A/N: Finally, the final part! Sorry this took so long to update, but this is the real end. Thank you to everyone who left a nice review on this! I really appreciate your support, and hope you enjoy this last bit :)


As the group sat around and drank coffee in Central Perk, Phoebe suddenly asked, "You know what I miss?"

"Getting the morning paper every day?" Monica wondered. "Gourmet cooking?"

"Ooh, getting new fashion and celebrity gossip magazines every month," was Rachel's guess.

"What about new documentaries at the IMAX theater?" Ross asked. "Or the Internet?"

"How about the days when we used to sit around and not talk about what we miss?" Chandler said.

"Look," Joey argued, "the only thing worth missing more than anything else from before is a meatball sub. No question."

"Why would I ever miss that?" Phoebe asked. "I'm a vegetarian. Which actually worked out really well for me."

"Yeah, it sure did," Joey grumbled as he leaned back in his seat next to Rachel, then seeming like he'd already forgotten about his loss.

"And I'm glad you're all sharing, I really am," Phoebe went on, "but I believe we were talking about what I miss the most."

"So, what do you miss, Pheebs?" Rachel asked.

After being lost in thought for a moment, Phoebe said, "Aw, I forgot what it was!"

Carol came in through the front door, saying hello to everyone, and handed Rachel a letter.

"Who's it from?" Rachel asked.

Carol shrugged. "I just got it from a group that came over from Long Island. One of them said it was from a friend of yours. Some guy named Charlie? I don't know." She headed over to the counter where Susan was, and kissed her in greeting.

"Oh, Charlie!" Rachel said, grinning as she opened the letter. "She says 'Hi,' and she's coming here in a week." Rachel covered her mouth with her hand. "She... also says she found Benji and buried him."

The group looked appropriately sad - that is, until Ross said, "So you think that means she's ready to start dating again?"

Everyone else groaned.

"Come on, Ross," Phoebe said. "You could be a little more sensitive about it."

"Yeah," Ross said, "you're right, Pheebs. I'll just, uh, give her time to mourn before I ask her if she'll ever be interested."

"That should give us an extra week to plan their wedding," Phoebe muttered to Rachel, who held back a laugh.

"You know we're not gonna have any problems when she gets here, right?" Joey asked Rachel quietly as she set the letter down and wrapped her hand around his. "There's only one woman for me."

"Well, whoever she is, she is very, very lucky," Rachel said before they grinned at each other and exchanged a slow kiss.

"That's still weird to watch, by the way," Monica said.

"Yeah," Chandler said, his arm around Monica as she leaned against his shoulder. "You know, if you really think about it, we make one awful group of friends."

Just then, the front door slammed open, and Frank stumbled in, panting and gasping out, "Pheebs, Pheebs! Zombies. They're coming!"

"That's what I miss!" Phoebe said.

Monica looked at her in alarm, then asked Frank, "How far are they from here?"

"About two blocks away, but they'll get here in about…" Frank paused to calculate for a moment. "Ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?" Rachel said, looking disappointed. "Wow, they aren't what they used to be these days."

"I wouldn't underestimate this group," Frank said. "The kids are safe upstairs, and I'm gonna try to round up the other adults, but we've gotta act fast. This group might be slow and... not wearing any clothes, but they still look like they could do some damage. And there are a buttload of 'em. Think you all can handle it?"

Phoebe laughed. "Please." Without batting an eye, she and her friends reached under their chairs for their weapons and started to reload or sharpen them.

"Wait," Chandler said as they started to get up, and everyone paused. "Let's think about this for a moment. There aren't that many of them left, and they probably know, on some level, that they don't have the upper hand anymore. Maybe they're here for, y'know, a truce or something. Maybe... Maybe they even want to be friends."

After a lengthy pause in which the group considered that possibility, they shook their heads, and, in unison, said:


Then they all got up and went outside to fight the ugly naked zombies.