Raising Twins

Two Little Words

"W-what?" Lucy's face was completely red as she looked at the stick that was in her hands. Her hand trembled as she continued to look at the result of her home pregnancy test. She had been feeling strange for the past few days, but thought it was either something she ate or Natsu giving her headaches from destroying more property during their missions.

She hoped, she prayed it wasn't this. She was only seventeen, well technically twenty-four but she still felt she was much too long to be having a baby. She only had dated one boy. Laxus. He was actually less of a boy and more of a man.

Why did she let him talk her into doing that? She knew she shouldn't have listen, but Laxus could be a smooth talker when he wanted to be and he had gotten into her skirt that night. Lucy knew Laxus wasn't just into her because of that though she knew it was a bonus. Still that didn't help her current situation.

Lucy dropped her head and lowered the stick down. "What am I going to do?" She let out a sigh. She turned around to the door and unlocked the bathroom door.

"Come on, Natsu let me have some."

"No way."

Lucy looked toward her kitchen to see Natsu and his partner Happy helping themselves to her food. "What are you guys doing here!" The celestial wizard was far from being in a mood of dealing with her team's crazy antics this morning.

Happy looked back at Lucy. "We ran out of food at our house so we decided to come here."

"Why didn't you just go to the guild hall instead?" Lucy questioned.

Natsu pulled his head out of the refrigerator. "Because you have the best food. I'm just glad Laxus isn't here to ruin it." Natsu went right back to eating.

"Yeah, he probably kill us like he promise if we did this again. Besides you've been looking bigger lately so we're doing you a favor," Happy said.

Natsu chuckled. "Yeah."

Lucy had her arms folded under her chest as she shook with anger. Her face turned red again as she clenched her teeth. "Natsu… Happy…" Lucy's rage exploded in the form of kicking out the two so call friends from her window. "GET OUT!"

Lucy breathed heavily, trying to calm herself. The two really could be idiots at times. Still they did remind her of one thing that was important. Laxus hadn't spent the night because Lucy wasn't feeling up to his company, but she had to tell him about this. This was just as much his problem as it was hers.

The celestial wizard quickly got dressed so she could head to the guild. Lucy made her way out of her apartment and ran past Natsu and Happy that were still on the street. Lucy didn't take her normal stroll to the guild hall and instead ran there.

She pushed open the double doors to Fairy Tail. She scanned the room, but didn't see the other blond anywhere. The blond quickly made her way over to the bar counter. She placed her hands on top of the counter. "Mira, have you seen Laxus?"

Mirajane turned in Lucy's direction as she finished cleaning out a glass. "Sorry, Lucy but Laxus just left to go on a month long mission with his team."

"What!?" Lucy slammed her hands down on the bar. "He can't!" Panic and anxiety shot through the celestial wizard.

"Don't be so clinging, bunny," Gajeel said while he sat just a few chairs away from her. "Just because Laxus is your boy toy now doesn't mean you have to be attached at the hip."

"Shut it, Gajeel. This has nothing to do with you." Lucy couldn't wait an entire month to tell Laxus the news. There be no way she could keep something so big a secret for very long with Natsu and Happy not to mention the rest of her team always sneaking in her house all the time. They needed to have a serious talk about this situation.

"Whatever, I'm going on a mission now too. Come on, Lily." Gajeel got off his stool and headed for the door with his exceed.

"Lucy, what's the matter?" Lucy looked in the direction of the voice to see Erza coming toward her. He armor wizard had her arms folded across her chest. "Did Laxus do something wrong?"

Lucy lowered her head with her face flushed. "Not exactly."

Erza brought her arms down to her side and leaned forward. "If he hurt you I shall make him pay."

"That's not it." It was driving her crazy not telling anyone what exactly was going on, but she felt that Laxus should be the first one to know. Then again it was natural for a girl to tell her girlfriends stuff like this first, right? Maybe if the two most powerful girls in Fairy Tail knew what was going on they could help.

She signaled for Erza and Mirajane to come closer. She then whispered the two faithful words that had both S class wizards scream. They were so loud they got everyone's attention. Lucy quickly hushed the other two girls.

"Does Laxus know?" Mirajane quickly asked.

"No, that's why I need to talk to him," Lucy explained.

Mirajane looked toward the end of the bar. "Master, the train that Laxus and his team are leaving on wouldn't have left yet has it?"

"Huh?" Makarov scratched the bottom of his chin. "Uh, no. I think it should be there for at least ten more minutes."

Mirajane then turned her attention over to Erza. "Erza, we need a ride. We have to get there before they can leave."

"I'm on it." Erza quickly requiped into one of her riding outfits along with a horse underneath her in the middle of the hall. "Let's get moving."

Mirajane swooped up Lucy as she jumped over the counter. The white haired mage landed on the back of the horse behind Erza. "Let's go."

Erza pulled on the reigns of her horse and stampeded out of the guild. Gray looked back at the sight from the table he sat at with Juvia. "What's up with those three?"

"I wonder as well," Juvia said.

Erza ran like a madwoman through the streets of Magnolia on the back of her horse. Lucy screamed and cried as she was pulled along on the mad ride. "Don't worry, Lucy I got you," Mirajane said with determination. She focused on the redhead. "Erza, we won't make it if you keep going this slow."

"Got it."

"You know I can just tell Laxus when he gets back," Lucy suggested.

"And let you bear this all by yourself." Erza shut her eyes for a moment and blushed. "NEVER! Everyone out of the way!" Erza had her steed go even faster, tearing through the streets. Right in front of the fairy queen's path was Gajeel and Lily who were walking along.

Gajeel and Lily had heard Erza's call and looked back to see the girls. "What the-?" Erza didn't even bother to stop for the two fellow wizards and ran over them instead. Horse prints were over the dragon slayer and exceed's back as the twitched to life. "What was that for?"

Further up the road Natsu and Happy were heading for the guild. The two were hunched over tried as they weren't able to fill their bellies at Lucy's place. "I'm want fish, Natsu," Happy complained.

"I'm hungry too, buddy."

Erza had fire in her eyes. "Out of the way Natsu, Happy." The two looked up to see Erza and Mirajane charging at them on horseback.

The two pals became totally freaked. "What's Erza and Mira doing?" Without getting a chance to recover from their shock they were sent flying by the rampaging horse. The two screamed like little girls as they twirled through the air. They crashed to the ground with the whites of their eyes showing. "What was that for?"

At Magnolia train station Laxus and his group were ready to board the train. "Laxus, are you sure you don't want to tell Lucy that we'll be gone for an entire month?" Evergreen questioned. "I know women. She'll be upset."

Laxus had his eyes closed and his signature smug smile. "She'll be alright with it." He opened his eyes and looked up. "And if she's not she'll be a lot more fun in the bedroom when we get back."

"Oh, Cosplay gets frisky," Bickslow said sticking out his tongue. 'frisky, frisky, frisky," his babies repeated.

"Exactly, now let's get moving." Laxus and his team took a step forward toward the open train doors when something crashed down in front of them. As soon as Laxus looked up he was greeted by a double-edge blade pointed at his face from an enrage Erza Scarlet.

"You will take responsibility, Laxus," Erza declared. "Or I will make certain you pay."

"What are you talking about?" Laxus' eyes shifted from Erza down to the back of her steed. "And why is Lucy tied to that thing?"

Tears ran down Lucy's face. "Am I still alive?" She had been tied to the back of the horse's saddle with a smiling Mirajane.

"See, Lucy I told you we could make it before they left," Mirajane responded sweetly.

"What the heck is going on?" Natsu questioned.

"Beats me," Happy answered. The two along with Gajeel and Lily had made it to the train station and hid behind one of the pillars to see why the girls had stampeded over them in such a rush.

Mirajane freed Lucy from the ropes and allowed Lucy to land on the ground in front of Laxus. Erza had removed her blade from Laxus' face, but still wore a serious expression on her face. Lucy had her head down with the shadow of her hair, hiding her eyes. Her cheeks were red from embarrassment. "Laxus, I need to talk to you about something in private. "

Laxus looked down at Lucy curious for a second then looked up to his fellow S Class wizards that were watching the scene unfold. The lightning wizard then shifted his eyes back to his team. "Something private? It seems whatever you want to talk about those two already know about it. So why don't you just say it here?"

Lucy's body trembled. She just wanted to grab Laxus and run off somewhere and tell him the news so they could figure out what they were going to do, but Laxus was being his stubborn self. Sure she knew he was going on a mission, but this wasn't something that could wait. She also couldn't say forget it after Erza almost killed her getting there.

Both Laxus and his team were waiting for Lucy to speak. Laxus sighed in defeat. "Fine, we're-"

"I'm pregnant!" Lucy shouted out before Laxus could finish his sentence. Waves of shock shot throughout the entire train station at the loud revelation. The people who looked the most shocked however were the dragon slayers and the exceeds.

"What!?" all the dragon slayers said at once.

Sweat poured down Laxus' face. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind at once. Those two words had completely fried his brain at how this exactly happened. All he was basically capable of doing was staring down at Lucy.

Lucy clasped her hands together as she waited for Laxus to say something back. She was afraid this might be his response. She had already been nervous enough, but now that Laxus was freaking out too it only increased her own fears.

Suddenly something sparked inside of Laxus. His heart that had been racing so fast out of panic had calm with a sense of pride. Pregnant. Lucy was having his baby. Fatherly pride replaced every fear he once had. The lightning dragon slayer wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and picked her up to everyone's surprise. "Pregnant. That's great news."

Lucy looked down at Laxus' smiling face in shock. She couldn't believe how fast he had accepted the news. She still hadn't.

"Laxus!" The group of wizards looked over to see an enrage Natsu running toward the group with a flaming fist. "You jerk, what did you do to Lucy?"

"Natsu?" Erza said.

Mirajane rested her hand on her cheek. "Oh my, doesn't look like Natsu's taking the news very well."

Natsu jumped at Laxus ready to slam his fist into the S Class wizard's face. Laxus put Lucy down and charged up his own fist with lightning. He slammed his fist right into Natsu's face that sent him to the other side of the train station. Natsu crashed to the ground completely K.O.

Lucy's face was still red with embarrassment. "Natsu."

"What did he think he was doing coming at me like that?" Laxus questioned out loud.

Freed stepped up to Laxus. "He deserved that." The rune wizard shifted his eyes toward his idol. "But what do we about the mission?"

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