This is a one or two-shot inspired by the promo clips and the promo photo from season 6. As a request from AllMcSwarek, I have wrote what I imagine would happen.

Still, I own nothing.

"Sam. How are you?", Marlo Cruz asked as they almost bumped into each other outside the penny.

"Marlo. Good. Great. You? How you been?"

"I uh... was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute actually".

What now? He thought as he looked at his watch. He just wanted to go home to Andy, who left just fifteen minutes ago with a headache from another world. Poor thing.

"Can you make it a quick one? Andy`s waiting at home.", he said firmly. Not smiling nor giving her any indication if he felt unease.

"Uh... Sam, I, I`m pregnant".

When you think you`re about to die, they say that life flashes before them. For two seconds, you see all the things you have been through, and all the things you know you`re about to miss out on. This - was what Sam Swarek was feeling right now.

"What.., uh..."

"Look, before you say something else, It`s not yours. But I figured people would start talking, and before it got that far, I just wanted you to know that.

As he felt one hundred pounds being fork lifted off of his shoulders, he really wanted to smack the woman in front of him.

"Really? You couldn`t have started with that? Are we done?", he asked eyeing her.

"Go home to your girlfriend Sam". He could have sworn her tone was filled with anger and jealousy.

"Yeah, not girlfriend. Fiancé. She`s my fiancé. Good luck Cruz".

He didn`t actually mean to rub it in her face that hard, but for what it`s worth, she just nearly gave him a heart attack.

Within a second, he was gone.

He drove the hell home, filled with a ticklish feeling in the pit of his stomach knowing what was waiting for him.

He also knew he had to tell Andy, before people at the station would start talking. He decided to call her, make sure she had gotten home after leaving him at the penny. She had a headache from hell, and just wanted to go home. Told him to stay, have fun, hang out. She would be fine. Just like she always said she would be. Fine.

She always told him to go out, have fun, play poker, drink beer, or whatever they used to do when the guys would gather up.

Thing is, he didn`t have that need so much anymore. He would rather go home with his future wife, curl up on the big, maybe a little too soft couch she insisted on them buying when they moved in to the house only a month ago, with her in his arms. And then halfway into waiting for the dinner she would have in the oven by the time he got home from work, she would get him a cold beer from the fridge and hold out her hand for him to take it. She would kiss his hair and tell him 'dinner is almost ready', before he could hear the kitchen cabinets open and close, as she would search through them for a couple of plates, because even after a month, she still couldn`t remember where the hell she had put everything. And every time, he got this warm feeling of being home, with her, while realizing that never would he want to be anywhere else.

Then he would chuckle, maybe louder then what he intended, over how messy she really was, because, well, uh this woman! He loves her. Loves the way she dotes him. He realize he may sound a little old fashioned, like he was living in the fifties, but nothing tells him she loves him more than when she would make him dinner, bring him a cold beer, ask how his day was while they eat, and they way she lets him push her down on their bed at night and let him have is way with her.

Every time it would be just as amazing as the first time he tasted her, back when they really shouldn`t, when they where haunted by ghosts, where every time they would near one another, something seemed to happen. And now, he would wake up to her looking at him in their bed, which he intended on staying in for the next fifty years or so. She would meet him with a smile, maybe a raised eyebrow, hinting she was ready for more. He would pull her close, their lips would meet and she always whispered in his ear 'I love you'.

She let herself inside their house, and went upstairs. Opened the patio doors wide open, so the moist air would touch her skin. Dropping her purse on a side table, she noticed a big bucket of yellow lilies on the kitchen counter. Smiling, she saw the card that spelled xoxo. Even though it had been a few months since they got their shit together, it still amazed her and sometimes surprised her all the gestures he would do. Like calling her while on patrol just to tell her he loves her, or telling her how beautiful she is at night, when they are close to falling asleep, or like this - surprising her with flowers on a regular Tuesday.

"Nice move Swarek", she said out loud as she walked up to a kitchen cabinet to get some Tylenol for her headache.

Gulping down the pills with a glass of water, she felt her phone vibrate. She smiled when she saw the caller id.


"Andy, I want to talk to you. I`m on my way home".

"It's been twenty minutes Sam", she joked.

From out of nowhere, she felt a hand on her mouth, and another one grabbing her. She screamed what she could from underneath the hand that was covering her mouth.

"Andy?". Something was wrong. He picked up speed knowing that he needed to get home as soon as possible.

"Andy? ". The only sounds he heard was glass being broken, and something hard hitting the floor.

Never in his life had he drove that fast to get somewhere. And never in his life had he been that terrified not knowing what he would come home too.

He found her leaning over the kitchen island. Holding a washcloth against her forehead, swollen lip with a small cut.

"Andy? What the hell happened?", he almost shouted when he ran up the stairs. He was next to her in a blink, hand on her small back, and his other brushing a stray hair from her face. She was shaking. He pulled her close and kissed her.

She swallowed what seemed to be a sob. "I uh... I don`t know. I was only talking to you, and the next thing I know, someone grabs me from behind, tries to strangle me, shoves me over the table and on the couch. I shove me knee in his or hers, I really don`t know which one... in their crotch and get on top, I punch in the face and get shoved onto the chair, fall back and they ran out the patio door and jump down".

When he see the first tear appear, he pulls her close again. "You`re okay sweetheart". He kisses her again, carefully on the lips, afraid to hurt her. "I`m going to call Oliver. Get a squad car over here okay?"

She nods.

"Can I get you anything?" he asks while his hand touch her back.

"No, but can you just...", she buries herself in his arms. "Just hold me, please?".

So he does. Holds on to her for as longs as she needs. Rubs his one hand up and down her back, kisses her hair, her head and then her lips again. When he feels her cries, not by sound, but by her shaking and the wet spot on his shirt, he lifts her up and carries her to the couch. Her on his lap, arms around her and his face in the crock of her neck.

They stay like that for the next ten minutes. When he knows her crying has stopped, he make the tiniest gap between them and looks at her.

"Andy, we need to call the station".

She nods this time too. Barely gives him a smile, just to assure him that it`s okay. He gets up and head for the kitchen for his phone.

Only then does she realize that they should probably not be sitting on the couch at this point, when it`s most likely evidence. She doesn't care really. It`s not like they will catch the guy or woman or whatever it was. Regardless, she gets up, joins Sam in the kitchen when he`s about to hang up his phone.

To be continued...