I own nothing of Dragon Age.

A/N: This was supposed to be Part Three of the whole story with my OC but as of right now, it's a stand alone. The last chapter of The Hare Swallowed Whole, it will be obvious why. (After four years, my mojo is no longer there, sorry)

My character will fill in the blanks as to what happened in between, so that nobody is lost. This is a slow buildup, hang in there for the first couple chapters.

Yes, this is eventually going to turn into a romance. While this part will not portray it, it is for those who have that particular interest because Colemance dammit! You won't be disappointed.

9:38 Dragon- White Spire Gathering Hall

All eyes of those in the room turned to the doors as two figures entered. An elderly woman walked in, in a robe of blue silk and a regal white cloak that swept along the floor behind her. Her gray hair was tied up into a matronly bun, but it was easy to see she had once been a beautiful woman. A white wolf fitted with a ornate, black armored harness padded silently next to her, it's startling blue-green eyes surveying the room with an unnatural intelligence.

The woman needed no introduction, for every mage in the hall knew of her: Wynne, archmage and hero of the Blight in Ferelden nine years before. The wolf only seemed to add audacious testament to her magical prowess, it's appearance mildly intimidating to those who'd never encountered such a beast. Despite this, Wynne received no hero's welcome here. There was a brief moment of polite applause, but most of the crowd was shocked into silence.

The wolf sat to Wynne's right, watching it's mistress with contentment as she began her speech to the mages of the White Spire. With what had happened in Kirkwall a year prior, the disbanding of the College of Enchanters, and the recent attempt on the Divine Justinia V, the Circles had stirred up a call for action, before the templars would attempt to quell them permanently.

For a time, all that was heard was Wynne's voice, echoing through the hall, but her attempts to promote patience in such dire times did not succeed. One male Enchanter stood to speak out, offended by her words, as did others soon after. When it was clear her presence would be of no further use, the hall breaking out into dozens of verbal confrontations, she calmly left with the First Enchanter and her silent companion.

Not twenty minutes later, Wynne and her wolf were received by Lord Seeker Lambert and Knight Captain Evangeline as they waited for Wynne's son, Rhys, to appear.

The two templars eyed the wolf with suspicion and Lambert got up the nerve to ask about it. "I never heard of you having an affinity for animals. How did you obtain this beast?"

Smiling softly, Wynne patted the wolf on the head, then replied, "I received Amilee from a friend about two years ago. The runes on her armor bind her to me as well as enhance her with speed and intelligence."

This peaked the Lord Seeker's interest. "Can she be trained to follow others?"

"I am not certain," Wynne answered cryptically.

Before the man could press further, the Enchanter who had spoken out first against Wynne and a female mage entered the room.

Wynne stood, her gaze cool and appraising. "Hello Rhys," she said quietly.

"Hello Mother," he replied.

The Lord Seeker cleared his throat, shooting a disapproving glare at Rhys. "I'm informed you caused quite the disturbance in the hall."

"Isn't that why I'm here?"

"It's not. Enchanter Wynne requested your presence after the assembly was finished. Why did you think you were allowed out of your cell?" Rhys seemed taken aback by that. The man looked at the other mage and frowned. "She did not, however, request the attendance of anyone else."

"I invited myself," the female mage said defiantly.

"It is no bother," Wynne interrupted before the Lord Seeker could retort.

He eased back in his chair, clenching his jaw in silent fury. "Do what you came to do," he said through gritted teeth.

Wynne nodded, satisfied, and turned to Rhys once again. "I'm afraid there's nowhere for either of you to sit," she began, searching about the room as if expecting chairs to suddenly materialize.

"I can stand," he said. "What's this about?"

"I need your help."

"My help?" Rhys glanced at the Lord Seeker, and then Ser Evangeline, but their faces revealed nothing to him. "What could you need my help for? And why would I offer it?"

"Would you rather go back to the dungeons?" the Lord Seeker interjected.

Rhys remained silent and Amilee inwardly cringed in sympathy at the thought of being locked away.

She'd heard enough stories to last a lifetime of the horrors some mages went through in the Circle, although her brief conversations with her adopted sister Bethany alleviated some of her fears. If she herself were ever to be captured, she knew the templars would kill her outright, being unable to fully reign her power or make her tranquil. Which is why she felt the form she was in would suffice to help Wynne and keep Amilee's existence secret from the templars.

Wynne merely nodded at Rhys, as if she had expected his response all along. "An old friend of mine has been turned into an abomination," she began. "I intend a rescue, and that means going into the Fade to wrest control from the demon that has possessed him. It's a difficult task, and not one I can do alone. I'll need you to come with me to help perform the ritual."

The Lord Seeker let out an angry growl and slammed his fist down on the desk. "You said nothing about taking Enchanter Rhys from the tower!"

"Nor did I need to, until now."

"Have you forgotten about the attack upon the Divine? This man is involved, and I cannot allow him to leave. I will not."

"I thought you might say that." She reached into a pocket in her white cloak and produced a simple scroll, the wax seal bearing the symbol of the Chantry. The Lord Seeker snatched it away with a scowl. Breaking the seal, he unrolled the scroll and read.

"As you can see for yourself, the Divine has given me full authority to perform my mission as I see fit." She smiled slightly. "And I see fit to take Enchanter Rhys with me. He is a spirit medium, after all, and thus his abilities will prove useful."

After a little more debate and the revelation that a Tranquil had somehow been turned abomination, Rhys, as well as the female mage, Adrian, agreed to Wynne's request. The Knight-Captain had also been assigned to accompany them, as Lambert seemed wrought with suspicion of Wynne's intentions, so far as her son was concerned.

While Wynne had originally planned on Amilee being her third mage for the endeavor, Amilee could see the determination in Adrian's eyes as well as the danger of revealing herself in the presence of a templar. She was thankful Wynne recognized and adapted to the situation appropriately.

After briefing the lot that they would be leaving in the morning, Wynne waited for Rhys and Adrian to depart before excusing herself as well. Amilee followed, knowing full well the hairs on her back stood due to the Lord Seeker's studious gaze.

When they reached the visitor's quarters, Wynne sighed as she removed her white cloak, hanging it on a rack near the wardrobe. She sat on the lounge chair and groaned softly, turning to Amilee. "Well, this day was far from fruitful in quelling the mages fears, but at least my plans for our journey are set. It seems fate is being kind today."

Amilee made a coughing noise akin to a scoff and walked over to Wynne. When the elder mage touched one of the runes lying toward the base of her wolf's head, Amilee spoke into her mind. "Seeing the Lord Seeker squirm was quite humorous. He needs a bit of humbling, he is far too controlling for my taste. But I digress, I am glad too that things are working in our favor. I do not wish to linger here longer than necessary."

Wynne smiled and caressed her fur absently. "I know. You know I don't mind if you decided to part ways soon. I have my two mages for this rescue. With what little you've confided in me about your venture back to Kirkwall, I have to wonder why you've stood by me thus far. The longer you stay the greater chance the templars find you. And you've more than earned a much needed rest, my dear."

"I will leave after we finish at Adamant, when I am certain you are safe." She huffed as if insulted. "I will not abandon you halfway through this."

"Selfless child. You are too kind." Pausing to cover a yawn, the old mage sighed, "That being said, let us be off to bed. This old woman needs her beauty sleep."

When the three mages, the Knight-Captain, and the wolf left Val Royeaux, it became clear that Wynne was in no rush to get to their destination. Amilee walked by the horses at first, amused by Evangeline's attempts to make conversation about the mission, but the thrill of being outside the city again sang through her wolf's body and she scouted ahead, returning every few minutes to reassure herself she didn't lose them on the busy road.

When they stopped at an inn for supplies, the place teeming with people, Amilee stuck close to Wynne, choosing to ignore the quiet conversation she was having with Rhys, although the animosity from her son was palpable. From what Wynne had told her, Rhys was resentful of her indifference to him over the past few years. But she had reasons and Amilee couldn't fault her for them.

As they continued their journey farther and farther, tensions began to build between everyone.

Amilee didn't really care. She found contentment in her self given exile, freed from the need to speak, to involve herself and connect with people simply because they were there. She had concocted the idea to take on an animal form shortly after she'd met up with Wynne after the incident in Kirkwall, certain that she would only hinder the older woman's movements by flaunting her apostate freedom. No doubt it would've incurred the wrath of templar and mage alike.

With Wynne and Shale's help, they uncovered a transformation spell that would give Amilee a wolf form. While the elder mage preached the need to maintain the Circle of Magi, she knew Amilee could never belong in it because of her unique gift.

As a wolf, people looked upon her most times with fear, others with mild curiosity. But Wynne's opinion was the only one she cared for. They'd first met during the Blight, at the Circle in Ferelden, while she had been accompanying Aedan Cousland and his party. The elder mage was kindly and wise. She and Amilee had spent many nights after conversing about their different 'conditions'.

Wynne retained a spirit of faith inside her. It had saved her life at the Circle where she had been cut down by a demon. Amilee was not unfamiliar with such an occurrence and accepted the older woman quite readily. They'd become steadfast friends from then on.

Of course Amilee's gift was far more complicated and much more dangerous. When she'd first come to Thedas, she had appeared in Tevinter, while a group of magisters had been attempting to summon a horde of demons from an eluvian. Months later, when the leader of these magisters attempted to bind her mind with blood magic, the spell backfired, turning her into a living sponge for mana. The demon he had summoned for power became a pure source for Amilee, and consequentially, the demon disappeared and the magister was blown apart by a shockwave of force.

Overtime, Amilee discovered this wasn't a one time fluke. She could siphon power from other mages too, as well as unprocessed lyrium, although the amount was far less intense. When she had been smuggled to Kirkwall, she was adopted into the Hawke family, and he and their friends helped her learn to control her power.

But such power had come with a great cost... She diverted from her memories, as she didn't like to think about it anymore.

The first few nights of the journey, it had started to rain and Amilee choose to lay with Wynne to help her keep warm in the dreary cold. It was then, during the second night, when all had gone quiet, she'd begun to feel an ever so soft hum, barely discernible from the vibrations of the rain on the ground. For a while she focused on it, deciding it was perhaps a thin part of the Veil nearby she was detecting, though somehow it was oddly calming. It's continued presence eventually lulled her to sleep.

The third day, she'd spotted a figure following far back behind them, and wondered if she should investigate. But as far back as the person was, she decided there was no point as long as they kept distance.

On the fourth night, she'd been required to take refuge near the inn the others had retreated to for the night, the bad weather having chased them inside.

Oddly, it was only about an hour later, after hearing shouts from inside, that her wards came out and went around back to sleep in the stables. She stayed by the entrance, knowing they would need a look out for those with intent to harm. Another hour passed and Rhys came sneaking down from the loft.

He froze when he spotted her, but she merely stood and moved to the side of the door, showing she would not raise the alarm. In fact, she followed him, despite his curious glances down at her from time to time. It seemed to be that the man was looking for something.

They wandered the streets for a few minutes, stepping quietly so as not to draw attention. Suddenly, she caught movement in the dark, as the hum inside her had strengthened ever so slightly, enough to make her realize it had been there the whole time. The sensation sang along her spine, calling her closer to whatever was causing it. Seconds later, Rhys spotted the same shadow and dashed after the silhouette that had made for an alley between two darkened shops.

They turned the corner and there, crouched by the wall, was a young man. Poor thing looked like a drowned rat, blond hair plastered against his face and his leathers drenched black. He seemed frightened of Rhys as he shivered miserably from the cold.

"Cole," Rhys sighed and Amilee glanced over to see that the man had his staff drawn. She was offended by this as the boy looked to be unarmed, but chose to ignore him, instead focusing on this Cole.

"I'm sorry," the boy moaned.

Amilee whimpered in confusion and the mage glared at her, "Hush now."

Turning back to Cole, he asked, "Did you follow us all the way from the tower? What, in Andraste's name, are you even doing here?"

The young man rubbed his shoulders, teeth chattering. "I had to come. I had to warn you, but I was afraid..."

"Warn me?"

"I saw the Knight-Captain speaking with a man, a frightening man in black armor. He told her that if you found something, nobody else could know about it." Cole looked up at him, his expression filled with concern. "I couldn't let anything happen to you. You're my only friend! I just... I was so afraid that you'd never..." He buried his head between his knees, misery overtaking him.

Amilee couldn't stand it. She padded over to him and whimpered once more, startling the young man. His watery gaze snapped up, holding fear and bewilderment, as she cuddled up to him and nuzzled his cheek, willing him to calm.

He gasped and embraced her, burying his face in the fur of her neck, his need for warmth and comfort outweighing his fear.

"You came all this way to tell me that?" Rhys continued.

"Yes," Cole said, as he looked up again. "I was so scared I might lose sight of you, and I wouldn't be able to find my way back. I'd be lost forever. I didn't realize it would be so far!"

Rhys followed Amilee's suit, crouching at the boy's left side. She felt Cole flinch and then he realized that Rhys wasn't going to attack him. He released her to clutch desperately at his friend, holding him tight.

After a few moments passed, Rhys said, "Cole, you have to go back."

The young man disengaged from the mage and Amilee could see the hurt. "I can't."

"Yes, you can. If you found one of the main roads, it should lead you straight back to Val Royeaux. It's a hard city to miss."

"I need to protect you!"

Amilee was at a total loss as to what exactly was going on, but she knew the boy seemed hardly able to fend for himself, let alone protect another person. His arms were now clinging to her for dear life and she had the insane urge to change so she could do the same to him.

Rhys patted the man's shoulder sympathetically. "It's enough that you've warned me. I can take care of myself, Cole."

"No, you can't. They took you away to the dungeons, and I should never have let them. I should have listened to you! I should have gone with you. I'm so sorry!"

"We can deal with that when I get back to the tower."

"No." Cole released Amilee, backed away, and stood up. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I won't let them hurt you again." Without another word, he turned and ran off into the darkness.

Amilee made a soft bark of protest, looking between Rhys and where Cole had run. The hum had dampened once more and it was then she knew it's source was from the young man. Inwardly she cringed. It was admittedly like being around Anders, only it was a simple, tranquil feeling, not a buzzing tingle that raised her energy level. This did not deter her instinct to run after Cole, however, and her body tensed to do just that.

"Let him be for now," Rhys said quietly. "Wynne would be cross if you disappeared on her." With a great sigh he continued, "It seems he won't be deterred, for now. I imagine you will have more time to befriend him, seeing as you have this much concern."

She cocked her head to look up at the mage, ears pricking toward him at his words, and he smiled wryly, "You are more than she says you are, aren't you?"

In light of the fact he was a mage, she was tempted to show him exactly how much more. But in doing so, she would need Wynne's help to turn back and she preferred to keep her silence a while longer. So she remained thus, simply staring at him.

The mage sighed again and they traveled back the way they came. Lo and behold, Evangeline stood waiting for them, or rather for Rhys, at the stable doors.

Amilee feigned ignorance as she listened to the templar reprimand him and he confided in her about Cole. Evangeline was less than impressed by his reason for wandering out into the night, but in the end, the subject was dropped to give way for their much needed rest.

All the while she'd sat there, Amilee remained on the lookout for the lonely boy, longing to feel the hum of his presence once more. She realized that she was being irrational. But while she was very hesitant to trust her heart again, she of all people knew destiny was not something she could deter. Whatever awaited her next, Cole was somehow going to be a part of it. Suffice it to say, she didn't sleep very well that night.

Please read Dragon Age Asunder, it is an amazing book that I'm attempting not to mangle. I purposefully have this part short in chapters, the descriptive paragraphs from the book reworded, and in Amilee's perspective only, so I don't reveal so much of the original story.

I also did not choose the wolf form in reference to Solas, she simply chose that particular form because any other form would have either seemed too outlandish to have walking around a city or less useful in battle.

If certain elements seem out of place or timeframes are off, let me know.

And if you're a fan of The Hare Swallowed Whole, I apologize, but just think of this as an alternate route for the story line.

Reviews and favorites welcome!