The Air was filled with Smoke and Blood,

A King, Leonidas is engaged in a choice that could mean death with his remaining 300 at the hands of the Persians, distinguisahable by their eastern-looking clothing. Leonidas has been fighing a long time. Below his eye was a scar that was the result of a mistake in combat with one of the Persian infantry-men. Like his spear, his men were smeared with blood, and the bodies of the dead lie scattered around.

The Perisans are bigger and heavier but we quickly appreciate the Spartan's weapon skills and speed of thought, blocking the blows of swords and axes with spear and shield bashing them out of range. We also see that some of the Spartan's are wounded, with blood streaming down from many wounds, but it takes more than that to take down a Spartan.

Leonidas concentrates on him, the Persian King, Xerxes for a moment, turning, grabbing his spear and thrusting away so the warrior king wastes his diminsihing energy slicing thin air with his spear and bellowing angrily. Finally the spear catchs and flys toward the Persian King with intent of death but only grazes him by ripping out one of his many piercings.

But at the same moment the rest of the 300 burst from behind and attack the Persians, thrusting down with their spears for mighty blows. Leonidas pivots round, his shield on the ground along with is helmet because he had lost the will to fight any longer.

Aghast, unable to fund cover, the Perisan Arhcers on the cliff-sides notch the arrows and literally black out the sky with a sea of arrows. Very calming, Leonidas spreads his arms as if ready to embrace death. The arrows begin to spear him and his Spartans through as one by one each warrior falls.

Leonidas, suddenly weary and close to death, trugdes forward a few feet up the ground and surveys the rest of the massacre. Im the gathering gloom an eery silence has fallen. Scores of bodies, Persian and Spartan alike, hacked, mutilated and speared through with arrows lie on the ground. And eveywhere flocks of crows and ravens have appeared and fluttered down and feast upon the corpses. And there is not one living human thing moving over that field of death - except Leonidas and a solitray figure. A tall ma nwith a long cloak and a wide-brimmed hat, holding a spear, he moves slowly between the bodies of the Spartan and Persian dead, semming to note and inspect each one. He is a spectral figure, strange, disturbing, powerful, with racens sometimes perching upon his shoulders . . . and Leonidas watches him like one transfigured, lkike one who has come face to face with is god.

The tall man pauses and holds his gaze on Leonidas points him out with his spear. At that moment teh air around appears to shimmer and two or three almost transluscent, almost naked Young female Valkyries appear and gather the near to death Warrior King into their fold. In great brightness the young women lift into the liquid air . . . and vanish.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Surprise Surprise... I'm not dead. Before any of you even think to utter the thought that I'm done with Black Light, you gotta another thing coming. I plan on continueing the series but need to find the edge I had. But expect Chapter 4 Tommorrow or Saturday.

As for this, Well what if Leonidas had survived his death at the hands of the Persians and was teleported to the Dark Ages to aid Ragnar Lothbrok in his lust for power and wealth. Well give this some positive feed back and expect more.

- Cyber