Hey lovely people! so I thought I would see what you guys thought of this as a story idea?

Any mistakes...grammatical, spelling etc. are my own. If you want a perfectly written story this may not be the one for you!





The 'ROSE' bar was quite the prominent fixture on the main strip of the city, frequented by men and women equally, locals and tourists flocked to its corner location causing a queue to form down the street on a regular basis. It helped that the bar staff were HOT and in turn they could all sing providing great entertainment to an ever growing popular establishment. The bar was run by a business savvy 31 year old called Quinn Fabray. Her staff loved her as she looked after them and paid them well. In fact everyone loved her when they met her, she was hard enough to not get screwed over by people in the industry and yet equally compassionate, charming and generous.




The day had dawned grey, wet and miserable. Quinn's mood matched it perfectly she hated having to hire new staff, more so she hated when one of her team decided to leave in the first place they were like a family and she disliked having it turned upside down by having to find someone suitable enough to gel with her other employees. She had an extremely talented and loyal team and she believed that is what had contributed to the bar becoming the success it had, she had already had 2 days of interviews but still hadn't found someone that ticked all the boxes. Now she was making her way downstairs to meet the last three people to be interviewed. The first two days were people sent from a recruitment agency and a talent agency, todays three were girls her bar manager Steph had wanted her to see, Steph knew what she was looking for so she held out more hope than the previous people seen.

"Hey Q I told the girls to get here from 11.30, can I make you a coffee?"

"You are a life saver Steph yes please."

Quinn picked up the resumes on the table in front of her, there were only two.

"I thought we were interviewing three today?"

"One may or may not make it so I only put out the definite options, wouldn't want to waste your time boss."

"And that is why I pay you the big bucks my darling."

Quinn and Steph had become very close over the years. Stephanie Mayes had once been a regular patron coming in most Friday nights with her friends or her boyfriend, one night she and her boyfriend had a huge argument over a guy who kept pestering the girl for a dance it soon spiraled out of control forcing Noah the doorman to escort the couple from the premises in hope that some fresh air would cool their heads and calm them down, it didn't and to cut a long story short the asshole laid into her with his fists in the alleyway running down the side of the building, also adding that if he ever saw her again he would kill her.. Quinn who had heard everything from her upstairs office rushed down the stairs to help but the creep had gone before she got outside. She helped the girl back inside, gave her a drink, some ice for her swollen eye and sat and listened to the girl's heartbreak for 3 hours. Steph had nowhere to go, no money to her name and now a body covered in bruises. Quinn did the only thing she could think of she took her home (much to her girlfriend's disgust), helped her get on her feet by giving her a job, some cash for clothes and basically just a purpose to carry on and now 5 years later Steph was her strongest ally someone she knew she could count on and rely on, she trusted her judgement completely so was quite eager to meet the girls coming in this morning for their interview which doubled basically as an audition also.

"Here you go." Steph placed the steaming hot cup in front of Quinn and the blonde eagerly picked it up between both hands and smelled the enticing aroma.

"Shall I leave you and the coffee alone for a bit?" Steph asked with a laugh in her tone as she sat down beside her friend.

"No my love affair with coffee is not something I feel I need to hide." Coffee was Quinn's vice ironically she didn't drink alcohol even though she owned a bar, she had sworn off that with one too many drunken nights in her teens.

"So these girls are friends of yours?" Quinn queried looking over the resumes in front of her.

"Acquaintances really, Nadine goes to the same vocal coach as I do and Mia lives in my building."

"So there won't be any hassle for you if we don't take them on?"

"Not at all, I have already explained they are part of an extensive list so not to get their hopes up."

"That's good we can't bring anymore drama into yours and Billie's lives now can we."

Billie was Steph's 3 year old daughter; Quinn loved her like a niece and would do anything for both of them.

"Billie is the only drama in my life, that kid seriously! I don't know where she gets all her sass."

Quinn smiled widely the girl was a diva even at 3.

"I could give you a few ideas hon."

"I'm not sassy, you must have me confused."

"Can't have had enough coffee you think."

"That's right keep drinking babe."

At 11.30am on the dot the front door was pulled open by a tall confident woman with Asian features. Quinn was immediately impressed with her style, she took a sip of her coffee and readied herself for the next 30 minutes or so.




"What did you think?" Steph asked immediately after the door shut behind Nadine.

"Serious talent but I worry maybe a little too arrogant; I think she could clash with quite a few of the girls don't you?"

"Yeah I noticed the arrogance also, funny what you don't see passing each other before or after coaching."

"Better than any of the past two days though."

"So not a complete waste of time then."

"Certainly not."

The door opened again and a striking red head made her way towards them, she looked nervous but was cute and dressed well. Quinn smiled at her and put her hand out to shake she knew how to put people at ease.




"Ok she has potential she has bar experience after all, if we can get her out of her shell she could work"

"I think we can do that, the noises I hear from her apartment tell me she knows how to loosen up"

Quinn scrunched up her face.

"Shit I don't mean orgies or anything, she is always singing and I hear lots of laughter."

"Well thank god for that! What people do behind closed doors is their own business but you had me a little worried there for a sec."

"You just have a naughty mind, I understand though Rachel has been away what, five months now?"

"Nearly six actually."

"And she will be home when?"

"I don't even know they keep extending the show."

"And let me guess she just keeps on saying yes."

"Don't start Steph it's a good opportunity for her." Quinn shot a warning look towards her friend she knew Steph didn't have a lot of time for Rachel and she couldn't blame her, Rachel had been anything but inviting when Quinn had arrived home with her that fateful night, in fact she was sure it was only out of respect for Quinn and Steph being thankful for having had a roof over her head that Steph hadn't lost her shit with her girlfriend.

"Yeah I know it is but I'm just concerned your feelings don't take any part in her decisions Q."

"This is the last overseas show she is taking, she promised! Then at least we will be in the same country."

"And then you can get some regular loving huh? Thank fuck for that you are starting to get a little antsy these days."

"Ooooookay…so this maybe chick of yours what time did you tell her?"

"I said 1."

Quinn looked at her watch it was 5 minutes past

"She is worth waiting till 1.30." Steph winked at Quinn who immediately became curious.

"Can I see her resume at least?"

Steph handed over the paper in her hands, Quinn glanced over the information written down Santana Lopez, 21 years old didn't have any bar experience or any retail experience at all she seemingly made a living singing in a band and doing cooperate events and weddings etc.

"How did this girl even make your short list?"

"You'll see."

"How do you even know her?"

"What's with the questions, we are friends, we go to the same gym." she smiled sweetly at her boss.

"I really hope you aren't playing games with me Steph, I'm going to get a fresh cup you want?' Quinn stood and held out her hand to take the girls coffee cup.

Steph laughed inwardly as she handed her cup to Quinn she had a feeling Santana just may knock the heels off her pretty friends feet.

As the door to the kitchen swung shut behind the blonde, the front door was opened and Santana rushed in slightly out of breath.

"I'm real sorry Steph, traffic was a bitch, the bus was late it all turned to shit and I scuffed one of my heels running here. Has boss lady got sick of waiting and bailed?"

"She is getting coffee and I actually told her you were worth waiting for till 1.30." she winked at the Latina who flashed a devilish grin in return

"Stop flirting with me woman, for someone who is as straight as you say you are"

"Sorry babe I'm a man's woman only, between you and Quinn though if I was ever going to turn it would have happened by now."

"Wait… so the boss is one of the club?"

"Quinn doesn't really roll with labels but if you are asking if she is a lesbian then yes she is."

"Interesting" Santana checked her hair in the reflection of the window behind the table.

"A lesbian in a long term relationship might I add"

"How long?"

"Long enough for you not to get your hopes up."

"That's typical I bet she is hot as hell as well that would be just my luck."

"She certainly isn't unfortunate looking."

Santana rolled her eyes; she had no luck with women lately.

"Look at my poor baby." Santana groaned when she saw the scuff mark on her heel, she bent over to assess the damage just as Quinn came back through the door giving her quite the sight and making her nearly drop the cups in her hand. She cleared her throat making Santana snap her head up.

"Quinn this is Santana." Steph said in an amused tone.

Santana turned quickly and was met with the most beautiful woman standing right in front of her.

"Hi Santana it's nice to meet you." Quinn placed Steph's cup in front of her and placed her own on the table before holding out her hand to shake the brunettes.

"Nice to meet you too Quinn, I'm sorry I'm late and have kept you waiting"

Quinn's heart fluttered a little bit when Santana took her hand, her eyes and voice were quite intoxicating.

"It's Ok you are the last person we are seeing so you haven't really held us up."

"The last huh so I'd better make a good impression then." She smiled at Quinn genuinely

"Yes ah….. We need to see something that could….um… throw everyone else out of the running." Quinn was getting a little flustered something that hadn't happened for quite some time, she looked towards Steph who was fighting extremely hard to hold in her laughter and rolled her eyes.

"Well I can sing for you first if you like and if you like what you hear then we can carry on, if you don't then I won't waste anymore of your time."

"That sounds like a great idea, if you have a backing track the sound system is just behind that curtain." Quinn gestured towards the stage in the corner of the bar with a curtain behind it.

Santana made her way towards it and quickly ducked out of sight to compose herself. Quinn sat in the vacant chair and smacked Steph's shoulder.

"Owww that's employee abuse."

"Oh shhhh. It wasn't even hard."

"Just remember to keep your tongue in when she starts singing." She whispered towards Quinn so Santana wouldn't hear.

"Do you want to keep your job?"

Steph laughed out loud this time.

The music started and Santana made her way back to the stage to sing, a minute into the song Steph lent towards Quinn.

"Told you she was worth it."

"She has a great voice but so did the other two."

"And yet you haven't taken your eyes off her once….I'd say she certainly has something the other two didn't."

Quinn had to admit there was something exciting about the girl on the stage, she was gorgeous obviously, had a killer voice, oozed sex appeal and she seemed cocky but not arrogant which was a plus it meant she could have fun with customers and not come across as a complete bitch.

"Let's see how she interviews before we get too carried away shall we?"

"Whatever you say Q."

Santana finished up her song and made her way back to the table.

"If that was a bit slow I can do something with a bit more grunt in it for you"

"No that was great you have an amazing voice, sit down let's get these interview questions underway"

20 minutes later all 3 women were laughing together the interview had practically turned in to a coffee date with friends.

"We should probably wrap this up I need to go and get Billie from day-care and get her back to my Mom before I have to be back here." Steph said reluctantly it was nice seeing Quinn so carefree and laughing for once.

"Yeah and I have a kid's party to go and get ready for." Santana added

"A kid's party?" Quinn asked quite amused

"Hey I can do quite a good Princess Jasmine I will have you know."

"Even more talented I see, we will be in touch with you tomorrow Santana thanks for your time today."

"The pleasure was all mine Quinn." She flashed a killer smile that made Quinn's knees weaken just a little, it was soon becoming her favorite of Santana's features. Shit should she even have a favorite Santana feature…..

"I will catch you later Steph give Billie a hug from me."

"I will, you need to come over she misses you."

"Yeah I will, I miss her too. Let's arrange something in the next few days. Have a nice afternoon ladies." and with that she turned and left the bar.

"Shall I get you a bib?' Steph had turned to face Quinn who was still staring at the door.

"Shut up and go and get your daughter." Quinn walked towards the stairs to her office "And lock the door on your way out please."

"The pleasure will be all mine Quinn." She mocked the retreating girl.

"Fuck off"

"Such a delight" Steph replied with a smirk as she went to grab her keys and purse.




It was later that evening and seeing as it was relatively quiet in the bar Quinn had asked Steph to join her to discuss their options following the earlier interviews.

"I think we can rule out Nadine."

"Agreed." Quinn said as she ruled a line through her paperwork.

"I'm happy either way with Mia and Santana to be honest Q they are both great girls…..different though so I guess it depends what you are looking for."

"Well I was actually considering offering them both a position, Santana wants a steady income however she will still want to perform outside of here, I was thinking offering her 4 nights a week giving her alternating Friday or Saturday nights off. Mia could work the opposing nights and we can have them both do a Thursday."

"Sounds fine with me lets trial them first though, one month solid bar work before they get to perform."

"See if they can hack it?"

"Absolutely this isn't a glorified performance venue they have to work fucking hard."

"And with a manager like you on their asses they will certainly know they have done a shift."

"With what you pay the girls they can earn their damn money."

"Pay peanuts you get morons, I'd prefer to have good staff."

"I know you do and I think San and Mia could fit in nice around here though. Are you going to call them tonight?"

Quinn's cheeks flushed a little which didn't go unnoticed by the other blonde in the room.

"How about you do it they are your friends after all, get them in for a few hours each over a couple of nights to ease them in and I will work on a roster for next week?"

"Chicken shit."

"I am not a chicken, I am expecting a call myself so I don't want to be tied up."

Steph pushed her chair back and made her way to the door.

"It's a pity you know."

"What is?" Quinn looked up from the paperwork on her desk.

"That you don't want to be tied up, I've seen Santana with lasso and I think she'd get you good."

"Goodbye Stephanie."

"Ciao boss."




The following day Santana was at the bar helping Steph to polish the glasses before they opened. It had been arranged that Santana would do pre-open and a few hours tonight then Mia would take over and do close and they would swap it the next day to get an initial idea how the place ran.

"So what days does she work?" Santana knew she had been asking a lot of questions about Quinn but she couldn't help it the girl had stayed in her head all the previous day and night.

"She is actually here most days she is kind of a workaholic unless Rachel is home."

"Rachel….. Is that the girlfriend?"

"Yeah she is a singer come actress come whatever it is she does, she is currently in London on the west end doing the Mikado."

"She away a lot?"

"A fair bit."

"Why would you leave someone as gorgeous as that at home?"

"It has kind of always been what they do they have been together since school."

"Still I don't think I would be leaving for any length of time given the chance with her."

Steph noticed Quinn approaching them from the corner of her eye and decided to have a bit of fun…..call it a newbie induction.

"She is pretty hot huh."

"That is the biggest understatement of the year she is mind blowing and her ass and legs in that skirt she has on today holy fuck I actually found it hard to formulate words."

By this time Quinn had come up beside them and had caught Santana's statement.

"You might want to work on that, this is one of my favorite skirts so I wear it a lot and I need my staff to be able to talk"

Santana nearly choked hearing Quinn's voice.

"Uh um yeah…..I will work on it….fuck I'm really sorry I spoke out of line." She looked to Steph for help.

"Put a pretty girl in front of her Q and she is mush don't worry I will make sure she doesn't get that way with any of the customers."

"I promise I won't." Santana added quickly, truth be told she could flirt and talk to any woman but Quinn made her forget how to even formulate proper sentences when she was around.

"It's ok really." Quinn laughed she was actually quite flattered that a 21 year old would find her attractive.

"Before you leave tonight do you want to come up and sign your contract?"

"Yeah sure I think I will be done about 8 right?" Santana looked towards Steph once more.

"I think that will be enough for the first night, we can't be killing you first night on the job can we?"

"Great I will see you then."

With that Quinn headed out the back to talk to a beer supplier who had just arrived.

"You're a bitch." Santana threw her cloth at Steph

"Ha ha totally got you with that one, FYI Quinn is not just some hot ass employer you won't get anywhere with her if you treat her like one."

"Class not ass you saying."

"I am."

"Wait are you saying I have a chance?"

"That is not what I am saying, Quinn is a fab chick treat her respectfully and she will look after you."

"Got it."

"Good now go wipe down those tables."

"You guys put in a lot of prep work before this place even opens."

"It's part of what makes it successful. The décor is amazing, It's clean, the alcohol is good, the entertainment is great….people can come and have a night out not just get trashed."

"It's an amazing place."

"You might not be saying that once you've worked your first week."

Santana watched as Quinn passed through the bar once more and headed up the stairs, thankful for the small smile flicked her way as she passed.

"I think I may."