A/N: Thank you dear friend for this wonderful idea and the push to explore it. I hope I do it justice. This story is dedicated to my precious, little pixie that had brought so much joy into my life, my grandson and to the wonderful friendship I have found in a fellow writer, she has become like a sister to me.

Chapter 1

"Damn these dumb ass vines." Dean complained as he pushed his way through the undergrowth surrounding them. "Why do the woods have to be so...so woodsy? Next time we get wind of a forest spirit causing problems, we're farming it to some other hunters."

"Dude, do you even know where we're going?" his brother grunted as he impatiently brushed a spider web from his face in disdainfully. "Admit it; we're lost, aren't we?"

"No, we're not lost; we just haven't found where we're at yet."

"Oh that makes a lot of sense Dean."

"You're just being a bitch about it."

"You're a jerk for thinking you could find a short cut by going off trail."

"There looks like a break in the trees up ahead, we'll get our bearings."

"You better be right, feels like I have spiders crawling all over me." Sam muttered under his breath swatting at his sweat drenched hair that was falling in his face.

The brothers stumbled into a clearing at the edge of a rock face. They both stopped for a moment to admire a view not many saw stretched out in front of them. Most people didn't get to see this much in a big city; the colors that blended so perfect together; the smell of the fresh mountain air; an eagle in flight on the rising thermals from the valley below and the bluest, blue of a cloudless sky. City people didn't know what true beauty was.

"Man, kind of takes your breath away." Dean commented before pulling a map out of his pack to check their location.

"No joke, it was almost worth the torment of the jungle." Sam agreed finding his water bottle and taking a big swig and enjoyed the view spread out in front of him.

Dean looked around and up at the sun to determine which direction east would be. He gazed back at the map running a finger alone a ridge before looking up again.

A soft whimper drifted on the breeze catching Sam's attention and he looked around slowly.

"You hear that?" he asked softly tilting his head to hear better.

"Hear what?"

"Listen, I know I heard something, like a cry of some kind."

Both hunters stood still honing in on every noise surrounding them until the out of place sound was heard again. Dean looked at Sam and cast his eyes quickly around them trying to pinpoint the location of the noise.

"Over here." Sam said walking closer to the edge of the outcrop. He got down on hands and knees and inched carefully to the edge to look over. "Dean, you need to see this." he said slowly unsure if his eye sight had just failed him.

"What, what is it?"

"I'm not sure."

Dean followed his brother's actions and knelt down beside him to peer over the side. There caught in the V of a tree branch growing out of the cliff wall was what looked to be a toddler. He looked back at his brother in shock.

"How the hell did a kid get down there and where are his parents?"

"I don't know but we've gotta save him 'fore he falls." Sam said sliding closer to the edge. "Hey there." he called down to the child.

A small oval shaped face looked up at him with total terror in his large blue eyes. He tried to move but only slipped more out of the embrace of the limb making him whimper louder.

"No! No! Don't move you'll fall. Stay still, we'll come down to you. Hang on." he cautioned when he saw the child's body slipping.

"Give me your belt." Dean commanded as he jerked his from around his waist.

"What're you goin' to do?"

"You're the tallest, with the longest arms, so I'll loop a belt around your ankles and lower you over the edge. You grab the kid and I'll pull you both up."

"You sure you can hold me, I mean. I'm not some lightweight."

"Have I ever let you fall?"

"There was that one time when I was..."

"Sammy, we gotta get that kid 'fore he skydives without a shoot." Dean argued testing the strength of the belts before grabbing Sam's feet and looping one belt around his ankles, tightening it up good and tight. He took the other and pulled it over the looped belt fastening it for a handhold.

Sam looked down at the results and swallowed hard. He hoped Dean knew what he was doing, today was not the day he wanted to be Superman and try to fly. That would not be a pretty sight when he landed on the rocks several hundred feet below.

"Look it's not that far to the kid, with your long arms and me holding your legs, you should be able to reach him easily. Just yell when you're ready to be pulled up."

"Alright, just don't let go or slip."

"Never little brother, you know I'll always have ya. I won't let you fall, trust me." Dean encouraged as he braced his boots in uneven niches on the ground while Sam inched to the edge again and decided the best way to ascend. He began to work his way over the edge, looking for places to hold on to so he could take some of his weight off Dean. Sharp rocks scratched his hands and tore at his shirt. Sam grimaced when one gouged into his stomach causing him to suck in his stomach to get by it.

The small child looked up again when pieces of rubble trickled down around him. He sobbed as he watched a large body slowly being lowered toward him. Long arms reached down, inching ever closer until they were above him, almost within his reach but not quite.

"I need a few more inches." Sam grunted as he tried to stretch his body out as much as he could, feeling every muscle pull and complain at the abuse. "Can you reach up to me kid?"

"Hurry up down there!" Dean hollered impatiently as his muscles protested with the strain.

"Come on kid, take my hand, I won't let you fall."

The child tentatively reached a small hand up feeling the finger tips of the hand just above him. He twisted and gave a little jump feeling a strong hand grab his arm as his legs slipped from the branch leaving him hanging in midair, hundreds of feet from the ground. Sam pulled him up enough to get a hold of him with his other hand. He got one arm around his waist as the child wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Got him! Get us up!" Sam yelled. "Hey look at me; it's going to be ok. My big brother is going to pull us up. He's strong and he won't let us fall. Don't look down ok?" Sam assured him while pushing up with his free hand as Dean pulled his brother back over the edge.

Dean grunted as sweat poured off his body from the strain of pulling his brother's heavy body back up and over the edge of the rock cliff. He dug his foot into a small lip and put all his weight into one final jerk sending both of them rolling to the side away from the drop. Sam had the child clutched to his chest as he fell over to his back trying to protect the child from getting hurt.

Dean was lying on his back panting hard before he looked over at the pair. "You ok over there?"

"Yeah, thanks. Let's not do that again any time soon."

"How 'bout the kid?"

Sam sat up and pulled the child in his lap so he could examine him for injuries. The first thing that struck him as odd was the adorable little pointed ears that stuck out from under the boy's unruly baby fine brown hair.

"Um...Dean...Um...I think...Actually, I'm not sure what I think." he said looking over at his brother with sheer confusion plastered on his face.

"What's wrong is he hurt?"

"Well, not exactly." Sam said turning the child slightly so Dean could see him more clearly.

"Holy Crap!" Dean exclaimed when he was able to get a good look at what had Sam so perplexed.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my creation, I hope you enjoy it and will leave me a review.