"So this is my new target huh?" A raven haired girl said as she scanned through the files in the folder that was handed to her. The man who handed her the folder nodded. She smirked and confidently threw the folder in the coffee table in front of her.

"I can kill it in any way I prefer right?" the man once again nodded to respond. A small chuckle escaped her thin, peach colored lips.

"This will be easy" she crossed her arms. "Why not assassinate it by feeding it poison? Or stabbing it repeatedly? I bet it will be easy.. for something that has a body like gelatin.. This is exciting" she said

"To remind you, this is not like your past targets. This creature moves at mach 20 and even the government's armed forces cannot kill it." He stated. The girl's smirking face became blank as the man places a briefcase in the coffee table.

"Ordinary bullets and knives won't have any effect on him.. but you can use this to assassinate him" she was a bit surprised when the man opened the briefcase only to show her rubber knives and a pack of BB bullets.

"Tsk.. Are you kidding me? These are just children's toys! No wonder you haven't defeated it-" she stood up and protested.

"You don't understand. It's the only weapons known that can kill him. Ordinary bullets will melt inside of him and he can even eat metal blades and knives.. Why not just comply to what the government ordered you to do so.." She scowled in annoyance as she sat back down to the sofa. The man explains further her objectives.

"And I'll be going as a student at Kunigugaoka Academy.. at their lowest class?" she plans on protesting as she doesn't want any dumb pests to hinder her assassination plans but seeing that she has no other choices, she just sighed and agreed to all of the conditions given to her.

"You'll start tomorrow. We already sent you everything you need for this mission. Good luck, Akiyama Chieko"

It was a normal day for the students of class 3-E as they made another attempt to assassinate Korosensei whom they should kill before their graduation or else, the end of the world will occur. But as usual, he would easily avoid their attacks while checking the attendance and after a few minutes of shooting, everyone ran out of bullets and got exhausted in attempting to kill him.

"By the way, Karasuma-sensei told me earlier that there will be a new student in our class" Korosensei happily announced to the students and their faces suddenly lit up.

"Ne, sensei? Is she a girl?" Rio asked.

"I don't know yet… So far that's the only information that Karasuma-sensei provided me." Korosensei said as he shrugs.

A transfer student huh? Nagisa thought to himself. "Do you think the transfer student is an assassin too?"

"Maybe.. I mean.. we're all assassins in here right?" Kayano answered, but there's still something bothering Nagisa.

"What if she's like Itona..?" he added. Somehow, that made some of his classmates think too.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that Korosensei can handle him.. or her somehow.." Megu cheered him up.

"Settle down now and take your seats.. class will start in a few seconds" Korosensei announced as he took a sip of the tea he bought from London as they were cleaning their classrooms. As class was about to start, the door opened and revealed a raven-haired girl with a blank expression on her face.

"Oh? Are you the new student?" she just stepped inside the classroom without responding and suddenly, the classroom had a heavy atmosphere.

"Akiyama Chieko. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.. especially you, Korosensei.." she bowed in front of everyone not only to show courtesy and respect, but also to get the rubber knife hidden in her blazer. As she stood up, she lunged at Korosensei to stab him, but he caught her arm before the knife could impale him.

"Nyuhu~ an assassination attempt at the very first day.. how sneaky of you.." Green stripes appeared in Korosensei's face which according to what Chieko read in the files, shows that he's underestimating her skills, which made her even more furious, but later on, she sighed in defeat.

"Okay sensei.. " she grabbed another knife from her left sleeve. "Just so you know, I've got two hands" Much to everyone's surprise, Chieko successfully stabbed one of Korosensei's tentacle which made him let go of her other hand.

"Never underestimate me you octopus. I can make even more fatal attacks than that.." Chieko said with a blank face while Korosensei's face turned black. Chieko's only a few steps away from Korosensei and as he approached her with that face, she didn't even flinched and still kept a blank expression.

"Akiyama.." Korosensei said which scared the rest of the students, though they're confident that he can't hurt or kill her.. he might do what he said before like hurt her loved-ones or friends..

"Very good Akiyama-san! Thinking of a plan A and a plan B for a span of only 5 hours is really superb!" Chieko sure was surprised to what her teacher said. How the hell did he know that I only thought of those plans 5 hours ago? This creature really is.. something.

Korosensei patted her head only for his tentacles to get slapped away from her head.


"I'll make sure that I can kill you in my next attempt. Remember that.." Chieko said and green stripes appeared in Korosensei's face again.

"Then I'll look forward to that.." Chieko walked to a free desk at the back of the classroom. She can feel the eyes of her classmates on her as she walked to the back. She noticed her seatmates as she sat down, at the left, there's a confident, red-haired guy who seemed really mischievous but intelligent and glancing to the right, she saw a machine which projects a 2D image of a lavender-haired girl.

This class really is odd. She thought. "Maybe this will be one extraordinary school year.."

A/N: MINNAA! To those who read the original version of this. I kinda regretted uploading the story after a few minutes and thus, deleted it. Please forgive me for doing that *bows down 90 degrees* And I know there are lots of grammatical errors so, forgive me once again *bows again* and I'm also looking for a beta reader, so please XD tell me if you can beta read stories.

Thank you for reading the story! Please do review for constructive criticisms but please be nice when criticizing the story.