He heard the alarm echo throughout the forest. Looking around he still couldn't see through the trees that seemed endless. Closing his eyes he sank deeply into the Force. Letting it flow through him and guide his actions he sped off in the direction it beckoned. He sank deeper into the Force letting it spur him forward. Eventually the forest started to disappear, the thickness of trees started to lessen and he saw some buildings in distance. He felt the urge of the Force as he continued forward with his race against time.

Leaping up towards the closest building he scanned his surroundings. He saw those black creatures all over the city. Looking around he saw people standing and fighting some of them as well as running away. Hearing small explosions occur throughout the city he looked for any sign of explosives, seeing no bombs being dropped from the aircraft in the sky. Looking at the people fighting he realised that the sounds were coming from the weapons that the people were using. Projectile weapons? Feeling the tug of the Force he looked to where it called and saw a group of those black creatures chasing some civilians. Without thinking he dove from the rooftop down to the streets. As he fell he called his lightsaber into his left hand igniting it. He landed right between two of the beasts and swung the lightsaber out in a wide arc slicing the head off one and the arm off the other. Quickly he turned to the other creatures as they recognized the threat.

The creatures charged toward him in unison. Smiling behind his mask he sent two of the creatures flying with a Force push. The impact in the buildings stunned them long enough to give him a chance to deal with the other three still there. Wielding his saber he cut down two before they even got close to him. Rolling out of the way of the strike of the third he got back up to his feet and brought his saber around giving it a clean swipe to cut off the head. As he looked for the two he pushed out of the way earlier he realized that they hadn't recovered yet he glanced around. Down at the end of the street he saw a tall blond fighting several more of the beasts. He saw one them come up behind the woman. Without thought he hurled his lightsaber at the beast then turned back to his own situation with those first two creatures finally recovered. He called his other lightsaber hilt to his right hand and ignited the shoto blade. Reversing his grip he flipped over the first creature and killed it with a downward slash. As he landed he stabbed behind him skewering the final beast through the chest.

Extinguishing the shoto blade he turned back to where his other saber lay. The beast it was embedded in had already started to dissolve and disappear. He used the Force to call the blade back to his hand. As he did so he noticed that the blonde woman he saved had a curious expression on her face. Not wanting to stay the object of her attention he ran down the street hunting for more of the those creatures to kill. After spending a few days in the forest he had realized that his lightsaber easily cut through these creatures. Using his speed he just ran through the outskirts of the city to defend the citizens trying to get through cover. Using the Force to enhance his speed he just kept running and using his speed to make sure that the saber cut through the creatures. Eventually he found himself through ending up in a square where there were several other people all battling the creatures. He saw a giant crater in the ground where several more creatures made their way out into the city. Extinguishing his blade he started to sink into the Force. Feeling the power and energy flow through him he created a barrier pushing all of the creature back down into the crater from where they were coming. Opening his eyes he noticed the blonde from earlier take a stance. Debris that he could only guess was from the massive crater in the ground started to float. Realizing what she was trying to do he sank deeper into the Force and pushed the creatures down even further. Within the next 30 seconds the blonde sealed the crater with the debris. He realized that the blonde woman was once again staring at him. Seeing that most of the creatures were already dead he disappeared into the shadows. Watching them from the distance he observed as some aircraft coming to pick them up. Seeing the direction that the aircraft traveled he jumped up to some of the nearest roofs to get a better vantage. In the distance he watched the aircraft fly off towards a distant building. Knowing that he still needed information, he set off in the direction that he saw the aircraft fly.

"I'm know what I saw Ozpin." Glynda protested.

"And I'm not saying you don't. But we as a whole need more information before we can proceed." Professor Ozpin stated.

There was a message on his desk alerting him that someone was requesting to enter his office. He granted the request and in walked four of his students.

"Team CFVY. Welcome. Please have a seat. And before I forget, thank you for the excellent effort that you put forth in repelling the Grimm yesterday."

The four students sat down in the chairs in front of Ozpin's desk while acknowledging the praise. Glynda stood off to the side of the desk and allowed her face to settle into a neutral expression. Ozpin stood up and looked out of the window overlooking the courtyard of Beacon.

"Now, you said you found some interesting items during your last search and destroy mission." Ozpin started

Coco answered holding up a small pyramid device, "Yeah while destroying one of the nests in the area. We came across some metallic pieces as well as this device."

Ozpin turned away from the window and looked at the pyramid that sat on his desk. Looking at it he felt something tug in his memory. Something about it felt familiar and yet he couldn't place it just yet. The sound of Glynda talking pulled him from his musings.

"Was there anything else you wished to speak about?" Glynda asked.

"Professor if I may be completely honest?" Velvet asked then continued at Glynda's nod, "The amount of Grimm in the area was so much higher than even the highest estimates. It is almost as if they were attracted to something there."

Ozpin reached the conclusion first, "And you believe that this pyramid had something to do with it?"

Only Velvet nodded in affirmation but he saw that the rest of the team wasn't necessarily denying what she had said. Ozpin shared a glance with Glynda who seemed to be processing the information that Team CFVY just put forth.

"One last thing. Yesterday there were some interesting footage caught by some security cameras during the Grimm attack. I was wondering if any of you might have any information regarding it."

The students watched the footage and saw someone dressed in black robes wearing a stark white mask. They watched as he fought with what appeared to be a sword made of green light. Velvet noticed Yatsuhashi moving in his seat next to her. She glanced at him and noticed he held his hand against his face and appeared to be in deep thought. She looked back at the footage and watched as he threw his weapon out of frame. Another frame popped up and they saw the sword skewer an Ursa that was about to strike out at Glynda. The frame then moved back to the original one where another sword of light seemed to appear out of nowhere. They watched as the figure then easily dispatched the last two Ursai that charged at him. They then watched as the original light sword returned to his hands and he just disappeared from the frame.

Glynda watched each of the students reactions, "Mr. Daichi you seem to be most interested in the footage."

The rest of Team CFVY looked to their teammate as he let out a breath before answering, "There is an ancient legend from a village just outside the city where I grew up. Actually I was from the village but when I was young my parents moved us to the city. The legend speaks of a person clad in all black wielding a sword of pure crimson light. Not green. Though this person fought Grimm, the legends tell that this person terrorized the village taking whatever he wanted through the use of magic."

"Magic?" Glynda interrupted, "Do you mean a semblance?"

Yatsuhashi frowned, "No. The legend is very clear. This person used magic. He could summon lightning from his fingertips, control things just by looking or pointing at them, kill a person just by pointing his fingers at them, and other things. For years the people of the village lived in fear of this man in black.

"The legend continues by saying that another stranger showed up to the village some years later. She was clothed in brown robes. Her skin was white and pure, like snow. When the man arrived at the village a few days later he instantly brought his sword to bear against the town. The new stranger used her own sword, though her sword was green light, with the light appearing out of both ends of the rather large hilt, instead of the single side. The two strangers fought but the fight took them far into the forest that surrounded the village. The villagers tried to follow but the fight ventured far too deep into the forest. Though after that day neither one of the strangers ever appeared in the village again."

After Yatsuhashi finished his tale. A silence hang in the air. Ozpin leaned forward and his stare bored into the young man. "Your tale was oddly specific. If history has presented any sort of indicator towards how legends are portrayed then how are you to know that what you heard is accurate?"

Yatsuhashi let a smile grace his face before answering, "Before I came to Beacon i was allowed to go into the temple of the village. There the ancient records are kept and protected. I was able to look at the records and I read about this legend. I have never forgotten the words that I read that night."

Ozpin nodded as he digested the information that they young man had just provided them with. After asking a few more questions Ozpin dismissed Team CFVY. After the students had exited the building he got back up and stared once more outside the window.

"Believe me now?" Glynda asked

"Once again I never said that I doubted you."

"Well what are we going to do about this? If anything that Yatsuhashi said is true then we need to start looking for this person. He could be a threat to the city."

"I don't think we are going to have to do anything." Ozpin said as he motioned Glynda over, "Look there."

Glynda looked to where Ozpin was directing her attention and saw a person clothed completely in black robes walk out along the central pathway of the courtyard. They exchanged a look before moving towards the door of the office.

He stowed away on a passenger airship heading to the building that he saw. From the conversations he overheard it sounded like the name of the building was Beacon Academy. After the relatively short flight he got off the aircraft and pondered his next action. Reaching out into the Force for guidance he heard its calling to walk directly down the center of the path. The suppressed the groan that threatened to come forth as that course of action went against every fiber of his being. Letting out the breath that he didn't know he was holding he moved to follow the command of the Force. Walking through the courtyard he began to look at the other people throughout. Reaching out to the Force he felt that though it flowed freely it seemed that no one was actively reaching out to it. He withdrew from the embrace of the Force and started to ponder what he had just discovered meant. His musings continued to be the only thing he focused on as his legs automatically continued to move forward. It was some moments later that his danger sense flared. He looked up and saw a massive man standing in front of him.

The first thing that the man in black observed was that the man in front of him wielded a massive broad sword singlehandedly. Next to him stood a smaller woman with rabbit years. He controlled his surprise at seeing the ears. A noise made him look to his left side, there he saw another young woman with what looked to be a massive chain-gun. Finally he glanced to his right where he saw another man that appeared to be blind. The stance he took broadcasted the fact that he was very comfortable with the blades hooked onto his wrists. The man in black allowed a smile to form under the mask. He looked beyond the four that surrounded him and saw that everyone had stopped moving in order to observe the standoff. He started to reach for his lightsaber when he felt the Force tell him not to. Forcing his hands to stay still he waited for the adversaries in front of him to make the first move.

A few moments passed by when a streak of blonde beyond the massive man caught his attention. He looked past everyone and saw the same blonde from yesterday walking next to a man in green with white hair. As they approached the man and woman in front of him wordlessly separated. The man in green broke the silence first.

"You have caused quite the commotion here at my academy. Come let us go someplace more civilized as to where we can talk."

The man in black heard a noise to his left. Turning he saw that the weapon the woman was holding had folded itself back into a handbag. This time the shock was evident on his face and he was grateful for the mask that covered it. He followed the group into what looked to be a classroom. The four that had surrounded him in the courtyard earlier all stood off to one side against a wall. The blonde and man in green took their seats at a desk near the front of the room. Mad he watched them get situated he leaned against one of the solid desks across the way.

The man in green started talking again, "It seems that introductions are in order. It appears you have already met Team CFVY. This is Professor Goodwitch. And I am Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of this academy."

He let the silence hang as he called upon the Force for guidance. He nodded in understanding before taking off his hood and mask, "My name is Kylosian. Most call me Kylo for short. I am, or I guess the more appropriate term is was, a Jedi Knight."

After a few moments of silence Goodwitch broke it first, "I have been all over Remnant and not once heard of that profession."

Kylo let a small smile grace his face as he remembered the words of his Master, "Well it isn't so much a profession as it is a lifestyle."

He heard some murmurs coming from Team CFVY behind him. But his attention was pulled to Professor Ozpin as he noticed the intense gaze that the Professor was sending his way. He then noticed that Professor Goodwitch was staring at his lightsaber hilt with a look of slight confusion on her face. He reached his hand down to the hilt. Behind him he heard the familiar noise as to what he now surmised was that woman's gun unfurling itself. He let a small smirk fall over his face as he palmed the hilt.

Ozpin noticed the smirk as he spoke, "That is a very interesting sword you have there."

Kylo raised his eyebrow as he ignited it, "It's called a lightsaber. It is the weapon of the Jedi Knights. Not as random or clumsy as a blaster. It is an elegant weapon. For a more civilized age."

"Care to back that talk up?" A feminine voice called from behind him.

"From what I've seen it would be best if our weapons didn't clash." Kylo answered as he extinguished the blade.

Ozpin allowed the curiosity to show on his face, "and what do you mean by that?"

"Anyone have a piece of metal they don't mind being destroyed?"

He turned around at someone's beckoning and caught a small metallic tube. Seeing what it was he realized it was one of the woman's extending barrels. He sent her a questioning glance.

She waved him off, "Go ahead I can always mill a new one."

He nodded before shifting his grip on the metallic tube. He held his lightsaber hilt close to his chest. Igniting the blade he made a clean swipe easily cutting the barrel in two. Extinguishing the blade he bent down and picked up the piece that fell to the ground. He tossed one end to the group behind him while he handed the other to Professor Goodwitch.

He heard the woman who gave him the barrel gasp, "That was a specialized tungsten carbonetic alloy. Designed to withstand over 1,000 degrees heat. And you sliced through it like it was nothing."

Before he could answer Professor Goodwitch continued, "And for several milimeters down the barrel from the slice point the rifling has been melted."

Kylo shook his head, "I did warn you."

Ozpin leaned forward, "Where did you come from."

Kylo looked outside the window longingly, "A place that I can never return to."

Ozpin nodded his head as if he understood, "Well since you can't return to your home maybe you can find a new one here. This is an academy to train Hunters and we are always looking for qualified applicants. Though we will have to see your skill. And perhaps get you some weapons to borrow for the time being."

Kylo closed his eyes as he searched the Force for guidance. It was unusually silent as he searched for the answer. In the silence he only heard one heard Go. He let out that breath that he once again didn't notice he was holding before he nodded.

Ozpin let a small smile grace his features, "Excellent. Team CFVY will escort you to the armory where you will be able to pick out a suitable weapon. Then they will take you to arena three where you will find your test."

Kylo nodded as he turned to put the mask back on. He turned and followed Team CFVY out of the room noticing that though the gun had transformed back into a handbag the tension hadn't left the leaders shoulders.

Ozpin and Glynda watched the five of them leave. Glynda turned the piece of the barrel over in her hand. She looked to the Headmaster with a questioning gaze.

"Sir are you sure that was wise?"

"Honestly I do not know. He is an unknown but I would rather him be here where we can watch him rather than out where we can't."

Glynda nodded in acquiescence, "So what test were you planning for him?"

"I was thinking Nuyi."

A/N: Well this is the first chapter to this story. As for when scheduled updates will be I don't yet know. I would like to get a bit of a buffer written first before I actually start posting regularly. That being said I would like to start posting on a schedule as soon as I can. I do have schooling and a job to take care of first and those things will always come first since it is because of those things that really allow me to pursue this hobby of mine. Hope you have an awesome day.
