Author's Note

Hey peeps how goes it! I've been in a shitty mood which is why I haven't updated Who Would've Thought so I decided to write a fluffy AU one shot to see if it could make me feel better!

Hope you enjoy!


Emma Swan was in a rush to get to her first day working as an art teacher at Storybrooke elementry school as she had slept in that morning. She was tucking her blouse into her pants while running out the door.

"Bye Emma! Have a good day at work!" Ruby, her roomate, called when she saw Emma leaving, and she heard a faint "Later Rubes!" come from the closing door.


Regina Mills was trying to get her son Henry to co-operate with her and get ready for school.

"Henry please sweetie just get ready! I have a meeting in one hour!

"But I don't wanna go momma!" Henry cried.

"Why baby?" He always wants to go to school, what's going on? Regina thought, worring now.

"Cause...the big kids make fun of me..." the still crying boy looked down at his feet, ashamed.

"What?" now his mother was worried and furious, "Why do they make fun of you Henry?"

"...cause I don't has a daddy..." Oh no...Henry.

"Oh sweetie...what do they say?"

"They calls me bad names...and you bad names too. Like um..." the boy wasn't sure if he should say these bad words to his mother.

"It's okay sweetie, you can tell me and say those words this once."

"They...they calls me a..." he scrunched his face in thought, "a badturd? And they calls you a whore and a...a dyke?" Oh my God... "What do those things mean momma?"

"They're just horrible horrible things sweetie. Please promise me you don't say those words?"

"Okay momma."

"Listen, why don't I get you to school, and I'll talk to your teachers and let them know and if anything happens, they can call me and I'll come get you?"

"Umm...okay momma. Pwomise you come get me if they is mean?"

Regina held out her pinky, "Promise."


After taking Henry to school and talking to his teachers about the bullying, Regina started walking back to the parking lot when she walked into a beautiful blonde woman who had spilt her coffee all over her.

"Oh shit!" the blonde exclaimed, "I'm so sorry!"

"'s fine dear, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Neither was I! God I'm so stupid's my first day working here and I'm soooo late and I just...God I'm so sorry! Can I give you money for dry cleaning?" Wow...those damn brown eyes. Emma thought, just now fully noticing how beautiful the brunette woman was, but wow those eyes!

"No it's fine dear really. I'm sure I can get this stain right out." I hope, this is my favourite shirt, but to be honest she's too adorable to be mad at her.

"Well I gotta make this up to you somehow." Fuck it...YOLO right? That's what the kids are saying these days right? Not that I get why. "Can I...maybe take you to dinner sometime?" Emma asked through a blush.

Regina chuckled and smiled and the blondes' nervousness. "Well if I get your name then can take me to dinner."

Oh yeah your name Swan. "Oh yeah sorry hehe." the blonde stuck out her hand, "Emma Swan." beautiful, Regina took her hand and shook it, "Regina Mills."

"Well Regina Mills," Wow...that name, "would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?"

Regina chuckled again, "Yes Emma Swan I would."


1 month later

Emma and Regina collapsed onto Regina's bed, completely spent from their night of love and passion.

They turned to look at each other and Emma spoke while playing with Regina's hair, "Y'know what really drawed me to you..." she said absentmindedly.

"Hmm? What's that dear?" Regina asked contently.

"Those damn brown eyes." Emma told her.

"My damn brown eyes?"

"Yup. As soon as I looked into them, I knew that I wanted to be with you...always. I get lost in them so easily it scares me. I love you Regina."

"I love you too Emma, and I get lost in your damn green eyes it scares me..."

The two chuckled and kissed once more before cuddling up and drifting off to sleep.


Soooooo first one shot hypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD

So was my first attempt good? Or nah? Let me know!

Tumblr - anotherevilregal21

Reviews etc are hugely appreciated! C