It was a sunny day in Hill Valley and Marty McFly was in a reasonably good mood. A new school year had just started and Marty had high hopes. He already had a beautiful girlfriend in Jennifer and for sure his band was going to be discovered. There was no doubt about it in his mind. This was going to be the best year ever! The only thing he missed was his friend Emmit Brown, aka, Doc to his friends, which only included Marty. Everyone else in Hill Valley thought of Doctor Emmit Brown as a mad scientist who was best to be avoided. Right now, Doc Brown was away with his family, traveling the time stream. Marty didn't know when or where. Doc hadn't told him, but Marty did know that he missed his old friend and wished he was around to witness the year that everything finally went right for Marty McFly.

It was Monday and the first day of senior year. Jennifer had called him the night before and asked him to meet her in the parking lot of Hill Valley High. Marty had been disappointed by the request, because he had wanted to make an entrance with the new truck his parents had purchased for him last year. He wanted to arrive in style, with his girl on his arm. The big man on campus. But Jennifer had insisted that it would be best to meet in the parking lot, so not being one to push his girl into doing something she didn't want to do, he complied.

Putting the radio on blast, he hoped into the truck and made the drive to school, whistling the new Poison song to himself. He turned into the parking lot and placed the car in park. He hoped out of the truck and grabbed his book bag and started for the school, expecting to find his girlfriend waiting for him on the stairs, perhaps surrounded by her friends, giggling over River Phoenix or that one dude on that show Family Ties. The one that they all claimed he resembled. What he found instead sent all of his plans and hopes for the years crashing down to the ground.

Sitting on the steps, was Freddy Kroger, the school wrestling champion, and on his lap, dressed in a mini-skirt and a tank top that showed off her tanned shoulders, was his girlfriend Jennifer kissing as if they had no need to come up for air. What the hell? This was heavy on a whole other level of heaviness! This could not be happening!

His first instinct was to march over there, pull his girlfriend off the guy's lap and sock him one. But he remembered his second venture into the future and knew that losing his temper only led to bad things. So he closed his eyes, counted to ten, and then walked over to the couple, as calm and collected as he could manage to be. Once he was standing there in front of them, he loudly cleared his throat.

Startled, the couple stopped kissing and looked at Marty. Freddy looked unapologetic and Jennifer had the nerve to blush.

"Marty," She stood up from Freddy's lap, smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirt. "You're here."

He could tell she was nervous by how her voice shook, but he didn't care. He was the wronged party here. She should be nervous.

"What the hell, Jen? You asked me to meet you here and I come to find you sucking face with Freddy

Kroger? I'm confused. The last time I checked, we're still dating. I mean...did I miss something here?" Marty stared at her, hoping to hear her say that this was some mistake. That Freddy had brainwashed her or something.

Jennifer twisted her hands, trying to find the words to use to let Marty down gently. It wasn't that she didn't care about Marty McFly. She was just that...her glimpse of the future that one time...even though it didn't exist had scared her and she didn't want to take any risks. She wanted to make sure that the future she had seen had no way of coming true. Besides, Freddy had been pursuing her ever since their sophomore year. Why not give him a chance. They were teenagers. One's first love should never be one's only love, right?

"Look, Marty. I've been thinking about what Doc Brown said...about the future not being written yet and making it a good one. Well...the future I had seen with you...I don't want that for myself Marty. I'm sorry, but I don't. I want something more. Something better...for the both of us. And I...I think that we can't have that something better together. We're just too different. We both want different things. It's best to end it now, while we still like each other. We can still be friends," She stammered, wincing at the clear hurt in his eyes when she mentioned not wanting a future with him.

"And you can see a better future with Freddy?"

"Well...yeah. Maybe. I really am sorry, Marty. But this is for the best. You'll see."

"Yeah, McFly," Freddy stood up and wrapped a possessive arm around Jennifer's shoulders. "A girl this hot belongs with a guy like me. Not to worry though. You're a nice looking kid and the chicks dig guitar players. You'll find someone more in your league."

Marty wanted to tell Freddy to fuck off. He wanted to tell both of them that, but he was too hurt and humiliated to do that. He had just gotten dumped, not only for the head jock of the high school, but in front of everyone. She made sure of that. He looked around and saw his fellow students staring at him, most with pity in their eyes and wanted to yell and punch something. Instead, he balled up his fists, turned around, and walked away, not even saying good-bye. He didn't know what Jennifer expected him to do. Make a scene? Throw a punch? Beg her to stay? Well, he hated to disappoint her, but he was not going to give either of them the satisfaction.

Walking into the school, Marty wished that Doc Brown would return with his time machine. If he did, Marty would go back and erase the day he had ever decided to date Jennifer Parker. She would never have been a part of his life to hurt him like this. But Doc Brown wasn't here. He was still on his big adventure with Clara and their boys. So Marty would just have to live with the pain he was in and hope that someday it would get better and Jennifer would be just a footnote in his history.