



Ratchet had found the young woman sitting on the mountain side staring skyward as if the stars could tell her the answers she sought. Bruised and battered the woman was doing far better than he had thought all things considering...

Two battered humans... well one human, the other was a gratefully unconscious former seeker; and two bots, a slightly amnesiac and dented Jazz and a total amnesiac former human were all that had been found by the bots that had infiltrated the Victory in that completely destroyed command center.. In fact the pod that Jordan had been in had embedded itself firmly into the hull of the ship and threatened to flood the room.. It was a sheer miracle that none of them hadn't died in the explosion..

"You don't have to lurk back there you know. IT's not like you hid any attempt to sneak up on me." she said quietly breaking him out of his thoughts.

"It gets quite cold out here at night." the medic said as he sat down next to her.

"I'm quite capable of making a fire." She said with a small smile.

"You should be on berthrest." Ratchet glared. "Not gallivanting around in the dark."

"I'm not gallivanting." she returned his glare. "And I've had worse from the rides at the county fair."


The woman flinched at the tone his voice had taken. He knew she was putting off hearing what he had to say. "Look I.. I don't want to talk about Tyson.. If I can even call him that anymore.. It seems like he should have a different name at this point."

"Jordan he's still your brother. Even if we can't get him back to a hundred percent normal he is still your brother.."

Jordan bowed her head. "I know that.. It's just the best cure for amnesia is surrounding the victim with familiar surroundings... None of this is familiar... even if he spent most of his childhood geeking out over you guys," She barked a short laugh. "This is 1986 not 2017. The technology is different, the way people behave is different. I hate to say it but we don't belong here."

Ratchet sighed and slung an arm over her shoulders. "For what it's worth I am sorry that this happened Jordan. But with any luck things will get better..."

"Heh, luck.."