Hey guys I'm not dead yet so heres another tiny chapter with some fluff \(*o*)/ So I will continue to have random updates sorry but I'm not one to have dead lines. So enjoy puppies and if you want more review, or not I don't care but reviews make me feel happy so ya.

Disclaimer: Don't own it, if I did there WOULD be a clip of them having hot shower sex... Enjoy :)

Silence was met with his question. "I don't want to talk about it ok, can you just drop it and let me go" said Izaya. "Izaya I'm not just gonna let you go in the condition your in, you cant even walk on your own." Izaya sighed before laying down again. "Fine ill stay until I'm healed ok?" Another sigh was heard before Shizuo answered.

"Ya you should just some rest though ok." Huffing Izaya turned to snuggle into the pillow, it smelled of the damn monster. The world slowly turned to black as exhaustion caught up to him. The last thing he remembered was hearing Shizu-chan leave the room.

~~~Later on~~~~~~

Izaya woke to the smell of pancakes, and when he opened his eyes he was greeted with the blonde brute stand at the door way carrying a plate full of them."I made you something to eat Flea." Shizuo said as he made his way over to the bed. "Ha like ill eat anything you made, you probably poisoned it." He said this with a smirk on his face. "Fine don't eat it, not like I'm the one who hasn't eaten in two days." The ex bartender put the plate on the bed side table before leaving.

"Damn stupid brute thinking ill brake that easily." mumbled Izaya. 'But he's not wrong i am hungry.' He looked at the food longingly, his stomach starting to growl at the smell of the food. "Fuck it." And with that he grabbed the food, when he was done he even licked the plate. 'Didn't know that protozoan was such a good cook.' When e was complete with it he put the plate on the table again and with a full stomach he curled up into a ball and dosed off.

Shizuo watched from the hall way as the raven ate his food, he even had a wide grin when the Flea went far enough to even lick the plate clean. 'Must have been really hungry' He watch the injured informant then curl in a cute ball and fall into a deep slumber. Shizuo then went inside his room, making sure he was quiet, while he retrieved the plate. He put in the sink before returning to the bedroom. 'Their is no way that I'm sleeping on that couch and giving the Louse me bed'

With that thought going through his head Shizuo changed into his night cloths and laid next to the injured Flea. He looked at the others face, seeing how innocent the other looked while asleep. He stayed there and watched the other for a while, but once he had his fill he got under the covers and joined the other in dream land.