Kc: Hey new story! Hope you all enjoy the begging, and obviously it's a SasuNaru FanFiction, so if you don't like gays then feel free to leave, the door is right there You've been warned so o hate comments or discrimination, I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!

Anyways I do NOT own Naruto, all right goes to its owner!

Naruto sat, in front of the small, box shaped TV, box of ramen in his left hand while the other flicked through pointless channels. He slurped absentmindedly on his ramen, and continued watching whatever the TV had landed on. His nights usually consisted of this routine; get home from school, take a shower, make himself some ramen, and turn on the TV eventually passing out on his sofa. It was a nice and relaxing life, but one he would trade for a regular schoolboy life in a heartbeat. He'd never met his parents, and had been looked after by his parents friend Jiraiya, ever since he was little. But when he turned the age 16, he bought his own apartment, and moved in on his own. He liked his personal space, seeing how that's the only thing he got. People rarely got near the poor boy, because of something he had no control over. It angered him, but he didn't let it show. All he ever wanted was for someone to acknowledge him, and to not be looked at as a monster anymore.

But no one even tried to get to know Naruto, they just stayed clear, glaring at him from afar. Judging him because of the monster inside of him. The monster cast a shadow over Naruto, cloaking him into the form of the monster himself, even though he was innocent and kind. He didn't deserve a life filled with sorrow and despair, quite the opposite really. Even though everyone in his village looked at him with those eyes of hatred, and dread, he just smiled hoping for some type of acknowledgement besides angry glares. He constantly did nice things, never saying anything bad about any of the people who he always heard talking about him. Whispers of harsh words, and warnings, not knowing the 'monster' himself could hear them. No matter how hard he tried to stay cheerful, the words were eating away at him in the inside. Taking bits and pieces of his happy exterior with them, as his façade crumbled right before his own eyes. He found it hard to even try and smile, and he always had haunting thoughts that wouldn't let him sleep at night. Thoughts of what ifs, and the village without him; he didn't even know he let another monster in. Blocking all happy thoughts, slowing him down, even making him not want to do simple tasks like brushing his teeth.

That light optimistic boy was tearing at his seams with no one to sew him back up. No one to tell him he was worth something. No one to say that he made their world brighter. No one to even say a simple 'Good Morning' to him. Just his own head, thoughts, feelings, emotions.

It had been about an hour of just simply watching whatever comedy show that used to make him happy before Naruto sighed, finishing the last of his ramen, and setting it on the coffee table next to all the other empty boxes of ramen. He didn't have the motivation to clean up at all anymore, so his tiny apartment was not in a any better situation then Naruto. Ignored and neglected, sitting the same way every night, just being put aside like trash.

Naruto ignored it, saying he would clean up tomorrow, and tomorrow turned into the day after that, then the day after that, and so on.

Naruto didn't care really though, as he turned off his small TV, and laid down on the couch, too lazy to go to his bedroom and get into bed and sleep. Just the thought of it made Naruto even more tired than he already was, so he closed his eyes snuggling into the couch much like every night.


Naruto stared up at his white ceiling as he saw the sun gently cast a shadow on top of it, telling him the sun had finally come up. He was already awake before dawn, just like usual. Never getting sleep, and just waiting for the sun to rise. He sighed running his hands up and down his face as he sat up on his couch, cracked his neck as he got up off the uncomfortable resting place. He stretched his back, closing his eyes and letting out a loud yawn.

He slowly walked to his bathroom, dragging his feet behind him as he went. He then took out his orange toothbrush from his cabinet, and slowly got out his toothpaste as well. This was one of the few times he had actually decided he would brush his teeth, out of the week. It was a lowly Tuesday, and he had to go back to school in less than an hour; something he was not excited for. He lazily brushed his unusually sharp teeth, his head bobbing up and down as he fell in and out of consciousness. His lack of sleep was starting to get to him, he could barely even keep his eyes open.

He spit out his toothpaste, and rinsed his mouth out with water, splashing some water on his face as he did so. He slapped his face lightly trying to wake himself up, but failing miserably.

He groaned slowly walking into his small bedroom, and sorted through the clothes on his hangers, wondering what to wear. Really not caring he threw on a loose orange tank top, and some baggy ripped jeans.

He grabbed his cheap flip phone and shoved it into his pocket, walking towards his cluttered kitchen. It was very dirty, and desperately needed cleaning. There were dirty dishes, and empty ramen boxes everywhere, but none of that even affected Naruto. He couldn't careless, he liked it the way it was, and saw no problem with it.

He simply walked in and grabbed a cup from his cupboard, and filled it with water from the fridge, skipping out on breakfast like every morning. He used to be so eager to eat all the time, but now his appetite was little to non-existent, the only time he ate was at night, and he always ate the same thing.


It was the one thing Naruto loved most, he refused to eat anything else, and he never got sick of it either. It was like gold to him, and even if his appetite had gone down a lot he still managed to eat at least one cup a day of it. Of course this isn't healthy for a growing teenage boy, especially since Naruto rarely went out of his house except to go to school. Most people would think he had to have gained weight, but really the opposite happened. He started to eat less and less, and now he was growing very skinny. Jiraiya had tried to make him eat something else, but again he refused. Jiraiya was also so busy and rarely had time to check up on Naruto, but when he did he spent the night babying him to no end. Making sure he brushed his teeth, practically shoving his pajamas on him, buying tons of meat and trying to force him to eat it; to Naruto it was torcher but he knew that he was just worried about him.

Something he wasn't really used too, and it felt odd to be taken care of. Even if he did live with Jiraiya while growing up, he was gone most of the time, or reading perverted books in his office. He cared for Naruto dearly, and Naruto knew that all too well, yet he still felt so alone. Even in school, surrounded by lots of other kids his age, he felt like he was the only one there. They all ignored or made fun of him, calling him a monster, a spawn of Satan, crazy, etc.

He'd even gotten used to getting challenges to fight, and he would always lose, not because he wasn't strong enough but just because he didn't fight back. Naruto had always been overwhelmingly strong, even at his skinny and weakened state he was still very powerful, and could pack a great punch.

He hated, no despised violence, because it's what made everyone fear him. The strength that the monster had, is what killed his parents. Strength was something Naruto had, but he thought only in muscle, but he was truthfully so strong for fighting back the darkness for so long. There were few like him, but even so there were people who knew his pain, yet simply let the darkness consume them, and they themselves turned into the monster.

He sluggishly threw on his shoes, and swung his backpack over his shoulder, as he made his way out of his apartment. He swung his key around his finger as he stepped out of his quaint apartment. He then turned on his heel and locked his door in one swift motion.

Sighing he jogged down the stairs of his apartment building and set out to another day in hell, A.K.A school.


Naruto sat in his seat, notebook open in front of him, drawing random chibis. He didn't draw for a hobby but it was a good time killer for him.

He sat in the very back of the classroom, in a rather claustrophobic corner minding his own business. He'd been sitting there for about 5 minutes just drawing and casually looking at the classroom, watching as all the kids filed in and took their seats. They mindlessly chatted with their friends, laughing, casually flirting, telling each other inside jokes which Naruto had never had the opportunity to learn. He was out of the loop, but in a way he didn't mind.

He kept to himself, but when someone did pay attention to him, he tried to be the happiest he was able to be. Smiles, laughing pretending not to be affected by the glares they sent back. It was like a routine, and it kept getting harder each time.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw that his teacher, Kakashi-sensei, had decided to finally make an appearance. That man was always late, he seemed to not really give a damn about his job. Not that it really mattered to Naruto, he was actually pretty fond of the man. He didn't ever glare at Naruto or look at him with disgust, and he would often try to make Naruto feel better. Naruto also occasionally ate with him in the classroom.

But this time, Kakashi didn't walk in alone. Walking slowly behind him was a very good looking boy, he had raven colored hair that was spiked in the back, but yet still looked very soft. He had obsidian colored eyes that seemed to pierce through everything he looked at. Despite being almost pitch black, you could see a tiny bit of light blue in them if you looked hard enough. His nose laid perfectly in the middle of his face, showing off his perfect cheekbones. He had light pink, soft looking lips that went perfectly with his creamy pale skin. He had a stoic look on his face as he followed behind sensei quietly, his hands were shoved in the pockets of his black skinny jeans. He wore a white V-neck shirt underneath a light leather jacket. He had a perfectly lean body, to the point it looked like his jeans would fall down even though they were tight fitting.

Naruto was stunned, as it seemed he was the definition of perfection. He wasn't surprised at all when he heard all the gasps and high pitched squeals from all the girls; he was a living breathing literal chick magnet!

Naruto tried to take his eyes away from the boy, but his eyes wouldn't listen to him. They stayed following the boys every move, wondering who the heck this perfect boy was.

As the boy moved to the front of the room, his eyes flickered towards Naruto, and Naruto couldn't help but suck in air. He was awe struck; the boy's eyes studied him carefully, taking note that there was no one sitting next to him. The boy smirked, making chills run down Naruto's spin. He'd never felt like that before, who is this boy?

"Okay, everyone, it's seems we have a new student today. Please introduce yourself." Kakashi sensei, said while patting the boy on the back. The boy nodded.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I'm pleased to meet you." Sasuke, stated never taking his eyes off Naruto. Naruto's heart was beating so fast it felt like he was going to have a heart attack, so he quickly turned his head back towards his notebook, avoiding his eye contact.

"Alright everyone, please make him feel welcome. Go ahead and take a seat anywhere you like." Kakashi offered, smiling slightly. (Not that anyone could see it behind his mask lol)

Sasuke nodded, and slowly contemplated which seat to take. Not that it took him long to make a choice.

Naruto discreetly looked up from the corner of his eye, and almost squealed as he saw the Uchiha walking down the row of desks, towards the empty one next to him. He was shocked that out of all the seats, he choose the one next to him. There were tons of pretty girls pushing people out of their chairs in order to get the stunning boy to sit next to him, but yet he just ignored them! As the new boy sat down next to the astonished Naruto and flashed him a winning smirk, the only thought going through Naruto's mind was, 'who is this guy?'

Kc: Hope you guys enjoyed the start of this new story! Please R&R Luv ya! I love feedback so be sure to tell me how I did! :)