And Life Goes On

Summary: Almost three years later, Cindy and Bart have another child.

It's almost three years after the birth of Gabriel, that Abigail Hope Foxworth is born. She's brought into the world on Halloween, right at one in the morning. A sure sign of the little spitfire that she was going to without a doubt be. She had the prettiest dark, curling hair and blue eyes, the perfect compliment to her older brother's blond hair and dark brown eyes.

Jory and Toni arrived to see the new addition at almost ten in the morning. As soon as Jory wheeled himself into the room, he immediately demanded to hold his niece.

Bart had placed Abigail in Jory's arms sitting on the bed and wrapping his arms around his wife and son. He felt pride swell in his chest as his brother looked at him with a smile.

"She's really beautiful you two. Did you already name her?" He questioned his brother and sister as he handed the sleeping child to his wife.

Cindy nodded and laid back on the pillows. "Her name is Abigail Hope Foxworth. We thought it would be the perfect name for her." She answered. "Where are my nieces and nephew?"

Toni smiled as she leaned down to place the baby back in Cindy's arms. "The twins are at school and Cathy is in her daycare. They really wanted to go, because they're getting candy and are allowed to dress up." She replied. "I told them I'd pick them up and bring them here so they could see their new cousin before they go trick or treating."

The blonde grinned warmly. "Would you be opposed to taking Gabe trick or treating with you? I don't want him to miss out."

"Of course we wouldn't." Jory replied, beaming at them.

Bart shook his head in amazement, still in awe of how much things had changed in the last few years. From the passing of Chris, to his changing his ways and trying to be a good brother to Jory and son to their mom before she passed, to trying to be what Cindy deserved, as well as make up for the things he'd done in the past. To getting help for his mental illness. He had never thought he'd have this. Much less, that he'd be deserving of it. But here he was, with his brother, sister in law, wife, son, and daughter. He didn't feel second best anymore or as if he had to compare to Jory. He was content and so happy. He without a doubt, had everything that Chris had ever wanted for him. He understood that now.

After Toni and Jory had left to pick up their kids, Gabe in tow so he could go put on his Halloween costume, and Cindy had fallen asleep, Bart had the chance to hold his daughter again. He felt his heart clench as her small hand wrapped around one of his fingers and she blinked open her huge blue eyes, so much like Cindy's. Already, she had a big piece of his heart, just as Cindy and Gabriel did. "I promise you, Abigail. I'm going to be the best damn father you and your brother could possibly have. I'm going to be the best husband to your mother. I'm going to be everything you all deserve, because I don't know what I did to be blessed enough to have you all in my life. I've never-" His voice broke and he had to stop to take a few deep breaths. "I've never been a very good person. And when you're older, I'll tell you all about that. But just know that I'm trying, okay?"

In the hospital bed, Cindy looked on, feeling tears sting her eyes and a smile curve her lips as she watched two of the loves of her lives.

Life didn't end in the attic where Chris, Cathy, Cory, and Carrie had been trapped. Where Cory had died. Life had went on. And it was still going on to this day. And the thing was, the Dresden dolls would always be a part of all of them.