Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters that right belongs to Hiro Mashima.

A/N: So here I go again, delving into yet another story which I hope you'll all enjoy. Please to leave a review as I love to hear what you lovely readers think of my work...after all a writer is nothing without her readers :) so without further ado here you go!

"URG I can't believe that guy!" I cried, kicking out at a random pile of leaves that was close to me. "He's such a conceited, arrogant, egotistical jerk!"

"Calm down Lu-chan," Levy said, trying to get my temper to cool off. "I'm sure it can't be that bad."

I turned to my best friend huffing after my outburst, saw the concern in her face and took a deep breath to try and calm my rage. I knew she was only trying to help me and she couldn't do that unless I rained it in and explained the situation to her. "It is bad."

"How bad?" Her deep brown eyes swam with worry.

"Very bad." I sighed, slumping my shoulders and looking at the ground. I really didn't want to have to say it out loud, that would just make the pain and anger rush up all over again.

"Well, I can't help plan his murder or other punishment until I know how bad, can I now." Levy winked at me with a little giggle. I chuckled too as I tried to imagine the small blue haired woman murdering someone, it was just too cute. Ok hold onto that image and maybe it won't hurt so much to retell the horror scene I had witnessed only a short time before.

"You know how we only just moved in together a few months ago?" I started off. I was cringing at the fresh mental picture of what had happened. "And how we just got back from a job today?"

"Yes." She nodded and waited for me to continue.

I took a deep breath and charged straight on. "So I decided to go home and see him first before returning to the guild as our job had gone on longer than expected and I thought he'd be worried about me, as I hadn't been able to contact him to explain. Well I got home to our new apartment, walked in the door and found clothes strewn in a trail towards our bedroom."

"He didn't..." Levy gasped in alarm, seeing where my story was heading. I slowly nodded my head to her suspicions.

"I caught him in bed with another woman," My voice cracked as I confirmed that indeed my long term boyfriend had cheated on me. Tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes now that I'd said it out loud. "But what makes it worse is the fact it wasn't just any woman, it was Jenny Realight."

"Oh Lu-chan." My friend breathed out as she rushed to give me a big comforting hug. "That's horrible."

I sank to my knees and let my friend comfort me as my anger gave way to uncontrollable sobs. "How could he do this Levy-chan? I thought he loved me!"

"I can't answer that," She whispered, quietly rubbing my back. "Only Hibiki can answer it properly."

"Don't say his name." I wailed. I knew I was being unreasonable and I should be ashamed of myself for bawling in public like this but I just couldn't stop. It felt like my heart had shattered into a thousand pieces and now that the anger had faded all I could feel was pain, sadness and rejection.

"Come on lets go to my place Lu-chan," Levy suggested, pushing me back a little from our embrace so she could see me. "We'll have a nice cup of tea and you can let it all out."

"Ok." I replied meekly. Rubbing the tears marks from my face, sniffling I stood up and fell into step behind Levy as we headed towards the apartment she shared with her long time partner, Gajeel. Part of me didn't want to go home with Levy as I knew that Gajeel would be there and to see those two living happily together would be like salt in my wounded heart, but at the same time I knew I needed a private place to mourn the end of my relationship.

"What did Hibi...he have to say about all this?" Levy inquired, as we rounded the corner that lead to the street where her apartment was situated. I'd expected this question to have come up sooner to be honest.


"What do you mean nothing?" She demanded hotly. "How could he say nothing after you caught him in bed with another woman!"

"Well I didn't exactly stick around for a chat as he was otherwise engaged snuggling up with his new woman." I mumbled awkwardly. "I turned tail and ran all the way here, metaphorically speaking.I don't even think he knows, that I know."

I lived a train stop away from Magnolia these days so it would have been a very long way to run. We'd decided on that house because it was only one stop away from each of our respective guilds, which meant that one of us wouldn't have had to leave our home...though now I was bitterly regretting not making him quit his guild and join Fairy Tail, or me quitting fairy tail and joining Blue Pegasus. Then maybe this wouldn't have happened!

"Very good point," The bluenette mused, as she opened the door that lead into her building. Luckily they lived on the bottom floor, so I didn't have to worry about any of Levy's neighbours seeing her bring home a sniffling, clown faced mess that looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Which would presumably describe how I appeared right now. "Well I still think you should have thrown a book at him to let him know."

"Thrown a book at who?" Gajeel's gruff tone interjected as we entered their joint home.

"Hibiki." Levy replied cheerily. I kept quiet as I took my shoes off.

"Why...WHOA what the hell happened to you Blondie you look like hell." Gajeel asked, as he got a good look at me. I simply offered a watery smile then tried to rub under my eyes to see if it would help...I wasn't sure that it did. All I knew was that my hands had black on them, probably from where my mascara had run from all the crying. I knew I should have worn the waterproof one today.

"Gajeel!" Levy reprimanded her boyfriend. "Don't be so mean."

"What?!" He pouted at her. "It's true."

Watching the two of them have their little spat made me smile, even though by looking at them you wouldn't think they'd make a good couple, the pair worked extremely well together and where one of those 'you couldn't ever see them splitting up ever' types. I mean Gajeel adored the ground Levy walked on and only had eyes for her and it was the same for Levy, she truly loved him from the bottom of her heart. It was clear for all to see that these two were soul mates.

"Don't scold him to much Levy-chan," I giggled. "He's probably right I must look a sight."

"So why are we throwing a book at Hibiki?" Gajeel asked, his curiosity over his girlfriends earlier statement resurfacing. I felt another lump of tears rise up in my throat at the mention of his name, and tried my damndest to swallow them back down.

"Do you mind if I tell him?" Levy asked, turning and giving me a sheepish look. She'd responded on impulse previously and hadn't meant to let Gajeel in on it without asking my permission first. I didn't mind at all and I knew that she would have told him eventually, but I hadn't expected to be around when she did. To be honest I hadn't really expected Gajeel to be here. I'd thought he would have been at the guild hall, considering the time of day it was.

"No, it's fine." I reassured my friend, giving the place a once over to try and remember where the closest mirror was so I could try and fix my face a little. "Everyone's going to know soon anyway so why keep it a secret."

"Well okay." She turned back to face Gajeel, as I located and moved towards the mirror that was half covered by coats. "Lu-chan walked in on Hibiki doing the deed with another woman."

"He was cheating on ya?" Gajeel growled, which brought my attention back to the iron dragon slayer. I decided there was no hope of fixing my face without hot water and make up remover, so I took another deep breath turned on my heel and faced the man.

"Yes." Was all I could muster without the fear of more tears escaping. For some reason just admitting it again out loud seemed to freeze me on the spot and it took Levy taking my hand gently in hers, so she could lead me to their couch, before I seem to snap out of my daze. "Sorry."

"Why are ya sorry, Blondie?" Gajeel almost snarled, which caused me to jump a little. "That cheating bastard is the one who should be sayin' sorry not you."

"He's right," The solid script mage agreed. "You have nothing to be sorry for Lu-chan. Now I shall put the kettle on and we can have a nice calming cup of tea."

"That sounds lovely." I smiled at her and felt close to tears again. But this time not from pain or anger but from the overwhelming joy I felt at having such an amazing best friend. I honestly didn't know what I'd do without her sometimes.

"Don't cry." Gajeel grunted as he sat down in the leather arm chair that was across the coffee table. "It don't suit ya."

"Thanks," I sniffled. Then a awkward silence fell upon the two of us, with only the sound of Levy pottering around in the kitchen to fill the space. I had to admit I wouldn't have expected Gajeel to be so nice to me, I mean I know we are nakama and all but he usually gives off such a cold attitude to all but Lilly and Levy, that it had taken me aback to have him show me such kindness and compassion. Not that I was complaining, it was lovely to see this softer side of Gajeel, even if it was kind of tsundere.

"Alright here we go," My friend beamed, as she returned from the kitchen holding a tray with cups and a huge tea pot. "Now I have some honey for you Lu-chan as I know how you love to drink warm tea with honey when you feel down."

"Oh Levy-chan you're too good to me," I sobbed, the show of affection causing fresh tears to overwhelm me. I hated how much this had gotten to me, hated how weak I felt, hated the fact that the man I loved had cheated on me. I think I was just in a hateful mood at the moment, which was so unlike me, unless it was to do with my father before he'd lost all his fortune.

"Now, now Lu-chan," The blunette hushed me, like a mother would a hysterical child. "First lets go and clean you up, your mascara is running all over and you look ghastly. Then when you're a bit calmer you can enjoy the tea."

"Want me to pour it?" Gajeel inquired as his partner once again took hold of my hand and led me from the sofa, down a small hall just off of the main living area, towards their bathroom.

"Please." Levy called back. I let the small woman lead me into the rest room and once inside I turned to face myself in the mirror. I'd seen the state of me when I'd entered the apartment but some how in the short amount of time between entering and making it into the powder room, my appearance had changed drastically...for the worst.

"I'm so sorry," I sighed, accepting the make up remover and cotton pads my friend offered me. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"What on earthland are you talking about, Lulu?" Levy tilted her head to the side in confusion. My mouth tilted upwards just a little at hearing her call me Lulu, a name which I hadn't been called in such a long time. It was a secret name that was only used by Levy when we were alone.

"For this," I mumbled as I wiped at my face. "For calling you out of the blue and being such an emotional train wreck."

"Nonsense." The fierceness in her voice made me stop what I was doing and face the solid script mage. "You have nothing to apologize for! Friends are here for the good and the bad, you were hurting and I for one am glad you called on me in your time of need. It shows how much you value our friendship."

There were no words to convey to the woman who had become like a sister to me, just how much the meaning of those words meant to me. Instead I flung my arms around her and just hugged her tight, feeling all the sorrow and hurt melt away as she in turn wrapped her arms around me and rubbing my back in a comforting way.

"Thank you." I breathed into ear as we parted from the embrace. Quickly I returned to removing my ruined make up, while Levy left the bathroom and returned to the living room so she could make sure Gajeel didn't mess up with the tea. Apparently he hates honey so won't touch the stuff, which was a fact that had surprised me. I hadn't guessed for a moment that anything could phase the gruff iron dragon slayer, except maybe losing Levy. But that was a thought that phased me too, losing my best friend would probably break me, so for her partner that idea must be absolutely terrifying.

I slapped my cheeks to rid myself of those depressing thoughts, took one last look at my appearance and cringed. At least the clown like mask was gone, but my eyes were all red and puffy from all the crying and my complexion was pale. In all honesty putting more makeup on seemed redundant as more crying was likely to ensue soon anyway. With that in mind I swiftly exited and made my way to where Gajeel and Levy were.

"Feeling better?" the blue haired woman asked as she saw me approaching them.

"She sure as hell doesn't look much better." Gajeel scoffed. Well at least you could always count on him to be honest, I thought to myself a wry smile tugging at my lips.

"I didn't ask if she looked better, I asked if she felt better, Baka Gajeel." Levy huffed in response, before turning an apologetic gaze my way.

"I do feel much better, even if I don't look it," I winked in Gajeel's direction to let them know I wasn't actually mad. In all fairness I'd rather they didn't tiptoe around my emotional state, in a strange way it was actually uplifting to have some normality around me.

"Hmpft." Was his only reply as he downed his coffee. Levy and I giggled as I took the empty sofa space next to her and picked up what I assumed to be my cup of honey tea.

brrrrinnnnng brrrrrrriiiinnnnnnggggg buzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzz

"Um Levy-chan I think your communication lacrima is going off." I stated, taking a sip of my tea.

"That's not mine, Lu-chan." She shock her head at me and pointed to the crystal globe that sat on her desk. Ok so if it wasn't Levy's then it must be...mine.

"Who would be calling me?" I mused, getting up from my seat and hurrying over to my jacket to retrieve my lacrima. Heading back to where the others were sat I looked at the device and contemplated not answering.

"Just answer it already." Gajeel growled at me. Guess he is right, it's rude after all not to answer.

"Um, hello." I spoke as I accepted the call. Somehow I had a bad feeling about this. "Who's speaking?"

"Lucy?" The voice that rang out from the magical object caused the blood to freeze in my veins and made my eyes mist up with tears once again. I'd know the owner of that voice anywhere.
