I was drawing

But I got art block

And I couldn't finish drawing


Phoebe Pleasant: Skulduggery may have an ego the size of Saturn, but he's clumsy as all hell :3 Glad you liked the story! : D

MehScrewIt: IT SHALL BE CONTINUED :3 many people shall die. Some people may live. But it'll be the opposite : D

JellyfishSisters: Your wish is my command :

BY THE WAY, INTENSE SWEARING, AN ANGRY GHASTLY, GIRL-ON-GIRL KISSING AND.. yeah that's it. Skulduggery is barely mentioned, plus Tanith has a new puppy

''OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE LITTLE PAWSIES!'' Alice squealed as Tanith brought in the white puppy. He was surprisingly big!

''Can we call him Bec? After Jade's guardian thingymajiggy from Homestuck!'' Alice blabbered on about a webcomic, while Tanith laughed and nodded.

''Bec it is then!'' Tanith confirmed, while Valkyrie had the goofiest smile on her face from playing with the puppy. Ghastly and Skulduggery were talking about adult stuff in the front, like being 'responsible' so the trio in the back zoned out from them. The puppy yawned and curled up on Alice's lap, deciding to take a nap. [THAT RHYMING THOUGH]

''OOH! OOH! Let's play Truth Or Dare! Or, Dare or Dare because people always choose Truth and Truth sucks. Actually, no, I wanna get the scoop on this girl called 'Tanith' wow that's a stupid name but let's start!'' Alice says without taking a breath once. ''SOOOOO, MY TURN!''

''Ugh.'' Valkyrie and Tanith moan in unison, but play along with the game anyway.

''Okay, Tanithy-saurus, Truth or dare?'' Alice had the stupidest grin ever on her face but still managed to keep it together.

''Truth.'' Tanith replied calmly.

''HAVE YOU EVER KISSED A GIRL BEFORE!?'' Alice shouts it out and digs her face into Bec's fur, stifling hilarious giggles.

''y-yeah.'' Tanith blushed, looking out the window quickly. She was closest to the window, with Valkyrie in the center, Alice to the right window and Bec sitting on Alice's lap. Valkyrie nudged Tanith.

''Your go!'' she happily said.

''Right. Alice, truth or dare?'' Tanith looked at Alice smugly.

''Truth. It's not time for dares!'' Alice giggled, but waited for Tanith's dare.

''I dare you to.. t-to..'' Tanith thought, and regained her thought, ''…to say ''I ADORE One Direction'' or ''I WORSHIP Teletubbies!'' she burst out, grinning like an idiot.

''I adore One Direction.'' She murmured, but Valkyrie shoved her, making her shout ''I ADORE ONE DIRECTION!''

Tanith and Valkyrie stifled laughter, while Alice glared at them with the Luigi-Death-Stare.

''VALKYRIE! Truth or dare?'' Alice lengthened the 'r' so that it sounded more like 'daerrrrrrrr.'

''Dare – we haven't done a dare yet!'' Alice's eyes brightened up, and she immediately responded.

''KISS TANITH! And not on the cheek, no – full on lesbian kissing. I wanna see this sh—'' She was abrubtly cut off by a mouth to the face from Valkyrie.

''No cussing! I'll do it, but no swearing you dumb-butt.'' Valkyrie rolled her eyes as Tanith had that.. glint in her eyes that only Saracen ever had – and that was when he was attempting to seduce girls.

''Bring it in, b—'' The pair heard a click of a seatbelt and the next thing they saw was Ghastly in their face.

''NO. My girlfriend is not going to kiss a 25 year old that has the mentality of a 5 year old.'' Ghastly pushed the pair apart, but when he sat back in his seat the pair embraced and began kissing. Alice gave out a squeal of delight, but when Ghastly twitched she muffled it by covering her mouth.

'Woah.' Alice thought to herself. 'They are so gay for eachother.' Alice was only daring them for a quick peck on the mouth, but no, they were actually kissing. Like, kissy-kissy. Like, kissing that was so disgusting that would make a 7 year old puke. Tanith was grinning like an idiot against Valkyrie's lips, while Valkyrie was using all her power to not burst out laughing. Alice thought she heard a whine from Tanith when they separated.

''Neat.'' Alice murmured, as Tanith winked at Alice. ''You two are so gay for each other, it's like making me puke rainbows.'' Ghastly was zoning out, staring at the people calling for help on the roads. And then Skulduggery just HAD to say…

''I adore this car, but… We're out of gas. And the next gas station is an hour's walk from here. The Bentley will..'' He sniffled at this point, even though skeletons can't sniffle. ''…But good news! We're only two hours walk from our destination. Pack up, wake up your puppy, we're walking.'' He said with that eternal grin of his.

The girls [including a pair of almost-definitely-lesbians] groaned, while Alice softly woke up Bec. He whined as well, but got up and allowed Alice to put a green collar with a blue leash on his neck.

''Let's go then.'' Valkyrie said, yawning. Ghastly and Skulduggery obviously walked up ahead, discussing boring stuff.

~ Timeskip ~

''My legs hurt…'' Alice groaned. She looked down at Bec, who seemed happy that he had his own dog-boots so that his pads wouldn't get cut. ''Tanithy, can you grab Bec?'' She thrust the leash handle into a very-confused Tanith and convinced Valkyrie to give her a piggy-back ride.

''Alright, but you do realise that we're at the cabin?'' she laughed, heaving Alice up onto her back. The 6 beings met a 3 storey cabin bordered by a river – and a town in the distance.

''Anton, Saracen, Fletcher, Erskine and Dexter are already there. They said that they heard some barking in the distance – we're going to all go and check it out.'' Ghastly turned to the girls in the back.

''Okie dokie! But Tanith and Alice are staying back here – Tanith needs to babysit Alice.'' Valkyrie stares at Tanith, who does nothing but shrug.

''Alright, but I'm starving. Can I open the bag and eat SOMETHING?'' Tanith and Alice agree, while Skulduggery waves a hand. They all march to the cabin and meet the 5 others.

''Heya Fletcharoonie!'' Alice bounded up to Fletcher and gave him a fistbump. They continued making weird handshakes while Anton, Saracen, Erskine and Dexter were chatting with Ghastly, Skulduggery, Valkyrie and Tanith.

All is merry, until they hear the most blood-curdling sound ever known to man.

It was crossed with a dog's shriek when in pain, and a girl's ear-piercing scream. After the screech, another voice was heard.

''Please! Anyone, help us!'' was the plea.

Skulduggery motioned for everyone except for Ghastly, Valkyrie and himself to stay back. The trio carefully pushed onwards, toward the source of the blood-curdling sound. They whispered to each other, finally seeing a clearing up ahead. Valkyrie accidentally broke a twig.

''Who's out there?! Oh, I don't care, please oh God please help her..'' the voice trembled, fading into a muffled sob while barks mixed with crying were heard.

''It's okay, it's just me and two others. I'll come out first.'' Valkyrie responded, motioning for the freakish-skeleton and creepy scar-covered dude to stay back. She walked through the clearing to see two girls sitting there – one was cradling the other. The one who was cradling had pale skin and intensely jade eyes, brown with blonde highlights in her hair and a mess of clothes. It looked like a child trying to make a doll, but ultimately failing, making it look like a pile of rags. The one being cradled was visibly in pain, her blue eyes darting around, black hair pulled back messily into a ponytail and neater but still rather messy clothes. The odd thing about this one was that she wasn't normal, no, she had dog ears and a dog tail.

''Oh my God…'' Valkyrie covered her mouth.

HELLO MY NERDS! What did you think of that beauty? Keep submitting your OCs!

Basically, there IS a cure to being a zombie, but you have to be infected via BLOOD STREAM and not BE BITTEN. You also have to get the cure WITHIN A WEEK. Then, the cure will clear you of your zombie cells, but you'll grow animalistic ears and tails. But, it'll be the most recent animal you have touched – if you haven't touched an animal within a day, it will be random and has a chance of even being an Eagle or an undiscovered animal [Dragon for example! Since dragons are now canon and stuff.]

If you're bitten by a zombie, it'll only take an hour at least, 12 hours at most to turn.

If you have, lets say, a large gash on your side and were fighting zombies. Some of THEIR blood might infect your wound and make you turn, but this will take up to 2 weeks to make you actually turn. The signs of turning within the first week would be temperatures dropping down to ice cold, but then up to lava hot. Then, the victim would start to lose their mind and think like-mindedly with the zombies.
