I'm still alive! I have a few things I want to mention. First, I'm going to start following the storyline somewhere in season 3. Second, updates should come a little faster.(hopefully I get either a laptop or the Windows tablet I wanted for Christmas!) Third, finally, is that I'm going to start wrapping this story up. Now, to the texts!


Megatron: So Shockwave, what have you been up on Cybertron, other than your new "pet"?

Shockwave: Well, My Lord, I Cleaned Up My Lab After Repairing My Optic And Tried To Figure Out How To Clone More Beasts.

Megatron: Good to know. And Shockwave?

Shockwave: Yes Lord Megatron?

Megatron: You don't use all capital letters. It's improper grammar.

Shockwave: Oh, okay...

Shockwave: Lord Megatron, what has been going on down here on earth.

Megatron: Hmm...Where to start... Well, Soundwave has a virus, Starscream is being Starscream, and if Dreadwing were still here he'd picking feathers out of the cracks in his armor. That's about it.

Shockwave: ...

Shockwave: You must be very busy, My Liege.

Megatron: That's one way to put it...

Megatron: We'd better go stop your "pet' from destroying Starscream.

Megatron: It's my job to beat the crap out of and eventually offline Starscream. Besides I still need him around.

Shockwave: As you say, Lord Megatron.


Magnus: It is good to have you back, Optimus Prime.

Optimus: Same to you, Ultra Magnus. And please call me Optimus, it sounds less formal.

Magnus: ...Yes sir. So, how is life on earth, Commander?

Optimus: ... Life here has been semi-peaceful, and with the help of the humans, who we receive ammo from, we stay in disguise.

Magnus: So most of earth's inhabitants do not yet know of our existence, Sir?

Optimus: Yes, most do not. Now could please drop the 'Sir' and 'Commander'?

Magnus:...How do I drop digital words.

Optimus: I have a sudden urge to facepalm.

Magnus: To what, Sir?

Optimus: Erg, Never mind.


Bulkhead: So, Smokey, what happened to you and Optimus.

Smokescreen: I already said I'm not telling.

Bulkhead: But why not?

Smokescreen: Because!

Arcee: Bulkhead, if he doesn't want to tell, leave him alone.

Bulkhead: Fine.

Bulkhead has signed off.

Smokescreen: Thanks. So much has happened today, and I.. I.. I'd rather not think about it.

Arcee: I know what you mean. I felt like that with Cliff... But we learn to get by them, and we stay strong.

Smokescreen: But...

Arcee: I'm not saying we'll ever forget things like that, but we'll learn to live with them or get over them.

Smokescreen: Thanks Arcee. It's just that, well, that I've never seen someone die, and, well, I was scared. But what your saying helps me more than you know.

Arcee: Well, I guess nows a good time to make you officially part of our family here, little brother.

Smokescreen: Thanks, but isn't Bee younger than me?

Arcee: Your both younger than me.

Smokescreen: Well, thanks, big sister.


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