Description: Glass shoes are so impractical. 1x2 (AU)

Rating: M

Stuff: I don't own Gundam Wing

Warnings: Language, Violence, Same-Sex Relationships, Adult Situations (implied lemon), OOC?, Cheesy Fairy Tale Plot

There are two versions of this story. This is the edited version. If you would like to read the explicit version, there's a link in my profile.

Chapter 1


I eyed the open window. "Why, thank you for the invitation. Don't mind if I do." I nimbly climbed the vines to the opening. The family that owned this manor quite often would go on holiday for a week or longer and the poor unknowing housemaid had a tendency to open the window to air the bedrooms and forget it. Then the servants would spend the rest of the time at the pub or other places of leisure. Only returning a day before the family to do a quick spot clean to make it seem like they slaved away the whole time the family was gone. They were lucky this was 'my' neighborhood and I was here for something other than the heirloom china.

I headed to the manor's kitchen, threw a fuel brick into the furnace and lit it, then spent some time going through the pantry. I placed some salted meat, dried vegetables, and a jar of apple slices in honey in my satchel to take with me. I snacked on some nuts I found in a ceramic jar until I felt the furnace had been running long enough, then I headed back up to the manor's second floor.

I made my way down the hallway, discarded garments scattered on the floor behind me. I entered the bathing chamber and smiled. I pulled the leather strap from the end of my braid and ran my fingers through it to start the unraveling process, catching the lockpicks and tossing them on a nearby counter as I strode over to the shower. This manor was the only place I could get a shower, and only when the family was away. It was the only thing saving the family from my robbing them blind. Not even the inn had a shower.

I turned the knobs and luxuriated in the heated water flowing across my body. I then grabbed the bar of soap and whipped up a good lather. It had been far too long since the last time I had been clean; I didn't always have the coin to afford a bath at the inn. So I made sure to make the most of this and scrubbed myself pink. I grabbed one of the glass vials, removed the cork, and brought it up to my nose. Mmm... lavender. I poured some of the scented concoction on my palm and began the slow process of massaging it into my hair.

I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold and reluctantly exited. I used the silver hairbrush on my chestnut locks until they shined. I forced myself to place the expensive brush back where I found it. I could trade it for a number of coins, but that's something the family would notice missing and I would lose my access to a warm shower.

I left my hair down and slowly made my way back down the hallway, redressing as I went. I spent some more time in the manor's pantry, making sure there were no goodies I missed on first pass. I closed the air vent on the furnace so the fire would eventually die out. My hair had finally dried enough that it wasn't dripping everywhere so I swiftly plaited it and tied the short piece of leather around the tip. I replaced my picks, flipped the rope of hair over my shoulder, grabbed my satchel, and left through the front door, making sure it locked behind me.

Back on the street, I turned to head to the docks. Many of the shopkeepers and other passersby greeted me as I went. Most suspected what I was (the only ones who truly knew were the ones willing to play the role of fence on occasion), but with the application of a nice smile and a little charm, they all were willing to overlook anything they didn't know for certain. Thus I was met with many wishes of good health and even a request to meet a daughter as I strode down the busy lanes.

At the docks, I gave a quick look up and down the line. I was out of luck. No ships loading or unloading cargo at the time and thus no need for an extra hand, for a fee of course. I took a moment to just admire the many styles of ships. When I was younger I had dreams of getting signed on as an extra deckhand and setting out to sea. Seeing the world and all that. At the time I hadn't understood why so many of the captains turned me down for being "too pretty" or because I was "going to cause trouble". Just because I was lithe, had long hair, and large violet eyes that made many describe me as pretty didn't mean I wasn't able to pull my own weight. And I certainly wasn't the type to start fights.

It wasn't until one captain eyed me up and down, invited me on a "tour of the ship" which really was just a straight path to the captain's cabin and ended with his hand down the back of my pants did I finally understand what the other captains were going on about. I elbowed him in the groin and ran as fast as I could, and have had no notions of setting out to sea ever since. Now I just help with the loading and unloading, in between my other "job" of course.

I made my winding way through the warehouses just off the docks until I came to a particular one. It was one of the older ones, slightly more rusted than the others, and hadn't been rented for storage for as long as I had known. But this one was special to me anyways; this was the warehouse I called home.

It took a bit of a running leap to grab the support beam. I quickly pulled myself up and strode with cat-like balance to the corner where I had propped a few thick pieces of wood between the beams. I shrugged off my worn coat and dropped it haphazardly on the floor of my loft. I walked over to my pile of thin blankets and pulled my guns from their holsters, carefully hiding them under the rag stuffed burlap sack I used as a pillow. The shoulder holsters were removed and dropped to the floor as well.

With nothing else for me to do today, I figured I might as well just sleep and get an early start tomorrow. I laid down on the pile of blankets, situating my satchel so it would stay close but not be uncomfortable to me. If I kept it close then most of the rats wouldn't bother with trying to steal my food, and the ones brave or hungry enough to try I would hear and be able to scare off. I pulled one of the blankets to cover myself and fell asleep.

"You dare ask 50 silvers for this cloth!? Can you feel how coarse it is!? It can't be worth more than 20!" was heard over the general bustle of the market. I waited for a carriage to pass before crossing the street. I was visiting the uptown market this morning which was generally less crowded than the market for the poorer caste. It was easy to set my sights on who was causing the commotion and I casually made my way closer in case I needed to intervene.

"My Lady doesn't have to buy the fabric," the heavyset merchant, Martha, said to the dour woman. I loved Martha. I was pretty sure she knew what I did for a living but she didn't care. She ran a fabric and ribbons stall and gave me the leftover scraps too small to sell. She also taught me to sew when I was much younger. It was all thanks to her that I can make the rags I call clothes last as long as I do by patching and mending what I can.

The ill-mannered 'Lady' continued, "Of course I have to buy the fabric! Didn't you hear the announcement!? The Prince is having a ball next week! Rumors say he's even going to choose a bride that evening so I have to go! But men and their unthoughtfulness!" The woman actually harumphed. "A week is not nearly enough notice! I won't be able to order a dress from Paris. So this will just have to do." She eyed the fabric in her hand distastefully. Despite the look, she still reached for a money purse. She pulled out two 10 silver coins and slammed them rudely on the stall's counter before turning to leave.

Martha tried to stop her. "My Lady! The fabric is 50 silver! I cannot accept no less!" The woman simply ignored her and continued on her path heading my way. I angled myself and 'accidentally' bumped into the woman who took one glance at my clothes then looked down her nose at me. "Ugh. I don't even know why they allow your kind on this side of the town." I bowed my head in the appearance of meek apology as I grinned to myself. Based on the weight of my new money purse, I was guessing I was about 100 silver richer.

I put the rude woman out of my mind and walked up to Martha. When she saw it was me she gave me a huge smile. "Duo, lad! Come, give Mama Martha a hug!" The smile on my face was completely genuine as I allowed myself to be embraced by the older woman. I quickly slipped 40 silver into her pocket. Once she was done trying to smother me to death, she held me at arms length and tsked. "Still not gettin' enough meat on them bones. I told ya, lad. Ya have any money troubles, ya come ta Mama Martha 'n I'll feed ya right up!"

"You just want to fatten me up and ruin my chances of catching a bride so you can keep me all to yourself." I winked saucily which made her give a hearty laugh. I knew her offer was genuine but I wouldn't take her up on it. While her stall made a tidy sum, she also had five children and her husband had passed away a few years back. She barely made enough to feed her own brood but she would feel compelled to give up what little she had if I ever needed it.

"Ah! I've got some scraps for ya, lad. Stick around a moment and I'll dig 'em out." She knelt down to the little storage space under the stall and started rustling through the rolls of fabric.

"So, was what the old hag said true? There's a ball next week?"

"Duo! Tha' is no way ta speak of a lady!"

"I didn't see no lady."

Martha stood up with a bundle in her hands and I caught her rolling her eyes. "The royal guards all came paradin' out this mornin'. Trumpets 'n all. Announcin' tha' the Prince is hostin' a ball next week. 'N it's not jus' for princesses but also for all o' the eligible ladies in the land. I've already made more sales this mornin' than all last month." She grinned as she handed over the twined bundled to me.

"Thanks, Martha. I really appreciate this." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Now, run off with ya, lad. I got a business to run." She made a shooing motion with her hands. I placed the scrap fabrics in my satchel, grabbing a piece of salted meat to chew on as I sauntered on through the market.

Once my hair was dry I deftly plaited the length. I set the silver hairbrush back in its place and headed back to the bedchamber. I crawled out the window and climbed the rest of the way to the roof. I strode over to the edge of the roof and eyed the gap between this manor and the neighboring one. While these uptown manors prided themselves on their elaborate courtyards and entries, they were still crammed just as tightly together as any other part of town.

I easily stepped over the gap and proceeded on my walk across the rooftops until I met the palace wall. The wall was as beautiful as it was impeding. The all white stone was painstakingly carved its entire length with delicate designs. It was blinding in the sunlight and practically glowed in moonlight. And it towered an intimidating 25 feet.

I judged the distance between the top of the wall and my second story location. I stepped back some and took a running leap at the wall. I felt a surge of adrenaline when one of my hands slipped from the top of the wall, but my other held firm and I was able to steady my grip and pull myself up.

The palace grounds were beautiful. There were winding paths through carefully cultivated gardens. There were multitudes of flowers but the only type I could recognise was roses.¹ Despite the various kinds, the fragrance was a harmonious blend instead of being cloying.

Since the wall was built to keep people out and not in, there were many different trees to choose from that grew right up to it. As I stood to make my way over to a promising looking tree, I glanced over to the front of the palace. From my vantage point, I could just barely make out the line of carriages waiting to reveal their perfectly clothed and coiffed occupant.

A small leap had me dangling from a sturdy branch. I scurried over to the trunk and clambered the rest of the way to the ground. Keeping one eye out for patrolling guards and one on admiring the gardens, I leisurely walked up to the palace.

When the gardens made a shift, and I recognised heads of lettuce and vines of tomatoes, I assumed I was near the kitchens. I saw a door propped open to let in air, and heard the clamor of activity floating out of its recesses. My mouth watered as the breeze shifted and I caught a whiff of the delicious morsels being prepared within.

Quickly skirting around the door, I approached one of the windows. The room beyond was darkened but I held my ear to the pane to check for any sounds. Judging the room empty I tested the window and found it locked. I moved on to the next in line and repeated the process. The window slid open a bit stiffly but luckily it was quiet in its ascent.

I took a moment to calm my heart. This was probably the riskiest plan I had yet, but I couldn't pass up the chance. I looked around the room. I saw large sacks of flour and crates of items, none of which looked like clothes. I would need to find a linen closet, the laundry, or the servants' quarters.

I had spent the week studying the servants that were sent to market to obtain items needed for the palace. They all wore the same style of uniform. So I scrounged up enough coins to buy a similar pair of black pants. The white undershirt was easy to obtain; I found one in a second-hand shop. The bottom hem was frayed and there was a stain on the back, but that would be covered by the coat. The coat was the difficult part. There was no way I was going to be able to find or replicate that part of the servants' attire. The black coat was waist-length in the front and past the knees in the back. It had a decorative gold embroidery around the cuffs of the sleeves and the royal crest on the breast. I needed to get myself one of those coats.

I slunk around the halls of the palace. There were more guards patrolling the inside than there were in the garden and I had to duck into a few rooms and hope they were empty to avoid them. One of those times my luck kicked in, I had just ducked into a dark room to avoid a patrol and found myself in the laundry room. I dug through the pile of clothes waiting to be washed and found one of the coats I was searching for. I reluctantly added my own worn black coat to the pile. I couldn't carry it with me without anyone noticing, but I still was somewhat emotionally attached to the dingy thing. It had helped me blend into any number of shadows and I didn't think I would be able to come back for it.

I put on the servant coat. It was a bit wrinkled, but I doubted anyone would pay close enough attention to a simple servant to even notice. I gave myself a quick once over and smiled. Now I'll blend right in. I confidently walked out of the laundry room and headed back towards the kitchens. I smiled and greeted a few of the guards I passed along the way.

I joined in with the servers who were retrieving platters of hors d'oeuvres or drinks from the kitchens and then spreading out amongst the crowds of dancers, glittering from every neck, ear, wrist, and finger. A bit of that shine may have made its way to my pockets as I made my rounds.

Around the time the trail of newcomers ended, the servers were in full swing darting quickly between the guests. With the servers fully occupied, I decided now was the perfect time to slip away for a moment with no one the wiser. I grabbed a small platter of miniature sandwiches and a small carafe of wine, then slipped out of the ballroom.

In the hall, I found a small alcove housing a large statue. I manoeuvred my way behind the statue and sat my butt down on its base. I'd be able to eat my meal in peace without anyone noticing me here.

As I was finishing off the last of my wine, I heard footsteps down the hall. I could make out two sets, and the firm way they tread made me think they were guards and not servants. I stiffened slightly until I reminded myself I wasn't likely to be seen in my alcove.

"Heero, you and I both know this ball is a mistake."

"It was a mistake from the beginning, but the king is certainly not going to call it off now that it's already started." I felt a shiver run down my spine at the rich tone of that voice.

I very quietly eased to the edge of the statue to peek around. There was a severe looking man with a tight black ponytail at the base of his skull wearing the same uniform as the rest of the guards. He was accompanied by another man with messy brown hair, and a uniform that while resembling the guard's was also slightly different. It had more gold embroidery and was overall more detailed. With his slightly different uniform and the casual way the other guard addressed him, I assumed him to be the guard captain.

The ponytailed guard spoke. "But what about the letter?"

The guard captain glared at him, and from my location I was able to just barely catch a glimpse of dark, cerulean blue eyes. "Royalty are always receiving death threats. When has this castle not received one as a daily occurrence, Wufei? The king organised this ball to try to force a marriage contract. He isn't going to let a little thing like word of an assassin's mark on his only son interrupt his plans."

The other guard, Wufei?, gave an exasperated sigh. "Heero, you aren't taking this seriously enough! This is more than simply some backwoods farmer blaming the rulers for 'witches and spirits' killing his farm animals that simply died from natural diseases."

"And when is the threat of assassins ever not present? Just because we received warning this time does not mean the threat is any less any other time."

Wufei pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. I concede." He gave a serious look to the captain. "Just keep an eye out."

The captain nodded. "Of course."

"I'm going to make rounds." Wufei's lips quirked into a smirk. "You know you can't hide in here all night." Then he quickly turned and strode into the ballroom.

When the captain felt there were no longer any watchers he… well, I wouldn't call it slumped per se, but he certainly lost a bit of the edge of rigidness he was holding in the other's presence. I saw him peek into the ballroom with an air of trepidation, making sure to remain out of sight of the revelers. He stepped back and stared angrily at the floor. Then he took a large breath, straightened up, and then stepped boldly into the room. He was quickly lost from my sight in the chaos of swirling dresses.

Many hours and many platters of finger foods later, my head had a pleasant haze from the wine, my stomach was practically full to bursting from decadent foods, and my pockets were starting to bulge from the night's haul. I was about to call it a night and head back to my warehouse loft when I heard a scream.

I turned toward the noise (along with everyone else in the ballroom) to see what the commotion was. I saw the guard captain from earlier, Heero, with his hands gripped tightly around the wrists of another man. A delicate blonde woman cowered behind him. I squirmed my way through the gawking dancers. As I got closer, I could see the man fighting with Heero had a dagger firmly in his grip.

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye and watched as another man reach into the folds of his dress shirt to pull out a dagger of his own. Taking in the glint of his eyes as they were directed at Heero's back, I quickly made my decision. My own revolvers were in their shoulder holsters under the 'borrowed' servant's coat where I always kept them whenever I wasn't sleeping.

I smoothly drew one of the guns and fired just as the second man started to charge. More than one scream rent the air at its discharge. The colorful hordes started to mill about, some running to the doors, some running to check on friends or family. The delicate blonde behind Heero took one glance at the slowly bleeding man near her and collapsed in a faint. Wufei ran up and helped Heero restrain the remaining attacker.

Once freed from his fight, Heero glanced around him. He took in the second man, dead on the floor and then his eyes swept over to me, still holding the gun. He marched over to me. I probably should have hauled ass out of there at that point, but I was too stunned, my mind was frozen. I had never killed a man before.

Heero walked up to me while his eyes kept scanning the room. "You took out the other assassin?"

I could only nod. Those cerulean eyes were mesmerising this close.

He surprised me by giving me a bow from the waist. "Then I must thank you. I believe I owe you my life. I wasn't prepared for two assassins and the second would have reached me before Wufei came to assist." When he straightened from his bow, his eyes met mine and he seemed to freeze.

His eyes gave one languid blink as they stared into mine then slowly glanced over the rest of me. I fought the blush trying to grace my cheeks from the intensity of that inspection. When his eyes met mine once again, a saw a small crooked smile on his lips. "How about a more personal show of my appreciation?" The tone his voice had shifted to sent shivers up and down my spine and made my toes curl.

It took my wine-hazed mind a moment to catch the hidden meaning of his words, but once it did I instantly lost my fight with the blush. My eyes shifted to take in the form in front of me. His brown hair was messy, but in an attractive way. His frame was slightly larger than my own and not as lithe, but not bulky either. It was hard to tell due to the thick fabric of his coat, but I thought I could detect the hint of muscle on his arms. Overall a very attractive form.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Can the hero expect to get a kiss for defeating the evildoer before riding off into the sunset?"

He practically purred, "Only a kiss?"

I gave him a lascivious smirk. "I'm up for negotiation."

He took the gun from my hand and threaded his fingers with mine to lead me. It was then I finally came back to myself and realised that entire conversation was held in a busy ballroom. I felt my blush darken and was relieved when a look around showed me that none of the guests were nearby; the guards were busy herding them out of the castle.

Wufei gave me a calculated glance and then rolled his eyes at Heero as we passed.

I was led down lavish hallway after lavish hallway and up a flight of stairs before finally Heero stopped before a door that seemed no different than all the other doors we passed. He set my gun aside on a table just inside the door and practically yanked me inside. The door was shut and I was promptly pressed against it. Heero's warm form pressed up against mine, his lips dancing with my own.

Our hands roamed wildly. I was right, there are definitely muscles under that coat. One of Heero's hands slid down to cup the bulge in the front of my pants and I couldn't help but moan. I pushed Heero off me. He gave me a slightly puzzled look until I attacked his coat. When he understood what I was doing he enthusiastically joined in. Clothes flew everywhere.

Barriers dealt with, I pressed our bodies close once more. I started kissing and licking along his jawline when he growled, "You have two options. Stop what you're doing long enough so we can make it to the bed, or risk carpet burns as I take you right here."

I gave a playful bite to his collarbone then backed off. He lead me to the bed, walking backwards the whole way so that I never lost eye contact with his hungry gaze. He fell onto the bed, and I found myself once again being yanked towards him. This time I ended up straddling his hips. Heero leaned forward to attach his lips to my own neck, then started a slow trail of small kisses and nips down my chest. Slowly growing pleasure thrummed through my body.

I woke with a groan. My head was killing me. I went to reach an arm to rub my forehead and that's when I noticed the other arm draped across my chest, pinning my own against the bed. The night before came rushing back and I groaned again.

I'm an idiot.

I have pockets full of stolen goods and I decide to sleep with a guard? The guard captain no less! An incredibly handsome guard captain. I groaned a third time. Shut the fuck up, brain! You're not helping!

I slowly extricated myself from the bed, trying not to wake the other occupant. I had to find my pants and I had to leave before my other exploits from the night before were discovered. I walked over to the nearest window, opening it and peering down. I was on the second floor, but it looked like the mortar between the bricks was deep enough to provide adequate handholds long enough for my feet to reach the first floor window, and I could simply drop the rest of the way from there.

Now to find my pants. My visual sweep of the room had my eyes land on the mussed tuft of brown hair against the pillows. I smiled at the mental image of that mess of bed hair topping that intense cerulean stare from the night before.

Replays from the evening flitted through my mind, and while I was a complete idiot for sleeping with the guard captain, I couldn't help but be completely unrepentant about it. If only things were different…

I started to hunt for my clothes strewn across the room. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found my pants, loot and all. I picked up my revolver from the table near the door and turned to look for its pair and my holsters ...and felt a thread of panic. No… I couldn't see it. I started glancing around the room a bit frantically. I can't… I can't have lost it… I checked under Heero's discarded clothes. I crawled on my knees to peer under chairs and tables situated around the room. I HAD to find that gun.

I gripped my remaining revolver tighter. The pair weren't just any old guns. They were heavily engraved and had mother of pearl hand grips… and they were the only remaining thing from my family, the last thing Solo gave me.

I don't remember my original family. Solo wouldn't tell me much when I was young. Always told me to wait until I was older, that it wasn't safe to know. He never did get a chance to tell the story before a plague passed through the town where we were staying. But one thing he did get a chance to do was give me the pair of revolvers. He said they were a gift from my parents; though I never did understand why they would give their toddler a pair of guns. He told me the guns were priceless, and that no matter how bad things got I could never, EVER sell them.

And now I've lost one.


I should have paid more attention. Should have seen where they were left. But I was a drunk idiot who was too focused on getting laid. I thumped my head against the floor. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. I glanced over to the bed. Heero was still sleeping soundly. I still had time to search for it.

Then there was a knock on the door.

I stuffed my remaining gun in my waistband and ran to the window. My life was more important than a gun. I heard Wufei call through the door. "Heero, put on some pants. Seems we had a thief in the palace last night." Heero shifted on the bed and I practically dove through the window. I scrambled down the palace wall, and as quickly as I could without drawing attention to myself, left through the main gate to head back into town.


-Author's Note-

Thanks for reading!

I started this story sometime in March after I went with my mom to see the new Cinderella movie. I honestly found the movie a bit boring and found myself trying to think of how to make it more... interesting. So... umm... here you go.

[1] It's a pet peeve of mine when a character enters a garden and suddenly becomes a horticulturist. Because yes, your [random adventurer type] would totally know and care about the names of all those flowers and be able to identify all on sight. *rolls eyes* Duo's a thief. His entire flower knowledge is probably what he picked up while flirting with the cute clerk who works at the flower shop.