Chapter 6

Peggy screamed, the sound causing Steve to wince. "Please don't hurt him! Don't hurt him!" She begged, tearing her way towards Steve. She tackled the man holding the gun, and he fell to the ground, the gun slipping out of his hand. It slid across the floor and Peggy crawled towards it, grabbing it and shooting him in the head. Blood splattered everywhere, little red droplets going on the walls.

Steve coughed from where he lay on the stretcher. Peggy shushed him, leaning over him and stroking his cheek. "It's alright Steve, it's alright," She cooed, hoping to calm him. He closed his eyes. "That's it. Just close your eyes. When you wake, you'll feel much better," Peggy added, running her fingers through his hair. Natasha watched her, a hint of jealousy in her stare. She still really liked Steve, and at times she just wanted him to be hers.

Nat came forward, purposefully pushing Peggy out of the way as she took the stretcher in her hands and made her way out the door. She started running, hoping Peggy wouldn't catch up.

"Natasha." Peggy stated firmly. "Natasha!" She raced forward, rushing to catch the red-head. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Natasha looked over her shoulder, angry as ever. "If I can't have him, no one can!" She snarled, pushing Steve into the street. There was the sound of a horn, and the flash of headlights, then Steve was on the ground, bleeding to death.

Steve felt himself being rolled away at a fairly quick pace. He wondered why he was moving so fast. His eyelids peeled open slowly and he saw Natasha at his side, wheeling him out the door. "N't….." He slurred, disappointed when he could barely hear his own voice. There was no way Natasha would hear him.

He groaned, the fast movement jostling his body and causing pain to sprout through his chest. He struggled, trying to sit up. But before he could do anything, Steve felt the bed tip to the side. He heard a car horn squeal, and saw the flash of headlights, then he smacked his head on the concrete ground. Everything went fuzzy, and he couldn't see. Blood poured out of his head, leaking onto the asphalt. He heard Peggy scream his name, her voice frantic as she dashed to his side.

Steve groaned, feeling himself being lifted into her arms. He looked up at her, vision mucky. She wiped his bloodied blonde hair away from his wound, stroking it gently. He whimpered, curling into a ball. Peggy lifted him up bridal style, his head resting on her chest. "Come on Steve. You need a doctor," She murmured, kissing his forehead.

Suddenly, Natasha came up behind them, shooting Steve in the chest. He cried out in pain, and Natasha broke out in tears, dropping to her knees.

A shrill cry left Peggy's throat, and she screamed at Natasha as Steve bled out. There was no hospital nearby; no way that they could save him this time.

"Hydra. Hydra. Hydra. Hydra." Natasha repeated, then she passed out. Something was wrong with her. But steve was more important right now.

Peggy cradled his head, placing her hands on his cheeks. "St-Steve….?" She whispered, tears leaking down her face. He was so still. "Steve, please," She begged, stroking his fragile cheek. His lips were tinted blue, and they were stained with red droplets of blood. He coughed, the scarlet ooze leaking out of his mouth.

"….P'ggy….." He slurred. "….hurts…." Steve whimpered, tears streaking his face. "Hurts…so much….."

Peggy sobbed, holding him close. "I know Steve, I know…." She whispered. Since he was the real Steve again, the Steve that he had been before the serum, it only took one gunshot to kill him. His clothing was already soaked through with blood, and Peggy's lap was covered in warm red liquid. "Steve, I'm so sorry,"

"Don't blame yourself…" He murmured. "Not your fault…."

"But if I'd seen that something was wrong with Natasha, I would've been able to stop her from hurting you…..from killing you Steve,"

He lifted his arm up, cradling her cheek in his hand and stroking her skin, wiping away the tears. "It's okay…" Steve assured her. He was alright with dying.

"Please Steve….it's not okay. You're…'re going to die," Peggy whimpered. "I don't want you to die…."

"I-it's…it's o-okay," He rasped. "It'll be okay,"

She shook her head, tears falling from her eyes. "No it won't. Not without you,"

He was about to say something more but a violent cough cut him off. Steve shook and trembled with the force of the cough, his breathing becoming even raspier. A few seconds later, he stopped breathing altogether.

A/N: Not the end! :)