A/N: This is an extremely short chapter, but it is just a test. IF YOU LIKE THIS PLEASE TELL ME SO I WILL CONTINUE IT, if I don't get anything back, then I won't keep working on this! Please help me out here guys!

I wish I owned the Assassin's Creed franchise, but I'm not that lucky.

If you're reading this, you are most likely an Assassin's Creed Fan. And what's in every game? (blood) So, considered yourself warned. Blood shall come.


Connor stalked to the bow of the Aquila and snapped open his spyglass to get a better look at his latest hunt. The Morrigan lay anchored just around a gigantic iceberg. Connor could see her clearly, but continued to study her weather deck, looking for something more specific. Faulkner sided up to Connor and cleared his throat to speak,

"They call 'er the 'Phantom Queen', Cap'n. She's a sloop o' war. The strongest, fastest ship of 'er kind. 'er real name's the Morrigan, and she's been terrorizin' all kinds of French vessels in the North Atlantic and the New York River Valley. She's 32 guns and a ram that can plow through ice at 15 knots or more with the right wind." Connor raised a hand, silencing his first mate.

"Faulkner, are you aware that you are rambling?" Faulkner shuffled awkwardly and began,

"My apologies, Cap, it's just..." he trailed off into silence. Connor urged him to continue with a roll of his hand. "...it's just, there are many fine ships out there, Cap'n, it'll be a shame to sink 'er, ya see." Connor laughed,

"We're not here to sink the Morrigan, Faulkner. My business is with her captain. Shay Cormac is the last of the Templars inducted into the order by my father. It is high time that I ended this." Faulkner mouthed a breathy 'O' and smiled,

"That be good news, Cap. So you intend to board 'er and kill 'er Captain, eh?" Connor closed his spyglass and turned to face his first mate.

"That is the rather... blunt way of putting it. But, you are correct." Faulkner nodded,

"How do ya figure to take her?" Connor bowed his head in thought.

"I am considering bombarding her. The Aquila has sixty cannons, thirty to a broadside. One volley should be enough to cripple the 'Phantom Queen of the North Atlantic'. What do you think, Faulkner?" Faulkner's eyes widened in surprise,

"With all due respect, sir, the Morrigan has state of the art weaponry. She's taken down Royal Convoys and Prisoner of War ships - all by her lonesome and without taking a scratch. The Aquila may be the fastest third-rate ship-of-the-line, but even she can't outrun the Morrigan. If you wish to take her, I believe you'll be needin' another plan, sir."

"You mean to say, the only way to get to Shay Cormac is to trap the Morrigan. Not simply attack her, or she will flee, faster than the Aquila can follow." Faulkner nodded solemnly,

"That be true, Cap'n. The Aquila isn't fit for icy waters like she is either. You'll be needin' to push her south, or she'll escape to the arctic, never to be seen again." Connor stood quietly, piecing together a way to attack the Morrigan without risking her escape. He turned back to survey the smaller ship, using his spyglass to observe the weather deck. His trained eye immediately sought out his target. Through the telescope, he could see Shay ordering around his crew. Too late, did he realize that Shay was having them reposition the mortars. He screamed to his crew to unfurl the sails as he raced back to the wheel.

The hunter had been spotted, and the Morrigan wasn't going to go down without a fight.

The chase was on.

A/N: Woo! I hope you guys liked reading this as much as I loved writing it! Shay and Connor are my two favorites (with Ezio as second and Edward and Haytham tied for third) Please, remember to show the love if you want more of this! Reviews are absolutely amazing!

Be warned: I use the flames of haters to make smores. If anyone would like any, feel free to come visit.