Chapter Text

Cold rays of early morning light lit up a small apartment in the center Tokyo. The Warm scent of fresh coffee was floating around the kitchen, this morning's newspaper was left laying on the wooden, dark table.

Tuesday, 14.4.20XX, 07:46, told the calendar and clock on the wall. Both of them had a picture of a small dog on them. Dog of the same breed that was running around the apartment, begging for food and attention. A Small dog was kind and social. He didn't have any bad habits - he was well trained.

But everything has its pros and cons. This dog had a lot to say to his owner. He didn't want to stay quiet for even a minute. It was another way to get attention.

"Calm down, Nigou! I'm in a hurry! I don't have time to play with you now!" dog's owner, whose name - Tetsuya Kuroko - was written on the outside of his door.

Young man, in his early twenties, tried desperately to tame his wild hair. He had fallen asleep last night without drying his hair. Now wild, blue strands were pointing everywhere. They didn't want to obey him.

"Damn!"he muttered, finally giving up. He didn't have any more time to try and make himself look good. No, the clock on the gray wall was screaming "Go! Go! Go! You're late! Your boss will kill you!"

Tetsuya ran out of the WC, turning the lights off after him. His little baby followed his steps with a small, pink ball in his mouth that he had been carrying with him through the whole, hectic morning. But he got ignored. His human was too interested in other things.

"Be a good boy. Take care of the house when I'm away. I'll be back soon" Tetsuya mumbled silently to the other soul in the apartment as he tried to tie his shoes as quickly with his slender, pale fingers as he could. Before leaving he petted Nigou's head gently, smiled at him and even gave a loving kiss on his forehead. He got a quick lick on his cheek for an answer.

And then he was gone. The dog was all alone again.

Nigou really was like his own child. Kuroko took really good care of him, acted towards him like any mother or father would act towards their own, only son. He was more than just a dog for him - he was his family, his friend, his everything.

On his way to work Tetsuya had no time to look around him. He ran along the streets with a bag on his shoulder, that contained his clothes he'd use at work, a water bottle, his phone, a comb, some old bus tickets and snacks - not for him, but his dog.

Cars drove by, so did bicycles. He wasn't the only one that had woke up too late and about to be late for the work. Some school girls looked after him confused as he sprinted past them.

Breathing was unsteady, and so was his heartbeat - after all he wasn't very good at cardio. His lungs felt like they were rejecting air.

Even so, he had no time t stay and apologize, when a car - a new, shining red Toyota - drove from behind the corner, almost hitting him. The driver seemed to be shocked and angry - he wasn't expecting anyone to run off right in front of his car all of sudden like that!

But Tetsuya was late. He kept running towards the cafe Timeless - the place he was working at.

A small cafe at the corner of big streets was almost every day full of customers. It was decorated with warm, creamy colors - brown, cream, white. Sofas around the tables were deep brown, and yellowish lamps brought some light to the room. Everything on the list was pretty cheap, and you could get great cake slices and coffees there - Kuroko himself loved the chocolate cheesecake and homemade vanilla shake. Bakers here really were talented. And the coffee was always made of fresh coffee beans.

Cheap prices, good quality, comfortable place. Who wouldn't like a cafe like that?

Kuroko had left his bag in staff's dressing room. He was pulling on his black pants, buttoning his white shirt and tieing his apron as one of his co-workers - Hide - walked in. He had always been here for four hours, baking some fresh pastries. The Black haired guy came in wearing white clothes and a web to keep his hairs away from the dough. He looked kinda ridiculous before he took that net off, freeing his hair. His short, dark hair looked good even when it was messy. Kuroko felt pretty jealous.

"Kuroko! You look awful!" was the first thing he said after walking in, with a wide grin on his lips. You barely saw that guy without a smile that showed his white, perfect teeth. "Please comb your hair! Your killing me!" he kept laughing. Kuroko's bed hair was always something that just couldn't keep him from laughing - he had seen it a few times, and always ended up with teary eyes.

Tetsuya gave a small smile back before walking to small mirror that was hanging on the dirty gray wall. He tried to comb his hair with his fingers. He tried to force his hair to stay put, but every single hair resisted, rising towards the sky right after Kuroko had pressed it down. "I'll never go to bed again before I have dried my hair" he muttered to himself. After some seconds, he saw the guy standing right behind him with a deep violet brush.

"Let me"

Bluenette turned slowly around, without resisting. Hide was great with hair - he always knew how to make it look better in seconds. So why wouldn't he make him look good now?

A guy bit taller than Tetsuya slowly brushed the blue hair towards the back of his head. He used some hairspray from his bag to make the strands stay in their places. "Done" he finally said after a few minutes, taking some steps backward. He had hidden some pins to his hair. Not even a storm could mess his hair right now.

"Thanks." the younger one said silently, examining his hair via the mirror in front of him. He looked good now.

"It has been so damn hot today..." Hide started complimenting as he stripped off his shirt and pants, pulling now his everyday clothes back on - he hid his body with dark jeans and a white t-shirt. "I've been sweating for the whole morning. And Sado-san has been just crying over everything. She really has a bad day today. "Don't do that, do this, no, no, no, this tastes awful, you can't do anything"" he whined, trying to imitate Sado's - their boss' voice. "Bitch, try to do it yourself! I'm the one here who's doing the cupcakes today! I put pink cream on them and even add some blue flowers made of sugar if I want to!" young man really started to get angry just by thinking about the things that had happened today.

Tetsuya kept quiet. He couldn't say anything because he wasn't here seeing anything that Hide had told that has happened. And that guy had exaggerated more than once in his life. Oh, he could still remember that cry when Hide had lost his other shoe. He told him that someone had broken into his apartment, make a huge mess and stolen everything. In the end Kuroko had found out that he had just forgotten his shoe in his bedroom.


"I'm sorry. I got lost in my thoughts"

"Do your best today. Try not to disappoint her anymore. I got her angry enough. See you tomorrow!" Hide said with a wide smile on his face. "I'm going to see my girlfriend now. Have a nice day with Sado-san!" you could hear the pure sarcasm from his voice during the last words before he left

Kuroko stared at his reflection in the mirror for minutes and minutes, examining his pale face, his short hair, his calm expression. He was ready to go. Even if the day hadn't even actually started yet, he already wished it was over.