A/N okay it's been a long time since I wrote for this story. Hopefully I still have the story line down so let's see. Here we go.

Chapter 13

"Barriss we have to go now!" Sadly Barriss wasn't listening to Cody. I feel bad for her and scared at this moment. Luminara was just shot dead in front of her. Rex isn't moving, Fox is returning fire, Shakk and Obi wan are trying to cover Suu and the kids, and I'm just sitting here. I can't believe this happened. This was supposed to be our safe haven. Sadly that isn't going to be the case. At least not yet.

"Ahsoka!" I look at Suu and run over to her. Luckily for me I'm only about two months pregnant so it's not hard for me to run.

"Cut, Fox get Rex and drag him farther from this place. Generals I need you to cover their retreat. Barriss I need you to move." I watch him place one hand on Barriss' shoulder and use the other to shoot at Locke. Somehow he hasn't been hit even though he's a few feet in front of us. Cody finally get's Barriss to move and something flashes on my right. That's when I see what the source it. It's the orange glow of a lightsaber beam.

"Everyone head towards the town. This is my fight and I'm going to finish this." Everyone looks at Rex as if he has two heads. He steps towards Locke and he drops his gun.

"Finally. After all these years you finally have the guts to fight me."

"I've always had the guts to do it. I just found my incentive." He readjusts his grip and then I yell to him.

"Rex, catch!" I throw my secondary lighstaber and he catches it. As he faces Locke he slowly ignites the blade. The mix of the orange and green glare on the visor of his bounty hunter helmet makes him look more menacing than Vader does.

"Time to finish this." He growls and runs at Locke. I quickly turn my head and start carrying Sheila to the town. Everyone else is right behind me. I slow down so Jekk and Shaeeah can run in front of me.

We run into town and I finally look back. Rex is no where to be found. I look at the town and realize why Rex brought us here. This town was the one where me and Rex had thought of having a family after the war.

"He really did keep his promise." Cody and the others run over to me and look around.

"Well, we're finally here. Hopefully Rex is on his way." As if he commanded it, Cody's comlink goes off.

"Speaking of which... Cody here."

"Cody... did you get them to the town?" Cody starts pacing and then looks at us.

"Yeah, we're at the town." Cody sighs and then looks at his comlink.

"Good. Listen I'm just a few clicks out. I'll be there soon. Locke fled the planet. He's not coming back." We all sigh in relief after Rex says that. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Naboo is our safe haven.

"Hey Ahsoka." I look to my right and see Barriss.

"Hey. How are you holding up?" She sighs and then nods.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. This isn't the first time that something like this happened. Cody's been helping me in the past, it's just that..."

"This time it's going to be harder?" She nods and looks at the ground, crushing some rocks with her boot.

"It's going to be okay. Everything is going to get better." I reassure her but I don't think it worked.

"Do you truly believe that? After everything that happened do you truly believe that?" I think about what she's asking and then realize something. Barriss and Cody have been alone for a long time. Rex and I had Cut, Suu and the kids. She hasn't.

"I used to think how you are. That no matter what, everything is going to go downhill. I know that you and Cody were on your own, but now you're not. Barriss I've seen things I would rather not see. Yet through all of that, even when we were at our worst, I've seen that Cut and Rex will do anything to keep this family safe. Cody has proven that he won't let anyone hurt you or the others. I truly believe that we are safe now. I can truthfully tell you that everything will get better." She looks at me and for the first time since her masters death... I see her smile.

"Well then I have no reason to think you're lying." I smile and watch Rex walk up to Cody.

"So... what do you think of the town?"

"So far, I think this could truly be our home." We walk over to the boys and they look at us.

"So... what's going to happen now?" Rex takes off his helmet and hands me my lightsaber.

"As of right now... we need to go to the house and settle in. Then we can figure out what to do." He gives me the same smile he did the day we left the temple. The smile that says everything is going to be okay. I smile and walk over to the kids to get them ready to leave.

"Are they okay?" Suu looks at the two sleeping kids and then sighs.

"I hope so. Jekk is too young to understand what truly happened and Shaeeah was in shock the whole time." I smile and sit next to her.

"I'm surprised that even when your running you can get the kids to sleep." She laughs at my little joke and I can feel the tension slowly leaving and I see everyone becoming looser. Cut puts the DC on his back and Fox holsters his weapons. I stand up and hold my hand out.

"Come on. Rex is trying to find the house. We'll be leaving soon." I pull her up and carry Shaeeah, and Sheila. Suu carries Jekk and then looks at me.

"Ahsoka you shouldn't be carrying two kids when you're pregnant." I scoff and Barriss takes Shaeeah from me.

"You two don't let me do anything fun." They laugh and I shake my head. Shakk walks over to me and smiles.

"Ahsoka be happy that you don't have to carry two kids at the same time now. I heard the news and you will have to carry two or three kids at a time."

"Don't remind me." They laugh and I walk away from them. I really need to get away from them now. I walk over to the boys and they just smile.

"What? Are the girls getting too difficult for you?" I slap Cody on the arm and the clones laugh.

"Shut up." I shake my head and feel Sheila stir in my arms.

"Hey sweetie." I look at her blue eyes and smile. It's been a long time since I could just relax with my daughter.

"I never can forget how closely she resembles you, cyar'ika." I feel Rex's arms wrap around my waist and I lean my head back into him.

"Well I'm sure she'll have your skill set."

"If she does she's going to have a real bad time trying to make food." I laugh as I remember the countless times Rex has failed to properly cook food. He shakes his head and looks down at Sheila.

"Well I found the house, and I made sure that we had some place to put the kids."

"Everyone has been ganging up on me about the fact that I'm pregnant with twins." He laughs and I give him a swift elbow in the gut.

"Ahsoka they are just trying to help you. You're only 16. It's a lot for you to take in." I nod and then look at Shelia.

"I know. So..." Then it hits me. We are on Naboo.

"It would be nice if Padme was here.

"She is." I look at him and sigh. This isn't the first time he's said this.

"I don't mean in spirit. I mean physically here."

"I know cyar'ika. I know." He holds me and the rest get ready to move to the house.

After about a half hour, we finally get to the house. Along the way my Mandalorian vocabulary grew immensely.

"Feir'Fekin long walk. Mother shabuir why did I have to do this osik?"

"Um Rex, have you ever heard her say that?" I hear him laugh and then face them.

"No but I think she's picked up far too much from the boys in the 501st."

"I did not. I do read." He laughs and then looks at me.

"No offense cyar'ika but what were you reading? A Mandalorian swear book?" I decide to mess with him and smirk.

"Nope. I was reading your data pad. By the way... that's some weird stuff you are into Rex." Suddenly I see his face go pale. He stops dead in his track and then I start laughing. Cut walks over to me and holds out his arms.

"Here, give me the ik'aad." I hand him Sheila and wait for Rex to react.

"Soka, you better be messing with me." I shake my head and before I know it I'm on my butt laughing. Rex's face goes even paler and he immediately grabs his data pad.

"Son of a... Ahsoka!" Obviously he sees through my little ruse and I stand up.

"Krif." I run into the house and I hear Rex follow me screaming at Cody.

"Shut up it's not funny!" I hear him run up the stairs and I hide under the bed.

"Alright Ahsoka... I know you're in here." He walks around the room and stops in front of the bed.

"That was not a funny joke. I have things on that pad that you don't need to see."

"Why? You afraid I'll get jealous?" He shakes his head as I crawl out from the bed.

"No it's because Jesse put something on my data pad that I can't remove. He probably had Kix or someone put it on as virus." I smile and he grabs my waist.

"You're still getting punished for that." I smile as he puts me on the bed and straddles my waist.

"Oh I'm so scared. Please bounty hunter, I have a family to get back to."

"Hmm. Well I can't promise you'll be back the same as I caught you." I smile as he pulls my arms above my head and starts kissing my neck. I feel him trailing up my neck and he starts kissing my lekku.

"Rex..." I moan and he smiles as he keeps kissing me. I feel his hands trail down to my hips and I start giggling.

"Rex you can only get me pregnant once at a time. I can't carry three kids."

"Who said anything about getting you pregnant?" I press my hands against his back as I feel him sucking on my monotrails.

"See I know how to..."

"Shut up and kiss me." As I say that I become breathless. He keeps kissing my lekku and monotrails and I can't help myself anymore. I rake my nails down his back and keep moaning.

"Rex do you have your gun in your pants or are you just happy to be on top of me?" He smirks and stops kissing me.

"Want to find out?" I smile and bring his face closer to mine bringing him into a deep kiss.

After what felt like hours of making out with my fiancé I must have fallen asleep. I sit up and hear him talking to the others in the living room.

"You guys really need a new hobby." I walk downstairs and see Barriss, Shakk, and Suu try not to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Don't ask." I smile as Rex walks out of the room and shakes his head.

"You know Ahsoka, it's very interesting to know what you think of Rex." I look at Barriss cautiously and Suu starts going into a laughing fit.

"What do you mean?"

"Really? 'Oh Rex, keep it up. Right there, god you're too good at this.' It's actually pretty funny Ahsoka." I start blushing and they all start laughing.

"You guys are mean."

"I told you not to ask." I shake my head and there's a knock on the door.

"I got it." I walk to the door and see Rex beat me. I stand next to him as he opens the door and the person in front of me leaves my mouth hanging down to the floor.

"But you were... I thought... It's good to see you Padme." I hug her and she hugs me back.

"It's good to see you too Ahsoka."

A/N okay then so there's the 13th chapter of this story. If you understood what the mando'a words meant, good for you since many people don't. Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thanks for everything.