This is what happens when I sit down and watch a marathon on Strawberry Panic for the umpteenth time xD

Chapter One: A New Beginning

People say that when one door closes, another one opens…that there is always a reason for everything.

"But what was the reason for that?"

Shizuma often found herself asking this question in regards to the passing of her and Nagisa's six year old daughter four years before. It had been a terrible accident, the young Sayuri, who was a spitting image of Nagisa, having been hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. This left the married couple completely devastated, and to this day, they still couldn't forget the split second moment where their little girl was suddenly gone for good, especially Shizuma.

"I was so close…so close."

On that fateful day, Shizuma had seen the car heading for her daughter and wasted no time in running to her side, but the car was faster, and even though the woman had almost reached her, she hadn't been close enough to pull her to safety.

"They say it wasn't my fault, but…"

She blamed herself for the longest time. A mother was supposed to protect her child, so why couldn't she protect her? Sayuri was so young and innocent…she didn't deserve to die.

"So then why was she taken from us?"

It took a lot of talking, crying, support, and love from her wife and friends to pull her from the mindset that the girl's death was her fault. Now, although a small part of her still feels to blame, another part knows that, in raising Sayuri, she and Nagisa did their best in what little time they had together.

As time went on, pain turned into memory, and soon enough, their hearts opened up to the idea of another child. With Shizuma not really interested in insemnation herself and carrying, and after Nagisa suffered a lot of pregnancy problems carrying Sayuri, they decided to foster and hopefully adopt.

"But how will I be? Can I care for her properly? Can I become a mother again? Can I protect her?"


Green eyes met with the dark pink ones at the sound of her name being called. Shizuma, who had been standing by the window in a green halter top and back skirt, glared over at the other with a small smile.

"Hey you."

Nagisa, who had been sporting a very cute red top and a tan skirt, smiled back, walking over and falling into Shizuma's warm embrace.

"My Nagisa." She whispered as she held her, a blush growing on the younger woman's face. Even after sixteen years of knowing each other, nine of them married ones, hearing those sweet words still made her go red in the cheeks.

"Are you all right?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah…just thinking."

Nagisa nuzzled into the woman's chest, her own thoughts reeling as well.

"You nervous about today?"

Shizuma let out a small sigh, her hand gently rubbing her wife's back.

"A little. It'll be different. You?"

"I am, too, but…at the same time, I'm excited. I've missed having a child around…"

Both of them were silent for a moment, their minds on the past and on what the day would bring.

"She wouldn't want us sad you know…she was always such a happy kid."

"She was." Shizuma said back. They were both very much ready for another child and would love on this newcomer very much, but the past did still hurt them a bit.

"Should we tell her about…"

"No. I don't think so." Shizuma replied. "At least not yet. We should let her settle in a while first."

"Yeah…" Nagisa said back. "True."

The two remained silent again, taking comfort in each other's warmth. After a few minutes, Nagisa looked up at the other, both gazes meeting again as Nagisa stroked her cheek.

"You sure you're ready for this?"

Taking the woman's stroking hand in her own and holding it gently, she nodded.

"Yeah, I am. I know no one can ever replace Sayuri. She will always be our little girl, but I really do want another child. I love being a mom…"

Nagisa smiled.

"Me, too. You think she'll wanna stay in the end? You saw how stubborn she was when we first met her last month."

Shizuma had to smile a bit at this, remembering that day very well.

"She was, wasn't she." The woman replied. "For a ten year old, she was full of a lot of spunk. You could tell through her stubbornness she was interested though. I guess we will have to wait and see. It might be best to not mention the possibly of adopting her either, at least until she is fully settled and comfortable."

Nagisa agreed with this. She knew the new girl had a bit of a past and wanted her to be comfortable with both her and Shizuma first.

"You know…it's going to be all right." The young woman told the other. Even though Shizuma was over blaming herself for the past incident, she knew a small part of her still felt guilty. "We're gonna do this and it's all going to be all right. Whatever we experience, we'll face it together. I'll always be by your side."

The silver haired woman blushed slightly.

"You have always been by my side and I couldn't be happier…and I shall always be by yours."

After kissing her wife's finger tips, she leaned in and kissed Nagisa's lips.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, too." Nagisa whispered back, a gentle look of love and warmth on her face.

-Honk honk-

Both women looked out of the window to find a grey car sitting in their driveway.

"Well, looks like she's here." Nagisa said with a smile. "You ready?"

After taking a deep breath, she placed her hand into Nagisa's and smiled back.
