Kc: So this story was something I stopped because to be bluntly honest, I forgot about it. But I came across this the other day and suddenly had some inspiration. Not to mention the amazing responses I've gotten. Thank you all for that! Anyways, I wanted to explain that I have re-written the second chapter; which is down below. I did this because I felt not only was I not exactly happy with the 2nd chapter but also it would help me emerge myself back into this story. So yes, I will definitely be continuing this story. Oh, there is also another thing I want to explain, the first chapter I wrote, well I wrote that when I myself was in a dark place. I've struggled with depression for awhile and that was one of my extreme lows. So bear with me, I'm sorry if the chapters from now on don't hold as much heaviness. I don't exactly want to put myself in a dark mindset so I can write a story, nor do I think I could. Okay okay, enough babbling from me. Without further ado! The remade 2nd chapter! 3

The whole class period all Sasuke did was sit there staring at Naruto with his ever present smirk. To Naruto it became very unnerving, and he couldn't help but fidget under his gaze. All that did was make the new boy's smirk widen. His eyes twinkled in amusement, as he watched Naruto carefully, taking in all his features.

Sasuke couldn't help but be awe-struck by the boy's amazing looks. Bleach blonde hair, that spiked up in a rather messy hot type way. His ocean blue eyes, and thick eyelashes. Sasuke had never been one to care what people say, the boy was openly bisexual and really didn't care what people had to say about it. Not that anyone really cared, all they cared about was his 'bad boy' type look. It had girls AND boys practically dropping at his feet everyday

One thing perplexed Sasuke at this moment though. The boy he was sitting next to was just as good looking as him, but yet no one sat next to him, and it seemed as if everyone ignored his very existence. In fact when Sasuke sat down, he heard tons of people to stay away from the blonde haired boy, and harsh words such as 'He's a monster, get away from him!'. Why does everyone not like him? Did he do something to piss them off? Is he some type of creepy pervert? All of these questions swam around in Sasuke's head as he stared at the fidgeting boy beside him.

"Oi, what's your name?" Sasuke asked the blonde boy, who stiffened at his voice. The next thing he knew the boy looked at him, with a heartbreakingly fake smile. Sasuke's smirk fell as he looked at the boys forced smile, it seemed as it took all of the boys strength to do something so simple.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, it's nice to meet you." Naruto answered, his lips practically quivering from trying to smile so much; the raven haired boy sat next to him, so why not act… normal for once. Sure it takes more muscles to frown then to smile but, Naruto was so used to the apparent frown on his face, that it seemed weird to smile. Not natural if you will.

He'd never been confronted like this before, in the rare case that his high school got a new student, all the other kids made it their duty to make sure they stayed away from him. Made sure they knew how horrible of a monster Naruto was.

He wondered why the boy decided to ignore they're warnings, and ultimately chose him over the majority. Doesn't majority rule?

Isn't everything about being popular to normal teenagers? Isn't it about who's the best looking?

Sasuke was definitely one of the best looking people Naruto had ever met, and usually the good looking ones were the ones that were the coldest, so why did Sasuke sit next to him? Was he going to torment Naruto? Was he just faking being nice to get him to let his guard down? Naruto had no clue, and that scared him. He needed to stay away from him, or who knows what'll happen.

Sasuke noticed the slight twitch in Naruto's smile, and how he seemed to edge away from him, and he frowned. Was he freaking him out? He was trying to be nice… something that was strange knowing Sasuke Mr. Expressionless. He never found interest in anyone, but this Naruto boy somehow managed to grasp his attention. He was so used to people falling for him, and doing anything to get close to him that Naruto's edginess threw him off.

Sasuke was about to ask Naruto what his schedule was when the stupid school bell decided to ring. As if on cue Naruto jumped up out of his seat, and was gone in a matter of seconds, leaving Sasuke dumbfounded. Sasuke sighed, but gathered his belongings, and made his way out of the classroom.

As soon as Sasuke stepped out of the classroom doorway, he was stopped by a girl with bubblegum pink hair and striking green eyes. She was pretty but she was just like the majority, she was average and she had the same reason for coming up to him as everyone else.

"Hey sexy~" She purred, casually running her hand up his thin yet toned arms. "You know, that shirt looks really great on you, can I talk you out of it later?" She flirted batting her eyelashes, trying to look sexy but failing miserably.

"Sorry, I don't have time to waste on people like you." Sasuke replied bluntly, pushing past the astonished pinkette. He quickly ditched her looking up and down the halls for the peculiar blond. He felt something, he didn't know what it was but he FELT something. It'd been forever since he felt actual emotions. He had walls up so high no one would be able to see even a glimmer of the real him even if they tried their very best. But then this boy, a boy he'd not even had a real conversation with, just came and made him feel something. Sasuke had never ending numbness to everything around him, or at least that's what he had thought. He didn't know how someone could just simply show up in his life for a few minutes and change everything for him. He didn't understand but he wanted to.

Sasuke wanted to have the same effect on Naruto, Naruto had on him.

Meanwhile Naruto sat on the roof of the school building wanting to forget Sasuke even existed in this world. Sasuke wasn't the only one who felt something, but Naruto didn't see it like Sasuke did. Naruto had inescapable sadness that seemed to grow stronger by the days, he'd been so sad for so long he was use to it. Not even just use to it, but maybe even addicted to it. He had it set in his brain that he wanted things to change but that they never would. He wanted a difference but he denied the very thought that a difference existed.

This is just the way life is for me

He told himself that all the time. Naruto no longer gave himself a chance to get better, he didn't realize it but he was the one taking away his chances at happiness. He was waiting for someone to come and make it all better, waiting for people to change their opinion of him. But before that could even begin to happen… he had to change his opinion of himself.

Naruto knew Sasuke was different. Sasuke talked to him like he was a normal person… no one did that, not even Jiraya, sure he raised Naruto but he was never really there for him, he was always busy. Not only that, but he sometimes thought of Naruto as a burden when they lived together. Now he doesn't but when they lived together he would easily snap, and sometimes forget his existence. This is also another reason as to why Naruto thought so low of himself. No one gave him the love he deserved growing up; all he knew was hatred and half-assed I love yous.

Naruto didn't know what it was like to have someone love him, or even care to get to know him. But… looking into those obsidian eyes, it was like Naruto saw something he never planned on having; a future.

Kc: Hey Guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry that this one is so much shorter but there's more to come! I'll upload soon 3