Seize Spin-off OMAKE #6 - "Playing With Fire"

BEGUN ON: 22.10.15
FINISHED ON: 22.10.15


WARNINGS: Jealousy, MidoTaka, hickies, making out. Also, FINALLY, yandere-esque moments.

Kuroko Tetsuya was a man of morality.

Not once had he taken pride in hurting another, nor let his emotions overrun his courtesy.

…However, with his sights set on one Akashi Seijuurou, who was his boyfriend, he found himself having the most intense internal struggle of his life. Was it actually possible to experience a torrent of emotions like such at once?

Apparently so.

Kuroko wanted to smack karma in the face.

Gazing at his boyfriend, he found it extremely taxing to be unable to budge. Akashi was currently surrounded by high-class women; and whether they were approximately the same age or twenty years older, Kuroko couldn't tell due to the make-up adorning all of their faces. They were all beautiful, with long, slim legs and beautiful, intricately designed dresses that hugged their curvaceous bodies. The only things that were stopping Kuroko from storming over that instant were as of the following:

1. The fact that Akashi Masaomi was watching. Staring. Very intently, at that.
2. The fact that this was an extravagant party.
3. The fact that Akashi hadn't allowed a single woman to touch him. Kuroko was watching very intently, too; there would be no tricking him.
4. The fact that many of the higher-ups in both the Akashi conglomerate and other allied businesses swarmed the halls. Actually, Kuroko had no idea why he was here; all he remembered was that his Seijuurou was extremely skilled and gifted in the arts of persuasion. Oh, and the arts of seduction. Evidently.

Kuroko clenched his fists as he watched Akashi smile politely and nod, interjecting comments every now and then.

How had it gotten to this, again?

"Tetsuya." Akashi called, making himself comfortable in his large, ebony, leather seat. The said male walked over.

"Yes, Seijuurou?"

Akashi paused for a moment, still unused to Kuroko's use of his entire given name. He savoured the sound before continuing.

"My father has scheduled a dinner party tomorrow night."

"What about practice?"

"We've already been excused."

"…Seijuurou, what exactly does a 'dinner party' encompass?"

"An extravagant setting, important higher-ups from both the Akashi Corporation and other business conglomerates allied with it. Meaningless chatter, mostly."

Akashi glanced at Kuroko slyly out of the corner of his eye before adding as an afterthought, "Oh, and women. Very many of them that my father will most likely push onto me."

Kuroko's eyes widened the slightest bit before he turned.

"You're horrible, Seijuurou."

"Shintarou and Kazunari will be attending, too, no doubt."

"…You're horrible, Seijuurou."

Akashi smirked, slender fingers taking hold of Kuroko's chin, his touches light yet firm. He tilted his boyfriend's head up to face him directly whilst he slipped his other arm around his waist, effortlessly tugging him onto his lap, their bodies pressed together. Forced into a position where he was straddling Akashi, Kuroko's breath hitched as he was mesmerised by the redhead's mismatching eyes, the orbs flaring up with a delicious heat. His eyes were half-lidded seductively, confident smirk gracing his lips.

"Hmm? I'm afraid I didn't hear you, Tetsuya."

Kuroko always loved the way his name sounded on Akashi's lips, and even more so when it was said so provocatively.


Akashi's eyes seemed to shine brighter for the briefest moment. He let go of the phantom's chin, instead opting to lean in and press kisses to his pale collarbone. Slowly moving up, Akashi made sure to tease Kuroko thoroughly, biting and leaving hickies on the most visible areas of his neck. He moved up, hot tongue tracing the shell of Kuroko's ear; one of his most erogenous areas. God, how Akashi knew his body so well without exceeding past the "heavy making out" stage was beyond him. Kuroko wasn't complaining, though. He'd gladly come undone if it were Akashi doing the unravelling.

"You really are so sensitive here," Akashi said, voice thick with sensuality. His lips were directly in front of Kuroko's left ear, and the shorter male failed to swallow back a moan. Akashi chuckled, knowing exactly what kind of effect his actions were having on the phantom shuddering in his arms.

"S-sei- mm!"

Kuroko's words were cut off as Akashi took them as his own, pulling him into what was most likely their deepest kiss so far. Kuroko whimpered in pleasure as Akashi's tongue traced his lips, teeth grazing him ever so slightly. It seemed like an eternity before Kuroko pushed him away, flushed and out of breath, eyes lidded and void of anything other than pure desire. The insufferable smirk he'd come to love on his boyfriend graced Akashi's lips. He leaned up to peer into Kuroko's eyes teasingly.

"So, your answer?"

"Oh, Kuuuroookkoooo!"

Kuroko was jolted out of his thoughts by the over-exuberant voice. He perked up, looking around for the familiar head of obsidian tresses.

"Takao-kun!" Kuroko called, voice drowned out by the rest of the crowd around him. Takao expertly weaved his way over, ruffling his friend's unruly, sky blue hair. He grinned widely, "Long time no see!"

"Long time no see," Kuroko echoed, smiling. He was never bored with Shuutoku's point guard around.

"Oooi, so what were you thinking about, staring at the wall so intently?"


"Don't even try to lie to the Hawk Eye! How d'ya think I found you so easily, huh?"

Kuroko chuckled, shaking his head, "No, I don't plan on lying. I was just-"

He was cut off by a loud pelt of laughter. Both of the boys looked over, only to see the women surrounding Akashi giggling and fawning. Kuroko's frown returned, and Takao made an exaggerated gagging sound before turning back to face his favourite Rakuzan player.

"Woah, Kuroko!"


Kuroko let out a noise of surprise as Takao flicked him lightly on the centre of his forehead, grinning playfully.

"Your brows were furrowed so deep, and your scowl made you look like you were about to go over there and tear them apart!"

Takao paused for a moment before leaning in conspiratorially, speaking in a hushed whisper, "Just between you and me, I wouldn't mind if you did just that."

Kuroko burst into laughter, Takao soon following. "No, but seriously, if they get too close, just go in there and swoop him away, yeah?"

"This is an elite party," Kuroko grinned, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, "I can't go around whisking Akashi-sama away whenever I feel like it, unfortunately."

"I would totally do that to Shin-chan. Hey, if girls get too close near him and I'm not around, come and find me, okay? He can't go anywhere without requiring me nearby to save his ass, I swear."

Kuroko choked on his laughter, prompting Takao to follow suit.

"Oh my god, are you serious?! Shin-chan, that's so cheesy! That's practically as bad as when he went off on that whole spiel about you being a shadow. Well, it was kinda cool, but really, I didn't expect him to make a speech about it!" Takao coughed out through his hilarity, "He was all like, 'Kuroko is a shadow, nanodayo. Shadows get darker as the lights go stronger, so basically, the stronger the partner he's paired with, the more Kuroko will thrive. It's not as if nobody else can sync with him, but, Akashi is undoubtedly the strongest. If Kuroko can reach his greatest peaks with Akashi, then that just means he's the one with the brightest light.'"

Takao paused for dramatic effect.


In the distance, across the room, Midorima felt Takao's laughter jabbing into him incessantly. He scrunched up his ace of spades card - undoubtedly his lucky item for the day, abiding by Oha Asa's ultimate rules – in irritation, huffing to himself.

"That idiot better not be making a fool of himself.

"This is a completely different topic, but I am seriously hungry." Takao said with an oddly solemn expression. "Is there good food here? It's a, quotation mark, elite , end quotation mark, party, so I should be able to get some elite food, right?"

"I would assume so," Kuroko replied, raising a brow at his friend's suddenly sparkling eyes.

"Well then, what are we doing over here?! Let's go!"

He grabbed Kuroko's wrist, leading him over to the buffet tables.

"Oh, man, look at all this! Is that caviar?! Rich people sure are something else, hahaha!"

Kuroko glanced around and slowly edged behind Takao, who was attracting the attention of basically everyone in the vicinity.

"Nuh-uh, you aren't going to misdirect this time, young man." Shuutoku's hawk stated firmly, tightening his grasp. Kuroko stifled the urge to roll his eyes, turning to survey the table.

'Grilled duck with spices and salsa verde, salmon, caviar and cheese mini bread appetisers, foie gras, lobster creole, oysters with caviar…'

"Is that okonomiyaki? Okonomiyaki? How does that even fit in with this? And who the hell puts lobster in a buffet?!" Takao gaped. Kuroko nodded silently, 'My question exactly…'

He glanced over at Akashi, a dejected sigh escaping his lips. The second he had turned back, however, he was met with the shocking sight of Takao's plate supporting a pile of food that extended past his head.


Takao poked his head out from behind the plate, "I'm gonna go walk over to Shin-chan with this, and see how he deals. Wanna come?"


"Alright, let's go!"

Takao set off, balancing the food perched precariously high. Kuroko eyed it, seriously contemplating whether or not Takao was a secret circus professional.

"Ah, Midorima-kun-"

Kuroko didn't even have to mention his name before Takao had spotted him, eyes lighting up with anticipation.


Midorima's eyes widened when he saw his partner rushing towards him, balancing a plate of food so high he could've mistaken it for the Eiffel Tower in edible form.

"Takao, what are you-"

The Generation of Miracles' crazily accurate shooter sidestepped at the last second, watching in morbid fascination as Takao rammed his plate into the wall, food successfully propelled into the air. Several guests screamed as Akashi watched, shaking his head in exasperation before shooting a discreet smirk at his former teammate. Midorima could only gape at his not-so-secret lover who had just smashed into a wall.

Smashed into a wall with a plate of food.

Smashed into a wall with a plate of food practically as high as the goddamn ceiling, in fact.

Smashed into a wall with a plate of food practically as high as the goddamn ceiling, at an elite party with majority of Japan's, and the world's, biggest business conglomerates, IN FACT.

"In fact my ass, please let this be a dream."

"Shin-chan, did you just say ass? Please tell me you did. Kuroko, did you hear it?" Takao groaned from the floor. Why that was the only thing he picked up on, they had no idea.

"Takao, you moron, why did you do that?!"

"You weren't paying attention to me, and that's practically as bad as what Akashi's doing to Kuroko right now! Regardless of whether you have beautiful women surrounding you or not!"

"Well, I don't! This is a party, Takao, you can't just-"

"Well, maybe I wanted to accompany the guy I'm in love with to one of his fancy-schmansy parties despite how much I hate them!" Takao was yelling, now, and the whole hall had fallen silent. Kuroko couldn't help the smile that spread across his face at his friend's final line.


By the looks of it, Midorima didn't have the will to be angry anymore, either. His gaze softened and he walked over, offering a hand to his partner. Takao's shoulders relaxed slightly, but he refused to look at Midorima as he accepted the help, getting back on his feet. He huffed slightly, but his ears were visibly red. Midorima smiled as the shorter male attempted to pull his hand away, only to have it held even tighter.

"Let go-"

Midorima tugged once on the hand he was holding, hard, and Takao promptly fell into his arms.

"Sh- wha- Shin-chan!"

Kuroko chuckled at the uncharacteristic flush adorning the point guard's cheeks. Midorima exhaled, "You're really a handful, you know?"

"Sh… Shut up!"

'Well,' Midorima thought, subconsciously pulling Takao in closer against him, 'at least nobody got hit by the food. I guess I can forgive him this ti-'

All too soon, it seemed the world was against him; for the second the thought flitted across his mind, he felt something squish against his head.

The hall that had been filled with people squealing over the public display of affection before their eyes instantly fell quiet again, this time for a completely different reason.

Midorima slowly, very slowly pushed Takao away from him (albeit gently).

Takao's gaze travelled up, and he gulped. Loudly.

Midorima raised his left arm, fingers picking up whatever had fallen on his head.

He looked at what was in his hand with disgust.

Octopus and beef, at that.

No sooner than Midorima had opened his mouth, Takao disappeared, running as fast as his legs could take him.



"Shut up."

"I didn't even say anything," Takao whined. Kuroko was reminded distinctively of a whimpering puppy pawing at its owner, hungry for attention. He stifled the laughter threatening to bubble up from his throat.

"I said, shut up." Midorima repeated, glaring at his boyfriend. Takao grumbled incoherently, deciding to look around the room and observe in favour of upsetting his boyfriend even further. Suddenly, he stiffened, catching the blue-green pair's attention. Midorima, however, was too stubborn to talk at the moment, so Kuroko took it upon himself to ask.

"What's wrong, Takao-kun?"

"Aha… Ahahah… a… Nothing!" Takao beamed nervously, a few beads of sweat running down his forehead. Kuroko frowned, opening his mouth and then closing it, opting for seeing it himself, instead.

He froze.

Takao gulped.

Midorima swallowed, cold sweat beginning to form at the back of his neck.

There was Akashi, with a decidedly tight smile as a make-up caked girl pushed herself onto him, latching onto his arm firmly. He seemed to be taking it in stride, speaking to her with a level voice whilst attempting to remove her from his arm. It looked like he was on the brink of extinguishing her presence, instead, however.

Terrified of what they were going to see, the Shuutoku couple turned their heads to Kuroko extremely slowly.

It felt like they were in the climax of a horror movie.

Kuroko's eyes were completely blank, face devoid of any expression in particular at all. He was blinking calmly, completely relaxed. The trio looked like something straight out of a comedy show, and if it were any other situation, a passerby might've laughed.

Not today.

Kuroko inhaled once, then exhaled again. The breath from his lips made his baby blue locks float for the briefest of moments.

He began walking towards the redhead, Takao gaping in horror behind him, Midorima quietly chanting an Oha Asa verbal good luck prayer aloud, cold sweat running down his spine.

"Oh shit." Takao breathed.

Oh shit, indeed.

Akashi was trying his best not to glare at the girl glued to his arm. She was disgusting, probably rubbing her foundation off onto his expensive suit.

He entertained the thought of making her fall to the ground, but decided against it. He didn't want any extra trouble, after all. He noticed the paparazzi the second he'd stepped in.

One by the bottom left corner of the hall. Another seated at the table near the seventh window on the right side, from the top; and a final one lurking near the dining table directly below the centre chandelier.

Akashi sighed.

"Akashi-sama, is there something wrong? Do you want me to… Accommodate you, perhaps?" The girl fluttered her eyelashes at him. He just wanted to sit down in the chair behind him, but he resisted. He knew she'd have no qualms against throwing herself into his lap, after all. Speaking of which, she was really getting on his nerves; especially with the way she was pressing herself up against him in the already hot room.

Sooner or later, Kuroko was going to appear and rip her to shreds, he thought with a laugh.

"Akashi-sama, your smile is so-"

Akashi tuned out the rest of her words as he locked gazes with the very person he'd been thinking about. His throat suddenly felt like sandpaper, and he swallowed dryly.

Kuroko was downright furious.

Akashi could tell - the subtle twitch in his eyebrows, the calculated emptiness in his eyes, the carefully constructed blank expression.

Much too blank.

He was definitely livid, the heir deducted, heterochromatic eyes watching him carefully. Kuroko's expression was just as calculating, and Akashi felt a twinge of excitement run through his body. He'd never seen his precious shadow get truly angry, after all. Kuroko walked closer, standing still until the girl finally noticed him. She furrowed her flawlessly plucked eyebrows.

"What do you think you're doing? You're interrupting Akashi-sama and me."

"There are two things extremely incorrect in that sentence, Miss." Kuroko said, voice filled with false courtesy. "First of all, I have to ask: what do you think you're doing? Because I'm not thinking about what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing. Second, interrupting you and Akashi-sama? I apologise, you must be mistaken, or delusional. If anybody's interrupting…"

Kuroko moved closer until he was pressed up against Akashi's chest, tugging him down with a pull to his crisp tie.

"Sit." Kuroko whispered, eyes filled with a beautiful mixture of malice and ire. He nudged Akashi backwards, who complied and made himself comfortable in the seat. The girl had let go of him out of sheer shock, but now, she readied herself to yell indignantly.

The words died in her throat.

Kuroko boldly seated himself in his boyfriend's lap, legs dangling off one side of the chair. He wrapped his arms around his neck and glared at the girl, only a single eye visible; the other obscured in vivid, vermillion locks.

"It's you, intruding on Seijuurou and me." Kuroko finished. For good measure, he tilted his head to the side, one arm reaching up to loosen his tie, pulling his shirt collar down. The girl audibly gasped at the sight of the bruised neck.

Kuroko could feel Akashi vibrate with laughter.

"Y-you- Akashi-sama… You two are…?!" The girl was a stuttering mess. Kuroko's rage seemed to be simmering down, so Akashi took the opportunity to catch him off guard, flipping him around so that he was facing forward, whilst still on his lap. Kuroko gasped, only to have his eyes covered by Akashi's left hand. The captain applied more pressure, tilting his head back a little further, taking over the role of showing the marks he left on his boyfriend. With his free hand, Akashi maneuvered Kuroko's collar down a little more, showing off the bites beautifully. A sinister smile spread across the redhead's lips, a sliver of his white teeth visible.

Prior to the dinner party, Akashi had sent out details regarding his and Kuroko's relationship to the mass media. By now, it should have been circling, spreading like wildfire; and with this audacious display, there was no way the paparazzi wouldn't sink their fangs into it.

Akashi Masaomi would be utterly defeated, and he would be able to bring his Tetsuya as a formal date to all future parties.

(It was no secret that his father disapproved, after all.)

"Seijuurou, I apologise for my conduct out there." Kuroko mumbled embarrassedly, light pink staining his fair skin. Akashi raised a brow.

"You're apologising, Tetsuya?"


"For what?"

"For…" Kuroko swallowed, still refusing to look up, "For engaging in such a shameful display in front of all your most important colleagues. I let my emotions run wild. For that, I apologise… But I'm not sorry. If it happened again, I would do it without a second thought." He admitted guiltily.

Akashi bit back a smile at the dejected, yet defiant look on his boyfriend's face.

'Such a paradoxical being, and so, so beautiful.'

"Well, then," Akashi said, voice darkening and slipping down a couple of tones, "if you're truly apologising, then I guess it means I don't have to hold back."

"Hold back for wha-"

Kuroko's next words were cut off as Akashi's lips silenced him. He kissed him over and over, never going any further than simple, deep, lip contact. By the time the redhead stopped, he was out of breath. Akashi, however, had other plans. As he leaned in once more, his mismatching eyes glinted dangerously.

"For punishment, of course, Tetsuya." He purred.

All Kuroko could do was submit to the heat.