All By Owl

A/N - Basically, this is a collection of letters that Hermione and Draco are sending to each other. Disclaimer – I don't own any of the characters etc., they belong to JKR. Please enjoy


Wow. This is hard. I don't exactly know how to say this. I know you must be having a really tough time what with being disowned by your family and everything.

Me bringing it up probably doesn't help either.

I just thought that I'd write to because, well, why not? How often do people hand write letters? It feels nice to have some sort of proof that I'm writing this, that I am doing something solid, something of substance.

I wanted to write to you about how I'm feeling, it's one of those emotions that neither one word nor one thousand could ever really describe but it's everywhere, it's consuming me.

I know that you won't care. I know that you are disgusted by a muggleborn like me, but I need to let this out. I lo- I am rather fond of you. Okay, more than a little fond. Even after all the names you called me, and all the times you've said that you hate me, and even after the few times that you have tried to kill me, I have always had that… fondness.

That sounds stupid. I know it does. But it's the truth. And I don't doubt that you never liked me, in fact, I could bet my life on it. You probably didn't notice that I looked away every time that anyone hurt you. Or that I went to visit you in the hospital wing when Buckbeak attacked you. Or that in every single letter I sent to my parents I mentioned you. Or that every time you insulted me, I had to bite back tears, to stop myself from breaking right there in front of you. You probably didn't notice the truth peeking out from beneath my face.

But the truth is easy to spot, if you just stop looking for it.

So yes, that's it. I'm going to send this letter off to you, wherever it is that you are, in the hopes that my owl will find you. I'm not going to lie to you Draco, I feel so small right now, so vulnerable, like one tiny raindrop in a raincloud.

I hope you get this letter. I hope it finds you.

