I'm writing on "One way ticket", honestly! Part 5 will be up in a couple of days!

Summary: Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy have a feud going on, since they were twelve. No one seems to remember why they dislike each other, but there's always something going on between the two of them. Is it possible to make them become friends, or more?

Pairings: 1+2+1, (3+4, 5+M, maybe more too!)

Warning: I don't know where I'm going with this fic; so if you dislike 'un- planned' fics, then don't read. I'm writing on other fics as well, so this is just a project on my side. I probably wont update all that often either. Homosexual content. A lot of OOC too! Maybe bashing on eventual characters, hopefully not one of the pilots, though.

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em!

Genres: Romance, Humor, School-AU and so on.

Notes: Actually, this scenario feels old somehow, but I decided to write it anyway. No real plot planned, but I might come up with one as I write. This is gonna be a short fic, I think, no more than around five parts or something.


Enemies, or..? - Part 1


Duo Maxwell was popular, period.

Heero Yuy was just as popular, period.

They hated each other.

The whole school knew it.

What can happen?


Quatre waited patiently outside his friends, Duo Maxwell's house. He knew better than actually going into the house, because it was chaos, escepially the first day of school. He knew it from personal experience. When he was 10, he once went inside and he still remembered that day clearly; Mrs. Maxwell making pancakes, Duo's older brother Solo doing tricks with his skateboard in the hallway, Duo's younger brother Will crying about not wanting them to leave, Mr. Maxwell not finding his suitcase and Duo listening to Tool in the middle of it all.

Now, Quatre was fifteen years old and he knew better than going into the Maxwell-house house on Monday, first day of school.

Soon enough, a figure dressed in black and with a long chestnut braid of hair dangling from his head, appeared from the house and ran down to where Quatre stood waiting.

"Oy, Quatre! Got your padlock?" he greeted him.

It was an inside joke, that Quatre always forgot his lock to his locker first day of school. It was strange how he could forget it every year and never learn from his mistake. As expected, Quatre smiled apologizing at his braided friend and shrugged.

"I left it at home" Duo groaned "I was wondering if we could walk that way to school and pick it up?"

" 'Kay, on one option. If you buy me one of those lunch-bags at school today."

Quatre shrugged again. It was no secret that he was the only son and heir of the Winner-family, and he did of course have a lot of money. Not that either of them complained. Actually, it was quite useful at times.

"I've nothing against it. Let's go!"

Duo didn't move, and Quatre grinned since he knew what was coming.

"Umm, Quatre, you DO know that you live beside Yuy, don't you?"

"Yup!" Quatre said, cheerfully.

"You do now that if I se him, I'll kick his ass?"


"Then, let's go!"


It was no secret that Duo hated Heero either.


Heero, the only child of the Yuy-family lived in the rich quarters of the city. Actually, he lived next to the Winner-family which many thought was a big honour. Heero thought it was pest, since Quatre Winner was a friend of Duo Maxwell.

Heero was, because of his good looks a very popular person. He was also a very good basketball-player. It really annoyed him that Maxwell was as good as him and also in the team. They drove their coach crazy with their arguments about this and that.


Heero looked up and into the face of his friend; Chang Wufei who peered at him. "Hn?"

"You seemed a little..off. Are we going outside anytime today?"

Heero shrugged and opened the door and closed it behind him without calling goodbye or anything. He didn't have anyone to call to anyway, since his parents were working by now. He locked the door and they walked down the path to the street.

"Isn't that Maxwell?"

Heero looked in the direction that Wufei pointed out and yes; there was Duo Maxwell, walking and chatting with Quatre. It couldn't be anyone else, how many males did actually had a long braid reaching to his ass? And not to say, violet eyes?

Heero growled.

At that moment, Duo lifted his head and looked straight into Heero's eyes. They stared at each other for a moment, before Duo smirked and winked playfully. It could also be described as evilly, with harsher words, or at least Heero thought so.

"Hey, Yuy! Didn't know you wore anything else than green tank tops!" Duo sounded honestly surprised and Heero growled again. How could such an easy sentence piss him off so effectively? Because it came from Duo Maxwell of course!

"And you're sticking with black as usual I see, Maxwell" he replied coolly. He saw Maxwell redden a bit and inwardly, he smirked. He pushed the braided boys buttons as much as Maxwell pushed his owns.

"You just want long for a fight, I see. How about a game of basket after school?" Maxwell asked

"Accepted, and Maxwell?" Heero smirked at the braided youth. "Don't forget to practice, remember out latest game?"

Duo clenched his fists, hard. Their latest match had been disastrous, for himself. Heero would never let him forget that, not in a hundred of years. Heero would come to the first day of school with a black eye this year..


Ms. Noin was angry, no - furious was a better word. And she was known for her patient and good temper.

Ms. Noin was a math-teacher - and a good one on top of that. Students, as well as other teachers liked her and she had just gotten papers on which classes she would 'put up with' this term. She opened the door to the teachers' room. "Who the FUCK placed Maxwell and Yuy together in my class?" Ms. Noin was also well known for using a 'colourful' language.

"Calm down," she heard a voice behind her say and she relaxed slightly. The voice belonged to Milliardo Peacecraft, an English-teacher who she had quite a soft spot for. He seemed to like her well enough too. "We have a good reason for placing them together. Maybe Mrs. Une can tell you?" The blonde man looked over where the beautiful lady sat in a sofa.

Mrs. Une's husband was Treize Kushrenada, the headmaster of the school. She was a very lovely lady who did everything to make her Treize happy. Now she smiled pleasantly at Noin and spoke. "As you of course know, Maxwell and Yuy seem to hate each other."

Noin snorted.

Mrs. Une decided to ignore her as she continued. "Anyway, before I became a teacher, I studied humans actions and thoughts. I have analysed both subjects' actions in different situations and realized that they are quite alike. Actually, if they spent enough time together, they'll probably become friends. We've decided to try it, and they should be together as much as possible. Thank you" Still smiling, she left the room.

Noin stood frozen in spot. Her only thought was 'This is madness'




Want me to keep writing? Tell me, please! ^_^