her fur. He gently touched her and she seemed to relax a little." If you have any doubts name your test, I shall respect your decision. "

She smiled and looked at him," My test is simple, close your eyes and I will either do one of two things, either I will bite your hand off or I will be tender to you, the test is one of trust, you have to close your eyes and wait for what I do, move or open your eyes and I will see you do not trust me and trust is the basis of a good marriage. "

Naruto closed his eyes and held out his hand, Yugito saw her turn from a big breast to a beautiful young lady with long blue hair and dressed in a blue kimono. She got close to Naruto and she kissed him on his lips and was glad to feel him kiss her back. What began as a chaste kiss became a passionate kiss that made Yugito blush as they saw the way they were kissing.

"I guess this means you will come home with me? " The young woman smiled," You said so many wonderful things before even meeting me, and I look forward to being your bride. I am sorry Yugito but I do believe he is the man father told us all about, the one to show us our way home. "

Yugito saw her leap into Naruto and escaping the seal with such a smile on her face she knew her sister indeed wanted to be with him." Just treat her right, my sister deserves a little happiness. " Naruto smiled at her and nodded his head," You have my word, she will be happy."