A/N: Alright, I know it's not an excuse, but my second half of the year has been extremely busy and I've been having bouts of writer block. My examinations just finished, so I decided to try my best to write more. I'm so sorry! Gomenasai! There will be another note at the bottom telling you my reasoning for all this. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! I'll try my best to update soon, but no promises. I'm trying my best to make sure Naru doesn't stray too far from canon Naruto.

Diclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor earn any profits from writing this fanfiction

-Time skip to academy graduation-

It was that time of the year again. The graduation of the academy students. This time, the Sandaime was having a severe headache. Why? Because it appeared everyone wanted Naru on their team, and the children had pressured their parents into going to the Sandaime and requesting to have Naru on their team.

Even Ino was no exception, wanting her best friend in the same team as her. In response to Inoichi's request, the Sandaime had looked blankly at the blond haired man and told him bluntly that every team needed two males and Ino was a female as was Naru. The blonde man left dejected, and in all honesty, the Sandaime could not be bothered anymore. Arranging teams and deciding where to put Naru was causing him way too much problems.

The Sandaime wondered if he should do a traditional Team Seven and make his life easier by dumping Sasuke and Kiba in the same team as Naru and putting them under Kakashi, but Kiba was essential for a tracking team. Asuma has wanted another Ino-Shika-Chou combination, but he supposed it could be put off, since there had actually been other teams of the same combination that have become Chunin already. He knows without this team combination, he could work on Ino's skills as a central control center sort of team member.

If he took apart the Ino-Shika-Chou combination, he could put Ino on the tracking team with Kiba and Shino to ensure easy communication with the all-important tracking team. There. One team down and two more to go. Hiruzen felt happy, but he knew the main trouble came up ahead. Naru had still not been put in a team yet, and he doubted anyone except for those on the team would be happy with how he arranged them.

Satoru would not be put on the same team as Naru. He was a civilian with good chakra control and had the makings of a medic-nin, and would be a good addition to any team, but he doubted any of the clan heirs would be happy that someone with such a major crush on Naru would be on the same team as her, and while he was not scared of the clan heirs, but he preferred less headache. Shikamaru was close to Naru, which ensured better teamwork. Furthermore, he could control his sister much better and act as the calm thinker on the team. So those two could be put together. Hinata would be on the other team, and now there was only Sasuke and Chouji left. Chouji would be a good choice because of his clan jutsus, but Sasuke would also be a brilliant choice.

Putting Hinata on the team with Satoru would be a pretty good idea because that would mean that Satoru would have more time with his sensei, since Hinata would be quite a low fuss genin to have, most of her training had to be done in her clan anyway. Goodness knows Satoru needs it, for all his brain, he was not going to survive in the field very long because of how weak he was in terms of taijustsu and ninjutsu. For all his medic-nin potential, he would need And any team with a Hyuuga and a could be medic-nin along with a shinobi that had high damage potential would be a brilliant team for back-up.

Sighing, the Sandaime Hokage leaned back in his chair. Perhaps he could base it on luck. It was not as if any of the two were particularly bad choices after all. Writing the names of Sasuke and Chouji on two separate papers, he fired a light wind jutsu at the small pieces of paper, making it fly upwards. Closing his eyes, his right hand darted towards the papers, grasping one of them while letting the other fall down.

Looking at the name, the Sandaime chuckled.

/At the Academy/

"Of course I passed it! After all, I'm one of the best genin here!" Kiba boasted, pounding his chest like a savage. At that moment, Sasuke came out of the exam room, and casually smacked the loud boy on the back of his head.

"Sasuke-teme!" Kiba growled, then he pounced onto Sasuke, and they started squabbling like a pair of cats and dogs.

Naru laughed, tossing her long hair back, she had gotten used to this, they really did not get along well. Or perhaps it was a way to show affection? Anyway, it was common occurance, and wasn't serious. Except that after their squabbles, they'll both come out with scratches and slightly tattered clothes. She looked around. Where was her brother?

"Imouto-chan, where are you looking at?" The familiar voice of her beloved brother came from behind her. "And here." He passed her Hikari. "I took care of her while you were in there. How was it?"

Naru smiled enthusiastically. "I'm a real kunoichi now! I'm gonna kick all the evil shinobi's butts. Look!" She flashed the shiny hitai-ate, grinning brightly. Her brother sighed tiredly, patting her on her head whilst smiling slightly.

"You're probably not going to kick any butt for a while." Shikamaru said, only to be ignored when his sister's attention was snatched by another troublesome blonde, this one perhaps even more troublesome than the blonde girl he so dearly loved.

"Don't hog her Shikamaru! Naru-chan is mine!" A female hand reached for her, snagging her wrist and pulling her away from her brother.

"Ino-chan!" Naru turned around and smiled, noticing the shiny hitai-ate on Ino's forehead. The taller girl smiled brightly, feeling an urge to pinch the cheeks of the blonde ball of sunshine.

"Ne, ne. Since everyone is here, shall we go meet our parents then go play?" Naru said loudly, while carefully placing Hikari on her head, watching as Shino and Hinata made their way over. When everyone, including the still squabbling Sasuke and Kiba, agreed, they made their way out, a horde of rowdy children, albeit the fact that this horde of children were a little more special than the average children of the village, for they were a prestigious group of clan heirs.

The second day was the day the results would be announced. Naru got up bright and early, and ran to her brother's room, shaking him awake. The lazy boy tried to swat her hand away so he could enjoy the comfort of his bed for a little longer, but like practically all battles Naras have with the women in their life, he lost. So fifteen minutes later, he was at the lunch table, slowly eating his breakfast. His sister however, was jumping around, with Hikari letting out the occasional yelp, behind his chair as if trying to hurry him up.

"Alright, alright, let's go." Shikamaru sighed, munching on the last of his breakfast. Naru grinned even wider and Shikamaru wondered how someone could smile so widely and yet so prettily. Shaking his head, he began trudging to the academy, following behind the blond that was his sister.

As soon as they reached the Academy, the already present members of the class smiled and greeted the two Naras enthusiastically, and the male Nara made his way to his usual seat, so he could catch up on the sleep that Naru had snatched away from him by waking him so early in the morning. After greeting the rest of their group of friends, he rested his head on the table and drifted off to sleep amidst the ruckus his classmates were making.

When he next woke up, Iruka was getting ready to announce the teams.

Naru stared at her favourite teacher, willing him to name the teams already. Iruka sighed, before opening his mouth.

"Team Seven, Naru..." He trailed off, watching as practically everyone perked up at the name of the blonde girl everyone admired. He had to admit, this bunch of kids were kind of scary and he wanted to get everything over as fast as possible. "Sasuke, and Shikamaru. Team Eight, Ino, Kiba and Shino. Team Ten, Hinata, Satoru and Chouji. Alright, all of your sensei will come here to meet you. It's been a nightma... ahem, brilliant um... experience teaching you all. Ja ne!" And he disappeared just as protests started sounding.

Okay so here's my reasoning:

Naru's lack of a crush. I believe that even if Sakura is male now and even if she's surrounded by a bunch of guys, that she is like Naruto, and although she may be much girlier than Naruto, she's not going to act like a fangirl. She's been brought up by a clan of geniuses and has many friends beside her, along with many admirers, so she is more focused than canon.

If you aren't sure about anything or why it's happening, feel free to tell me in your reviews and I'll try my best to tell explain in the next chapter. BTW, Satoru IS Sakura.