Lol. I forgot to finish my picture of Allen and his new 'image' so you'll have to wait. Senior year kicked my butt incredibly hard and now i've started college. Hehehe

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Just to tell you all, this story is going to deviate from the original, while probably keeping only a few eevents accurate. Also, please tell me if I've made any consistency errors in the plot so far... it's been a while. Hahaha.

Chapter 5

Kanda trailed behind the rugged boy, contemplating a new nickname as if his life depended on it. He didn't even notice backward glances Allen would throw in his direction just to make sure he didn't get hit on or anything.

"Bakanda, what're ya thinking of that's got you scowling like someone just insulted y'er mother?" Allen asked without turning back, snapping Kanda out of his thoughts.

"Nothing you need to be worried about Moyashi." Kanda replied, deciding to give up on finding a new nickname for the moment. "So why doesn't your nickname seem to bother you anymore? Were you just pretending all this time?" Allen scoffed.

"I don' haf'ta answer ya, twat."

Growling, Kanda snapped at the red head. "Stop talking like some illiterate brat! You can speak perfectly normal, so do it!"

Allen looked at Kanda amused and replied, "No way, I 'ave something else to irritate ya with now." He gave Kanda a smug grin and kept walking.

Kanda seethed but kept his composure as best as he could. So much was happening but he had a job to do: bring Allen back. Plus, the faster he did it, the faster he could go back to training.

"Moyashi, we're going ba-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, BaKanda, I got ya. I intended to head back already, but I 'ad ta save the damsel in distress, now di'nt I?

Kanda really wanted to kill the bastard.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

Once the two finally made it back to the Black Order, they were greeted at the door by Lenalee and Lavi. Kanda and Allen were literally on the verge of breaking out into a fight, for what reason, Lavi and Lenalee couldn't have guessed this time, but Lenalee somehow managed to separate the two and tell them about the new misson that had come up while they were out.

Kanda angrily brushed them off and made his way to Komui's office, Allen leisurely following him while Lavi and Lenalee snuck around, lurking in the shadows watching the two interact. Once he reached Komui's door, he didn't hesitate and kicked it open, breaking it off its hinges.

"Oh Kanda, what a pleasant surprise. I was expecting them to take longer finding you. Anyways, I'm oging to have to dock from your pay for the door repairs" Komui's glasses glinted.

Lavi leaned next to Lenalee and whispered, "When did we start getting paid for this job?! I should've been the first to know about this!" Sighing, Lenalee chose to ignore the comment.

"Brother, details of the mission?" She prompted.

"Oh that's right! Reports from Finders in Paris, France, have spotted numerous Akuma in the area. There is the possibility that the Heart is located there, or something suspicious is going on with the Earl. Your main objective is to destroy the multitude of Akuma, and find the reason they're gathering in Paris. Once you do, repoort to me and orders will proceed from there. Your lives are a priority. Don't rush into battle and contact me first. " Komui gave each of the exorcists a long look.

"Brother..." Lenalee said softly, locking eyes with him. "STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!" She chopped him on the head with a book she picked up off the side.

"BUT MY BABY SISTER LENALEEEE~! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO! WHAT IF THAT DEVIOUS, WOMANIZING, ILL-INTENT, PERVERTED REDHEAD TRIES TO MAKE A MOVE ON YOU?!" Komuis sobbed, holding onto hips while pointing at Lavi like he was the black plague incarnate. Lavi chuckled nervously and Allen facepalmed.

"Dear god, I thought you were talking 'bout Master for a sec' there..." Allen shuddered.

"Oh?" Komui stopped sobbing for a second and fixed his glasses with a nudge. "But I was referring to him too. There were also reports about rumors involving a swindling redheaded madman seducing all the women in Paris and pocketing all the money from street thugs while spending lavishly in bars. That's the side mission until the current ordeal is over. Find Cross and bring him back to Headquarters." He said matter-of-factly.

Allen frothed at the mouth and collapsed on the floor.


It's short, but it's better than nothing, right? ehehehe~