In the waiting room at St Mungo's, three year old Scorpius sat on one of the chairs swinging his legs and sneaking looks towards the door. Scorpius was accompanied by both sets of grandparents, although the adults seemed oblivious to the young boy's boredom. Richard and Lucius were both reading, while Narcissa and Jean were talking quietly together.

"Is she here yet?" Scorpius whined.

"Not yet, sweetheart," Narcissa told her grandson with a smile. "She'll be here soon."

"But it's been ages," Scorpius complained. "I'm bored."

"Why don't you play with your toys," Jean suggested, indicating the abandoned toys that her grandson had left on the table earlier.

"I've played with them," Scorpius pouted. "And I've read all my books. I want my sister."

"You have to be patient, Scorpius," Lucius said gently. "She'll be here when she's ready."

"But Daddy said she was coming ages ago," Scorpius argued, rolling his eyes dramatically.

Scorpius of course was completely right, it had been several hours ago when Hermione had gone into labour and Draco had told his son his little sister was on the way. In fact the family had been sitting around the hospital almost all day, and there was still no sign of the newest Malfoy making her appearance.

"Sometimes it takes a long time for babies to arrive," Narcissa answered. "It took you several hours to be born."

"Can't we use magic?" Scorpius asked. "Why doesn't Daddy just use magic to get her out of Mummy's tummy?"

"That's a very complicated answer," Narcissa said to her grandson. "You'll understand more when you're bigger. But for now we just have to wait."

"Waiting's boring," Scorpius huffed as he went back to swinging his legs and sighing dramatically to highlight his boredom.

Luckily for Scorpius, his waiting was soon over as an excited Draco suddenly bounded into the room.

"It's a girl," Draco announced with a grin.

"We were expecting that," Lucius remarked with a raised eyebrow and a low chuckle.

"She's gorgeous," Draco continued, ignoring his father's laughter. "And she's waiting to meet her grandparents and big brother."

Scorpius jumped off his chair and picked up a small bag that had been sitting beside him. Reaching inside the bag he pulled out a purple unicorn stuffed toy. Draco and Scorpius had seen the toy a few weeks ago when they'd been shopping and Scorpius had been adamant they needed to get it for the baby. Draco had been more than happy to indulge his son and when he'd bought the toy he'd given it to Scorpius so he could give it to his sister as a present from him.

"Do you want us to wait while you take Scorpius to see the baby?" Narcissa asked as Scorpius eagerly grabbed hold of Draco's hand.

"It's alright, you can all come and see the baby," Draco replied.

Draco led the way out of the waiting room and down the corridor to where Hermione was ensconced in a private room. Opening the door, he immediately let go of Scorpius who went racing to his mother's bedside. Hermione was sitting up in bed, cradling a tiny bundle wrapped in a lilac blanket. Despite the fact she'd just given birth, she was radiating happiness and looked perfectly at ease with having so many people visiting at once.

"Is that her?" Scorpius questioned, standing on his tiptoes to try and get a look at the baby in his mother's arms.

"Yes, this is your sister," Hermione answered as Draco lifted Scorpius up onto the bed beside her.

Scorpius shuffled towards Hermione, until he was sitting right beside her. He then turned his attention to the bundle in his mother's arms. The baby wasn't asleep and as Scorpius looked at her, she blinked her tiny eyes at him.

"I think she likes you," Hermione said to Scorpius as her son looked at his baby sister in awe. "Do you like her?"

"She's tiny," Scorpius whispered. "Was I that little?"

"You were," Draco answered from beside the bed. "You were once a tiny baby like your sister."

"But I didn't have a big brother with presents," Scorpius said as he held the unicorn up for the baby to see. "This is from me," He told the baby. "I'm Scorpius, and I'm your brother."

"That's a lovely thought, Scorp." Hermione smiled at her son as he nestled the soft toy beside his sister. "You're already a brilliant big brother."

Scorpius smiled happily as he settled himself down beside Hermione. Once Scorpius was settled, Draco and Hermione's parents stepped forward to meet their granddaughter. They all looked at her in Hermione's arms, before the baby was gently passed around everyone before ending up in Draco's arms.

"Have you thought of any names?" Narcissa asked. She knew with Scorpius the couple had kept to her family's tradition of naming Scorpius after a constellation, but she wasn't sure if they would continue that with their daughter.

"We have," Hermione confirmed. "We're going to call her Maia. It's a star in the constellation Taurus, but it also has a Greek mythological connection like my name. Maia was one of Zeus's many lovers, and she gave birth to his son, Hermes."

"I like that," Richard said, smiling at his daughter. "Maia's a lovely name."

"It is," Narcissa agreed. "Maia Malfoy has a nice sound to it."

"We thought so," Draco said, looking down at his daughter who was beginning to drift off to sleep.

While Maia dozed in her father's arms, the grandparents stayed for a while before leaving so that other people could come and visit the happy family. Over the course of the next few hours several friends visited to meet the newest addition to the Malfoy family. Finally the visits were over for the night and Draco and Hermione were left alone with their two children. By this time Scorpius was also curled up fast asleep beside Hermione.

"It's been a long day. I'm knackered," Draco remarked as he collapsed into the seat next to Hermione's bed. Normally she would have been discharged, but considering her accident earlier in her pregnancy the Healers had wanted Hermione and Maia to stay in St Mungo's overnight as a precaution.

"You're knackered, what about me?" Hermione questioned. "I was the one who gave birth to your daughter. From where I'm sitting, I did all the hard work."

"I helped," Draco protested. "I was with you the entire time. I didn't even complain when you swore at me and told me I wasn't having sex again."

"I still mean that," Hermione told her husband with a mischievous smirk. "No more sex for you, I'm not going through that pain again."

"You said that after Scorpius," Draco replied with a smirk. "Wait and see, in a few months you'll not be able to resist me."

"Cocky bugger," Hermione said with a laugh.

"It's part of my charm," Draco said, sitting forward so he was inches away from Hermione. "And you love it."

"I tolerate you arrogant ways, because buried deep inside is a sweet man," Hermione retorted. "It's worth a bit of cockiness if I get the man who loves me unconditionally and will do anything for me."

"You've always got him," Draco told his wife. "I will always love you unconditionally, and I will always do anything for you. You're my whole world Hermione, you and the kids mean everything to me."

"And you mean everything to me," Hermione replied seriously. "I never want to lose you Draco. You, Scorpius and Maia are my life, and I never want to lose that."

"You won't," Draco vowed, leaning over and pressing his lips against Hermione's.

As they kissed they both thought about the past few months and how close they'd come to losing each other. Luckily Hermione had found her way back home and now the Malfoys were back together as they should be and happier than ever.

The End.