"What no"

"Layla, you need to do this for use" I say out of breath

"No! I want to stay with you and Kyle" she cries trying to keep quite

"I know but it's safer for you away from him I will watch Kyle ok he will be fine" I say

"Ok I will do it" she said

"Atta girl, right is my left pocket ok? I will come and get you when its safe ok?" I questioned

She nodded and looked Mikel he was mumbling and crying about Abby. She then looked over at Kyle who was trying to get through the men guarding him.

"right go!" I yelled

She sprinted of into the woods unseen and safe for now. "Listen get the ear wig out my pocket I want you to run as fast as you can into those woods and then tell Abby everything that's happened."

Layla's P.O.V

I ran as far and as quickly as I could through the woods to try and find somewhere as to hid. I found a high tree that looked supportive and climbed up that. I put the ear wig carefully in my ear,

"Abby?" I questioned

"LAYLA!" she yelled

"He shot tony!" I cried

"What is he ok?" she asked

"Yeah for now" I said

"Hey calm down, where is he?" she asked

"On the ground outside an old hunting house"

"Where are you?" she questioned

"Tony told me to run into the woods right next the house I'm in a tree hiding from them" I whispered

"Them?" she said confused

"Mikel and 2 others"

"Can you describe then?"

"No they never faced me"

"hey it's ok let me up date Gibbs"

Abby called Gibbs and explained everything. Suddenly a gun was fired meters away from me.

"Layla what was that" Gibbs said joining the conversation

"Umm I think he knows I'm gone" I whispered

"Hang tight ok? We can see the van up ahead" he reassured me

"Ok hurry" I said

Gibbs' P.O.V

I approached the van with caution I didn't want any surprises.

"Boss" McGee called

"What" I asked

"Footprints leading up the hill" Bishop pointed out

"What you waiting for!" I yelled quietly

We quickly made are way up the hill to find DiNozzo and Kyle lying in a pool of blood. I sprinted over to them.

"DiNozzo!" I yelled at him

"Gibbs am I glad to see you" he said weekly

"You ok?" I asked

"Yep just a shoulder wound" he said

"What about you Kyle?" Tim asked "Kyle?"

There was no response.

"McGee check his pulse!" I yelled

"Nothing boss" He said

"I'll call for an ambulance" Bishop said reaching for her phone

I started CPR on him hoping I can get him breathing again.

"ETA is 5 minutes. We also have back up" Bishop said calmly

I checked his pulse again. And still nothing

"Come on Kyle!" I screamed loudly

"Boss I can't see the two other men" DiNozzo said before passing out

"Not you to" I said

"Gibbs there here" Bishop said with a sigh of relief

They took over and we were joined by Tobias.

"Right what have we got are selves into now?" he said

"3 males all armed and dangers and hunting a 13-year-old girl" Bishop said

"Wow right where do we start?" Tobias asked

"Layla?" I asked

"Yeah I'm here" she said quietly

"Where are you?" I asked

"still in the tree, he's getting closer"

"OK how long did you run for?" I said

"Umm not long about 5 minutes I" she was cut out by another gun shot

"Layla" I yelled

"He's right underneath me" she whispered

"Stay there were coming to get you" I say running into the direction of the shot.

Layla's P.O.V

"Hurry" I replied

I sat in the tree trying to be as quiet as I can so he didn't spot me. I look down to see what they were doing.

"Where is she!?" he yelled "She can't just disappear"

"I don't know do I" one of the men snapped

"Maybe she's further in there's another cabin about 2 miles that way" the other one said

"NO! she's not that fast idiot" I said angrily

"Well where else is she then"

"I don't know but I have way to find out" he said with a nasty smile

"How?" he questioned

And with that he pulled the trigger up to his head and fires the gun. I let out a little scream as I watch the lifeless body fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes. He looked up and looked state at me.

"You get down here now before I come up there and get you!" Mikel yelled

"Gibbs he's found me!" I yelled

"It's ok where nearly there" he reassuringly said

"Get down!" he shouted louder

"No!" I yelled back

He fired the gun my direction.

"I won't miss next time" he yelled

"Oi Mikel nor will I" a voice was said before the last and final shot was fired

I uncovered my face to see Gibbs standing over the body of Mikel.

"Layla?" he said

"Up here" I shouted

"It's ok now come down" he smiled

I slowly maid my way with Gibbs guiding me down. I ran over to him and he gave me a hug.

"You ok?" he asked

I nodded and then looked at my arm.

"Gibbs!" I panicked

"Hey it's ok. It's only a scratch" he said "let's go get you patched up"

I nodded again and started walking back. As we got closer I could hear the sirens and see the panic.

"Kyle!" I screamed as I ran towards him

"Layla no!" Tim shouted after me

The picture that greeted me I will never forget.

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked a doctor

He bent down to me level and said "were going to try everything we can to save him"

I turned around and looked at Gibbs before I fell on the floor.

Right not long left now! hope you enjoy this chapter. PLEASE REVIEW many thanks Rhi