
For as long as William Darcy could remember, he'd always had the inexplicable urge to stare at Elizabeth Bennet. The first time was the day they'd met at just five years old, Mrs. Ann Darcy had planned a play date for her two children, William and Georgiana with Mrs. Katherine Bennet and all three of the young Bennet girls, the twins Jane and Lizzie, and Lydia the youngest. Mrs. Darcy thought will would feel lonely with so many girls around so Will's favorite cousin Richard and his best friend Charlie came along with them. William had always been shy child and was never fond of meeting new people, and therefore kept to himself on the swing set as he watched everyone around him playing and laughing. As William sat on the swing lightly swinging back and forth Lizzie walked over to him "why are you just sitting here?" she asked not sure of how to answer the question Will just stared at her, she stood in silence for a while before saying "you're weird" and running off to play with the others. William spent the rest of that day starring at her.

On the first day of second grade William was sitting at his desk while everyone else was chattering away, William spotted Richard and Lizzie laughing away about something he'd always envied his cousins ease in making friends, he'd been watching them talk for quit sometime when Lizzie looked up at him and gave him a weird look crap she noticed me staring! He thought as she approached him, "how come you're always staring at me?" Lizzie asked, in panic Will blurted out the first thing that came to his mind "why would I want to stare at you?!" Lizzie's amber eyes had grown wide as she looked at him "William Darcy your nothing but a jerk!" she yelled and stormed off in Richards direction "your cousin is a complete weirdo!" from that day on William and Lizzie would argue, mostly about something rude William had said her. William couldn't explain why he was so rude to her or why he couldn't fight the urge to stare at her when he thought no one else watched him, but he did every day like clockwork. One day during recess Will and Charlie were playing kick ball when the ball rolled over to where Lizzie and her best friend charlotte Lucas were playing "hey Lizzie, could you kick the ball back over!" William called, he was shocked to find her eyes ablaze as she yelled back "don't ever call me Lizzie again! Only my friends can call me that! And you can pick up your own dumb ball!" she said as she stuck out her tongue grabbed Charlotte and stormed off. Will stood there looking completely confused from that day he would only address her as Elizabeth.

For the next five years William and Lizzies arguing had become so fearsome they found themselves the principal's office quite often. One day both of their mothers were called in to pick them up. After both mothers had spoken with the principal, Mrs. Bennet was clearly furious with Lizzie "why can't you be more like Jane!" she'd said as walked out of the office; Lizzie rolled her eyes and walked out of the door behind her mother. Mrs. Darcy had said nothing to William until they'd almost arrived to Pemberly estate, she'd parked the car and turned to her son

"Will, honey what is it with you and Lizzie? Why cant you two ever seem to get along?" Will stares at his mother for a moment before averting his eyes and saying

"She just bugs me, nothing is ever good enough for Elizabeth! She finds any reason she can to start an argument with me" he lets out a heavy sigh before looking at his mother again.

"Well if she bugs you so much why do even speak to her at all?" Mrs. Darcy asked. Will had no explanation for his mother on this one, why do I speak to her? He thought I mean, I know nothing good ever comes when I say anything to Elizabeth, seeing her sons obvious quizzical brow at her question she gave him a knowing smile I see what's going on here she thought.

That night William had been up all night thinking of all the reasons there could possibly be for why he couldn't resist the urge to argue with Elizabeth, it had been going on so long it just seemed like a normal part of his day. The next day at school Will could hardly stay focused because he was so tired, he was dosing off in home room when his cousin Richard slammed his hands down on Wills desk startling him. "So are you going to Melissa's party this weekend" Richard asked

"I wasn't planning to" will replied

"Oh come on will! Our First boy-girl party you can't miss that!"

"I don't care about that, you know I don't like parties"

"Will if don't come I'll tell Auntie Ann that you're being your usual anti-social self, and she'll make you go anyway"

"Fine! I'll go"

Richard gave his cousin a satisfied head nod before heading back to his own desk.

The night of the party will was actually feeling pretty nervous. He knew Elizabeth would be there and he spent most of the previous school day avoiding her and his confusing thoughts of her. He'd been thinking about his mothers words all day and the only reason he could come up with is that…. Well, he liked arguing with Elizabeth. The way her dark eyes would brighten with anger, he always thought she looked so beautiful, not that he'd ever say that out loud to anyone. Will had tried to pretend that he didn't know why he thought that but he couldn't lie to himself anymore, he had major crush on Elizabeth Bennet. But how's that even possible!? Will thought as he got ready for the party "this is going to be the worst night of my life" he said as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Will your dads ready to go" Mrs. Darcy yelled for her son, Will marched down the steps looking completely miserable.

"Do I have go, you know I hate party's mom"

"Yes, you do William it'll be good for you to go have some fun with your friends"

Will sighed and quietly walked out of the door to the car where his dad was waiting for him. William Darcy senior could be just as quiet as his son sometimes and so they drove in silence until William junior broke the silence by saying

"Dad, if you like a girl but don't want to how do you make it go away?" William senior laughed at his son "now why exactly would you want to stop liking her?"

"Because it's completely irrational! I mean if you can't be around each other for more than a few minutes without arguing what would possibly possess that person develop feelings for that person!"

"This person wouldn't happen to be you, and this girl wouldn't happen to be little Lizzie Bennet would it" Mr. Darcy asked with a knowing smirk on his face when he saw the look of panic flash across his son's face.

"What!? Me and Elizabeth no way! I was just asking for uhh…. Richard"

"Oh ok, well tell Richard that there's no way to control having feelings for someone" Mr. Darcy said playing along with his son.

"So you're saying there's nothing I- I mean he can do about it?"

"Well son the good news is you guys are only thirteen so it'll pass, oh looks like we're here" Mr. Darcy said as he pulled into Melissa's drive way

"I hope you're right dad" will said before getting out of the car.

The party was in full swing when Will walked in, it had everything he hated about parties: loud music, too many people and worst of all dancing; will cringed at the idea of him dancing he absolutely hated it, Elizabeth teased him about for ages when she found out, thinking of her laugh made Will's heart do something funny I have got to put an end to this he thought. Just as Will was finding a corner to hide in for the remainder of the evening Richard found him.

"Oh no you are not hiding in a corner for the rest of the night"

"Look Rich, I came didn't I? Can you just leave me here?"

"No way! We're all about to play spin the bottle!"

"Oh there is no way playing that game!"

"Yeah you are, now come on" Richard said as he pulled his cousin into the party room where everyone else was. As they entered the room Will instantly spotted Lizzie, she looked amazing in her royal dress and her normally curly hair was straightened. Richard was dragging him in the girl's direction, at the same time Will's heart was beating so fast he was sure everyone could hear it. Lizzie was standing with her sister Jane and Charlotte

"Hey ladies" Richard said, "hey" they all said in unison. Will thought now would be good time to speak "hi, Will" Jane and Charlotte said, Elizabeth said nothing. Will thought for once maybe they could be civilized towards one another so he tried speaking to her directly "hi Elizabeth" he tried to give her a half smile until he saw her icy glare "Darcy" she snarled, Will sighed how can I have crush on her!? "Ok everyone we're starting the game!" the party host Melissa said "come into the circle" as everyone took their seat on the marble floor Will found himself sitting directly across from Lizzie this is awkward he thought. It was Will's turn to spin the bottle and of course it lands on Lizzie, not wanting to feel embarrassed from the horrible things he knew she was about to throw his way he offered to spin again "that's against the rules! You can't spin again you'll ruin the rotation of the game" Melissa cried "ya know you could do seven minutes in heaven if you guys want a little privacy" Richard said wiggling his eyebrows "I am not going into a closet Rich!" will replied through gritted teeth "I dare the both of you to seven minutes in heaven" Richard said with a triumphant smile "no Richard!" Will and Lizzie said at the same time "you have to do it now I dared you!" then everyone started chanting "do it, do it!" I am going to kill rich! Will thought as he and Lizzie reluctantly walked into the closet. Once the door was closed Lizzie spoke up

"I cannot believe I'm stuck in this closet with you! I didn't even want to come to this stupid party!" "Me either" Will said quietly

"Well that's different you just hate parties, remember my 7th birthday party" Lizzie laughed and Will's heart did that flutter thing again. "Listen Elizabeth, we don't have to do anything I'm just going to tell them to open the door" Will had to escape this closet before he did or said something stupid. He was just about to pound on the door when lizzie put her hand on his shoulder "wait" she said quietly as he turned around she quickly dropped her hand and rolled her eyes " if you ever repeat this anyone I'll kill you! But I've uhh, never kissed a boy before" she was biting her lip the way she always did whenever she was anxious or nervous about something it was actually kind of cute, will thought. Wow, Lizzie had just reveled a secret to him "well I've never kissed a girl before" will thought he should be honest too. "So since you've never kissed anyone and I've never kissed anyone… maybe we should just get it over with" Lizzie said now shaking her leg "since we already know each other and everything" she added. Will felt like a robot malfunctioning he could hardly wrap his mind around what she had just said he didn't know what to say! On one hand he thought I can't kiss Elizabeth! We hate each other and on the other hand he thinks but I really want to but how could that be!? This stupid crush would never go away if that happened! "well say something dummy" lizzie said interrupting his thoughts "I'm nervous" will blurted out the truth before he could think of a good enough lie "well… we could uhh count to three" she offered "okay"

"1" Lizzie started

"2" Will followed as he began to close the gap between them

"3" they said in unison as their lips touched, Will felt a strange feeling shoot down his spin, it was slow and nervous at first until Lizzie pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. Shocked by the quick motion Will was still for a moment until he wrapped his arms around her waist. It seemed like the kiss would go on forever until she pushed him to the other side of the closet "you cannot tell anyone about this ok" she said "Elizabeth everyone is standing outside the door" will told her, it was these moments that confused him with Lizzie they had just shared their first kiss with each other and now she's back to being rude! "They know we can't stand each other, it hasn't even been seven minutes yet, we'll just pretend nothing happened. You won't tell Richard and Charlie and I won't say anything to Jane or Charlotte deal?" Lizzie stuck her hand out for Will to shake but he ignored her walked towards the closet door and pounded on it "you guys just let me out of here" he yelled, he was so angry he didn't know what to say to her he just wanted to get as far away from her as he possibly could. "Will promise me!" Lizzie tried again but at that moment Melissa opened the closet door "ugh you guys suck!" she said Will didn't say anything he just stormed out of the closet, and practically ran out of the front door before anyone had the chance to say anything. He stood outside for a few minutes wondering if he should call his parents to come pick him up, but decided to just walk, even though his estate was about 8 block away and sat on the highest hill in the county but he didn't care Will just wanted to be alone. He decided that he wouldn't ever tell anyone about that kiss or that he even had a crush on Lizzie to begin with, it was embarrassing and didn't want anyone to know that he'd ever been so stupid that would actually like Elizabeth A. Bennet.

Back at the party Lizzie's heart was beating out of her chest she couldn't believe she had just shared her first kiss with William F. Darcy! But what was freaking her out more is she actually enjoyed kissing him gross! She thought I mean it's not like I actually like him or anything I can't stand the guy! It was just a nice kiss she convinced herself. Lizzie walked over to her friend and sister "what did you do to Will to get him so upset Lizzie?" Jane asked "I didn't do anything we argued the way we always do" Lizzie lied she hated lying to her sister but she didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. Will didn't promise that he wouldn't say anything which made Lizzie nervous if he tells Richard everyone will know! She knew Rich couldn't keep a secret, the idea of everyone finding out about what happened wasn't the only reason Lizzie was so shaken up; what was really bothering her was the fact that she had wanted Will to kiss her in the first place. The whole thing was making Lizzies head spin.

Will had finally made it home from the party, luckily his parents weren't downstairs to ask him about his night it was the last thing he wanted to talk about. Will sulked into the kitchen thinking he was alone when he suddenly heard "hey Will" from his little sister Georgiana "jeez Gigi you scared the crap out of me" Will practically screamed "I'm guessing Lizzie ruined your night huh?" she said with one eyebrow raised "the night was ruined when I walked out of the house, Elizabeth just made it worse" Gigi knew her bother better than anyone sometimes better than he knew himself she could always sense when something was wrong

"Well what happened this time?" Gigi asked

"The same thing that always happens, we argued"

"You sure? You're more upset than usual"

"Your know I don't like parties Gi"

"I know but-"

"I'm fine Gigi, I just really want to be left alone please" will said

"Ok goodnight" Gigi said getting off the stool she was sitting on and leaving the room.

The next week of school Will had avoided Lizzie like the plague, no staring, no arguments no contact what so ever until she one day she finally caught him coming out of the boys locker room "look Elizabeth I'm not in the mood to argue" Will said immediately. Lizzie was completely taken aback by his reaction but she managed to keep calm "I don't want to argue either it's just that… well you never promised" she was biting her lip again Will decided to milk her nervousness "promise what?" he asked "you know what I'm talking about Darcy!" Lizzie was getting frustrated "ok well, if you're talking about what I think you're talking then no I won't promise you anything" Will stated triumphantly even though he never planned to tell anyone about what happened in that closet he didn't feel like he needed to share that with lizzie.

"William Fitzwilliam Darcy!" she yelled "why are you being so difficult!"

"I told you never to call me by my middle name ever!" Will said through gritted teeth

"Until you promise I'll be screaming it down the halls Fitzwilliam!" she yelled

"Well that's fine by me Elizabeth Anabelle Bennet!" he screamed even louder

"Ugh I hate you! You such an idiot!"

"Well I hate you more!"

"Don't ever speak to me again Darcy!"

"That's fine by me Elizabeth!" how could he have ever thought that he liked that girl!

How could she have ever enjoyed that kiss! William Darcy was the most arrogant, rude, stupid idiot jerk face she had ever met! If he never spoke to her again it would be too soon.