Let Me Blow Ya Mind

By Raven

Rating: PG13

A/N: Yo! This is the last chapter! Can you believe it??? ^^. PLEASE review, my goal is to finish with 200 reviews! Ya think I can pull it off?

The sand, stained a brownish-red, was beginning to dry. Syaoran shifted, and looked down at his stomach. There was nothing to see. As if in response to his glowering, his stomach growled. Syaoran groaned, and rolled over, resting his head on a fern. He was starving. Literally. But he was far too weak to get his own food.

A sun shower suddenly started, and Syaoran welcomed the cold droplets of water. He opened his mouth. It wasn't much, but it satisfied his thirst, for now.

"Kidkoume…" He whispered, as dark rain clouds blocked the sun. It started to pour. Syaoran sneezed. "HELP!" He called, just to see what would happen. A clap of thunder resounded throughout the sky. Syaoran could feel his hair being completely matted down on his forehead.

'I'll die of sickness if I don't find shelter.' He thought to himself, watching a beetle crawl under a leaf. He grabbed hold of the bark on the tree he had been leaning against and pulled himself up. He slipped on the mud, but tried again. He sneezed again. Not good, not good at all.

He suddenly remembered what old Master Xian had taught him when he was very young. He shut his eyes tightly, and stood up very quickly, trying to overcome his pain. An electric sort of pain streaked up his leg, and he yelled in agony. Then, he shut his mouth, and fell over. He had an idea. At this rate, he'd never get out of here. He began to crawl along in the thick mud, and despite the pain, smiled. He was moving along faster…


"So, you're saying that in order to achieve true happiness… I need to become… immortal?" Kaho and Meiling were sitting in their shack, philosophizing. Meiling had brought up the subject of true happiness, and explained to Kaho what Xian had told her.

"Exactly. No mortal can possibly be happy." Meiling replied, taking a sip of her beer. Kaho sighed.

"Well, that is rather discouraging… however, I like to think that I have a chance in changing-"

"Xian knows a special incantation that can help us." Meiling cut in. Kaho felt her lips curl into a smile.

"So… we'd be rich, happy, and immortal. The fuzz wouldn't have anything against us!" Kaho concluded, clapping. Meiling nodded.

"Yes, Kaho… we'd be unstoppable."


The blue rose was knocked away by an orange rose and a black rose. The red rose, now crinkled a decaying, wrapped itself tighter around the pure white rose, the edges of its petals worn, and a bit ragged. The red rose looked as though it was almost… shielding the white rose from harm as the wind blew even stronger. Then, slowly, the pale pink bud began to open…

*** Five months go by***

Houji was sitting on the porch in a rocking chair, with his hands behind his head, napping. He rocked back and forth in his chair, letting the early morning breeze blow back his hair. The sounds of Kaho hitting Sakura from behind the house could be heard, and also Sakura's shrieks of pain. He smiled. Soon, the child would be born, and he'd have his money. Soon, he thought. Very soon. He let out a snicker, thinking about how angry Eriol, Yamazaki, and Terada had been. Not that they hadn't suspected it. As soon as Sakura had discovered Kidkoume, he had contacted Meiling and Kaho. And, they came over to help make Sakura's life a living hell. Kidkoume was now lying in a ditch somewhere, probably dead. Houji glanced down at his wallet in his lap, open, and the corner of a picture of his sister hanging half out.

"Soon, Kotori. Soon you will have the medicines you need." He whispered. He stood up, pocketing the wallet. The porch door swung open. Yamazaki leaned against the frame, holding his arm. Houji smirked.

"What do you want, cripple?" Yamazaki glared at Houji's choice of words.

"Kaho and Meiling are going somewhere." He spat. Houji kneed Yamazaki in the stomach.

"Really, did no one teach you manners?" He asked, pushing Yamazaki put of the way to get inside. Yamazaki's legs gave away, and he fell down onto the floor of the porch. Houji laughed, continuing inside. Yamazaki let out a small moan.

"Come on, Li. Hurry up and save the day." He whispered, before doing something he had never done before. He let the darkness claim him.


"When are you guys going to pay me?" Houji whined, as he, Kaho, and Meiling sat around the coffee table, smoking. "I mean, I'm the one who knocked Eriol, Terada, and Yamazaki out of the way so you guys could stay here. I deserve SOME pay!" He continued. Kaho put her cigarette out on him.

"Chill. You'll get your cash soon." Meiling said. Houji rubbed the spot where he had been burned, and trudged out of the room.

"We have days until she is ready. Then we can take her to her father, and retrieve the key to the vault." Kaho whispered. Meiling shrugged.

"The cops are going to be on to us soon. We should get the blessing soon, and then we can deal with Sakura." Meiling thought out loud. Kaho nodded.

"Houji can take care of the little knights in banged up armor. Why don't we go tomorrow?" Kaho planned out. Meiling nodded.

"That sounds good. We can catch a red eye there."

"Great. I'll go get the tickets."


Meiling and Kaho stood outside of the temple, arm in arm. They were only one month away from inheriting the fortune. Kaho smiled, and they entered the temple.

The sun filtered in through the colored glass in the ceiling, so high up even the most powerful bird would have a hard time reaching it. Xian and the rest of the Li and Xin families stood in the center of the temple, surrounded by the sacred circles of tiles on the floor. These pictures formed by the tiles told the ancient stories of the Li and Xin ancestors.

Xu stepped out of the circles.

"We were expecting you." She said, her voice flying up and away. Kaho grinned, but Meiling remained sober. Meiling walked forward, and Kaho followed suit. They stepped into the circles. They were about to be blessed by Xian.

This blessing was the equivalent of being deified. Kaho and Meiling would become immortal; the descendants of everyone in this room would worship them. Plus, they'd be rich. Rich enough to take over Asia. It seemed like a silly plan, however they were achieving it, weren't they?

As Xian pulled Meiling into the center of the temple, Kaho felt nervousness and fear boil up inside of her. She watched as blue light surrounded Xian's hands, and then Meiling. And just as the blessing upon Meiling was about to be finished…

"STOP!" The temple doors burst open and there was Syaoran Li, panting, holding up his old sword. He was covered in mud and who knows what else. Xian looked at Meiling.

"You told me he was-" He was cut off as Kaho emitted an orange light from her hands. She smacked them together, and an orange blast hit Syaoran squarely. Meiling formed a red energy ball, and threw it like a baseball that you couldn't catch at Syaoran. He dodged this one, and quickly formed a temporary emerald shield. It reflected another blast from Kaho, but was so weak from his lack of supporting energy to block Meiling's ki balls.

Her first one made the shield break, and her second one hit Syaoran. Syaoran concentrated his energy on his sword, and swung at Meiling and Kaho. The emerald ki flew off like water, and hit Kaho in the face. She cried out like a dying cat, and sank to her knees crying. Meiling smirked, and flew up into the air. Syaoran followed suit.

"Well, just like old times, right?" He said. Meiling glared.

"Don't try it. I'm not going to fall for you again!" She shrieked, and sent a wave of ruby light at him. He flew to the side, and the red light hit a stained glass circular window. The colored glass shattered. Syaoran ignored it, and used the opening to fire a ki blast at Meiling. It almost knocked her out of the air, but she wasn't going to give up just yet. She regained her composure, and released her specialty. It was an attack called; 'Spirit Shriek' and it not only damaged the victim, but also put them under a curse, making them hurt themselves. Syaoran backed right into a wall, and spun around. The blast hit the wall, and reflected right back to Meiling. She put up a shield that would absorb it, and then cornered Syaoran.

They landed on the top floor, which was really kind of like a shelf surrounding the edges of the temple. Syaoran stood up, and held his sword in front of him. Meiling charged with a dagger. She threw it at him, and he jumped aside. It caught onto his black tee shirt, and he was pinned to the wall. He made frantic attempts to free himself, but to no avail. Meiling chuckled.

"Just like old times, huh?" She asked. He looked up, anger surging through him. While Meiling was laughing, he freed himself and grabbed her. He swung her around, and she landed with the shattered stained glass window behind her. Syaoran was hovering over her, breathing heavily.

"Just like old times, huh?" He whispered. At the exact same time, they drew their weapons. Meiling with a gun, and Syaoran with his old sword. Meiling laughed maniacally.

"You think a sword is going to beat me-"

"I'm going to give you one chance, Meiling." He said. Outside, it started to pour. Because Meiling was practically hanging out of the enormous stained glass window, she was quickly soaked. She shook her head.

"Why do you think you'll beat me! I mean, Houji'll kill Sakura once the kid is born, he'll give me 'n Kaho the inheritance…"

Syaoran had had enough. He released his grip on Meiling. She smirked, and pushed away. He gasped.

"No!" He cried out. He watched helplessly as Meiling fell fifty plus feet, and into the marsh surrounding the temple. "No…" He sobbed. Meiling might've been messed up, and she might've been out to kill for herself, but she was still his cousin. Syaoran pondered the thought of jumping off right then and there. But he had better things to do. He turned around, and jumped off the landing to the bottom floor of the temple. The cops were there, and Kaho was being led out. A cop turned to Syaoran. Syaoran opened his mouth, but Xian covered his mouth.

"I have already explained everything. Now, I believe you have a hospital to get to."

Syaoran smiled gratefully, turned, dropped his sword, and darted out the entrance.


"…I think my water broke." The original four were sitting at the kitchen table, while Houji was sitting in the dining room, reading a book. The statement smashed the silence. Yamazaki looked up, his eyes actually open! Although now the black bruise around it was even more obvious. Terada let a gasp escape his cut lips. Eriol instantly ran out of the kitchen and into the dining. He knew what needed to be done. With the sudden energy that only emergencies can bring, he grabbed Houji by the shirt, ignoring the pain in his body. Meanwhile, Terada and Yamazaki helped Sakura out the door, and into the car. The rather pleasant sounds of Eriol beating the total crap out of Houji could be heard. Yamazaki turned on the car, and Eriol came rushing out. He jumped into the back seat with Sakura, and held her as she bit her lips in pain, tears streaming down her face.

'Is this all a dream? How did I find the sudden strength in me?' Eriol thought, barely aware of himself as the three men pulled Sakura out of the car, and into the emergency room. Somehow, she was found a bed. Somehow, hours later, Eriol was slumped in a hard waiting room chair, exhausted. Yamazaki had put two chairs together, and was snoring away, while Terada meditated. The waiting room, other than that, was empty. A silence had settled throughout the hospital, and now, Eriol almost wished for noise. Anything to distract him

Suddenly, Eriol's almost wish came true as a familiar figure shot through the waiting room, and into the ER. Eriol heard screaming.

Sakura had gone into labor. But, her lover, the father of her child, was no where to be found. She felt tears brimming her emerald eyes. It almost felt as though… no one loved her. She knew that this wasn't true, but it sure felt like it could be.

She shut her eyes, as she pushed harder and harder. Then- a cool hand slipped into hers, and suddenly she relaxed.

"I'm so proud of you." The owner of the hand that had slipped into hers whispered. Sakura opened her eyes thinking it was Eriol…

"Syaoran?!" She shrieked. His hair was messy, he had several cuts on his face, his clothes were tattered, and he had smudges of dirt all over him… but it was definitely Syaoran. She looked around the room, only to see nurses and doctors smiling, crying a bit. She felt her face flush. One doctor handed her the child.

"It's a girl." He whispered. Sakura started crying with happiness, and Syaoran even let a few tears slip down his face. Sakura held the baby close, and pulled Syaoran closer. He hugged them both tightly.

"Rose." They both whispered, staring down at the child, into her emerald eyes.

The End

Tell me if ya want an epilogue. Ciao!^^