Obligatory disclaimer:Merlin and all associated creative properties belong to BBC. I don't claim any said property as my own, and I make no monetary profit from this fan-made story. All creative property not associated with said channel belong to me, and their use is limited to my express permission. Thank you.

I give this to those who requested a chapter for both Merlin and Arthur's reactions.

As usual this is not edited.

The reactions

Okay, she should have broken the news more gently instead of just blurring it the way she had.

As she waited, Morgana fidgeted. Her heart was throbbing painfully inside her chest cavity.

"What?" There weren't Merlin lips that said those words, there were Arthur's. "You're pregnant?"

Morgana ignored his outburst. Though she felt bad for him, she couldn't look away from the man that fathered her unborn child.

Merlin's expression was unreadable, yet his eyes had widened ever so slightly.

"Merlin…" She stepped closer to him.

At the same time, Arthur seemed to refuse her attempt at disregarding him. He grabbed her arm, forcing her gaze to drift away from the raven-haired man. From the corner of her eyes, she quickly took notice how Arthur's action was able to pull Merlin from his trance.

"Will you just look at me for a second," Her half-brother snapped, "why didn't you—"

"Can you leave us?" Swallowing, Morgana shot her brother a look when it seemed obvious to her that he was about to protest. She reached out her hand and wrapped her fingers around his forearm.

Arthur looked between the parents-to-be for second, before he nodded his head. "Fine but I'll be waiting outside."

All of the sudden a low and tentative sound came from behind them. It game Morgana's pulse a jump. "You should leave too." Morgana turned to face him, holding her breath. Merlin had his gaze fixed on her.

That was meant for her.

The way he was looking at her send shivers down her spine.

The words rang in her ears. Her whole body going stiff. "What?" She whispered weakly.

With a grim face and hollow eyes, Merlin cleared his throat. "Please. I want the two of you out."

He even had the decency to be polite as he practically threw them out of his flat. The bastard.

"Oh, you—" Arthur growled behind her and she was quick to cut him off before any insults left his mouth. She stood between him and Merlin.

Merlin's words were a clear answer as to how involved he wanted to be in his child's life. Morgana could accept that. It wasn't like had come here expecting to be greeted with open arms.

Perhaps, he wasn't ready to be a father or perhaps he didn't even want to be one.

Who knew?

Either way, the last thing she'd do was to force a child onto him. Standing there, Morgana silently vowed that she'd do right by it and if that meant spearing her baby the pain of having a father that didn't want them, so be it.

"Let's just go, Arthur." She peered up at him. "I've done what I came here to do."

For a moment, her brother simply glared at Merlin. Morgana didn't dare to look back at the latter. Finally, Arthur sighed and nodded his head.

Much like that morning, almost six weeks ago, she ran out of there with what was left of her dignity.

She was almost at her car when Arthur caught up with her. He was out of breath and his face was red. Somehow, she doubted that it had anything to do with him running to get to her.

Morgana was touched by that and it only served to send her over the edge. The tears that she had been fighting to keep at bay finally began to cascade down her cheeks.

"Morgana," Arthur murmured her name softly before he pulled her for a hug. She welcomed the embrace. Burring her face in his neck, Morgana let herself cry openly.

Arthur being Arthur, failed at his attempt to calm her down. Minutes later, Morgana found herself sitting in her car while he drove her back to her flat.

Everything became a bur to her. She barely registered the entire journey back. She merely leaned back into her seat. Tears blinded her vision, not that she really cared. Her palms were resting flatly against her midsection.

Oh, how she feared the upcoming months. Hell, even years.

The car came into a halt and she didn't fully grasp that until Athur's hand was on her shoulder.

Morgana slowly turned her head, feeling suddenly tired.

"Talk to me," was all he said.

Talking wasn't something that she felt like she could do. At least not at that moment. But with his fingers gently caressing her arm, Morgana found herself relaxing. "What do you want to know?"

His hand movements didn't cease. "How did this happen?"

She almost laughed at his question. They both knew how it had happened and she, for a brief second, considered pointing that out to him.

However, instead of snorting, Morgana chose to just answer him. "It was the day I got the result of the DNA test back."

His features softened. He remembered the day. "Oh, Morgana."

Morgana caught his hand, brought it to her lap, and wrapped both hands around it. "I wasn't thinking straight…" This was met by a moment of silence. "I went to a pub, started to drink and then I saw him….it just happened."

He put his free hand on top of their joined ones. "Do you know him?" at her confused look, he elaborated, "Merlin?"

She shook her head, "I have never seen him before."

Sighing, Arthur leaned forward and pressed his lips against her temple. Her lips stretched into a tight smile.

"I'm keeping it, Arthur."

"I know."

He leaned away, his gaze locked with hers. Unlike her, he offered her a genuine smile. His tone, when he spoke again was both gently merry and apologetic. "Congratulation."

"Thank you."

A/N: I know this short but I'll the next one will be much longer.