Amari POV:

It has been 5 months now since I have come to Mirkwood. 5 months to the day. In that time Thranduil and I have become inseparable, I think most of the people now think of me as a queen here. I wear dresses far more beautiful than I ever did at home, Thranduil even gave me a diamond crown, like his. I love him so dearly. But I am so worried, my powers have been acting strange lately, acting out. Just last week I set my bed on fire because I because I hurt myself running into something. The week before that I froze the entire wine cellar. It's making me very nervous to touch people, even Thranduil, in fear i'll burn his beautiful hair. He insists I'm being ridiculous, he always tries to touch me, at anytime... I haven't burnt him yet, or froze him. Im dragged out of my thoughts by the faint sound of footsteps coming towards mt spot in the garden. They are lighter than Thranduils... I turn and see Legolas "Hello Legolas!" He stops in his tracks and looks at me, "Oh my lady Amari... I apologize for disrupting you! I-I-I'll just be going-" I laugh quietly "Nonsense! Please come join me!" I pat the space next to me on the bench and he slowly makes his way over to me. He pauses for a moment before sitting down stiffly, I sigh and turn towards him a bit

"Legolas... I know we don't ever talk but I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk... And I-"

"It's fine Amari."

I frown a bit "Legolas if I have done-"

"My lady you have done nothing I assure you, i appreciate your kind offer, but I must go. I'm sorry." He stands up and bows before he briskly walks away. My mouth hangs open a little as I watch him leave, his face was stone and he seemed so unhappy to be in my presence... A sharp pain explodes in my heart as I watch his back become smaller and smaller as he walks further away. My mind starts racing with thoughts, I cannot deny that I am greatly hurt and angry. Before I realize it ice shoots out of my body and freezes the roses around me in my sadness, I look at them in horror. I hold my hands up in an attempt to thaw them but too much fire comes out and burns the roses to a black stump. I cover my mouth with my hands and cry at the destruction I have caused such beautiful things. I sink to my knees in front of them and tears roll silently down my face. After a while a new set of footsteps come towards me, heavier then the last. The familiar scent of berries drift towards me as Thranduil's arm wrap around me. "My love? My love what is wrong?" I look up at him through my hair and point at the ashes of the roses "Look what I've done! I destroyed our roses!" I feel his arms tighten around me, "Who made you upset? Who dared?!" I cant help but smile a little before frowning again "Legolas... He's just so cold towards me, I tried to talk to him but he... *sigh* I don't know.." I look back at the roses and reach deep into my self and feel the nature part of my powers, I hold my hand up and the roses return back to their beautiful self.

Thranduil hugs me close and rubs my back softly, "Amari, you cannot be so hard on yourself my love. I do not know what is wrong with Legolas myself... I feel he stills misses his... his mother..." That makes sense. Elves love so deeply, he probably hasnt gotten over her death yet! I feel regret, "He must think im wanting to replace his mother! I must got explain to him-" Thranduil caught my arm as I stood up and he chuckled quietly "No my angel, you must not hunt him down... Let him come to you." I nodded my head and sat back down in his lap, cuddling into his chest. He lightly kisses my head, "Mela (love) spring is almost over, it is traditional to have a great feast to... to say farewell to spring... I have not done this is many years, but would you like me to-" "Oh Thranduil would you?!" I hug him tightly as he laughs... I love his laugh.

-a little while later-

The feast is to be a week from now. Thranduil insists that I must have a new dress, I tried telling him that I dont need a new one but now here I am. In my room with all the royal dressmakers. One of the ladies, out of three, made the wedding dress of the late queen. She told me that I remind her a lot of the queen, and she is very happy to make me a dress. It is very good to know that I am liked her. Not many people talk to me besides Thranduil.

The dress that they are making is going to be the prettiest dress I've ever had the honor of wearing. It's almost done. The oldest of the three stands up as she puts the last touch of the dress to perfection, "It is finished my lady! I must say, this is the most extravagant dress I've ever made.. I'm quite proud." I laugh and turn a bit to see myself better in the mirror, "It's like I'm wearing spring its self... I love it so much!" The ladies laugh as I twirl slowly, the youngest speaks up "Your wedding dress will be more beautiful though." we all stop and stare at her, I fell my face turn pink.
"M-my what?"
"Your wedding dress!"
"Hehe w-why would I need a wedding dress?"
"Oh my lady, it is no secret that the King loves you very much, and that the people love you as well."
"But he-"
"My lady, he will marry you, I can feel it" The last two cover her mouth before she says more. I can not deny that I would love to marry him... I love him with all my heart. But why would he ask? He has a dead wife, whom he loved dearly, I can not replace her. I feel a ear slip down my cheek as I think of what could be. The room grows cold, I look at my hands and I see that they are blue with ice, I gasp and quickly regain my composure. I look at the three in horror, the oldest just looks at my knowingly and places her hand on my cheek, "Do not cry my dear child, love will conquer all fears." I smile at her and hug her.

In my head I see a beautiful white dress. And Thranduil by the alter.